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Week 7 of Pregnancy

Graphic of Week 7 of pregnancy. An illustration of a baby at week 7 in the gestational sac.

Week 7 of your Pregnancy

Discovering your baby’s progress since week 6

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Embark on the transformative journey from Week 6 to Week 7 of your pregnancy with London Pregnancy Clinic. Experience the wonder of your baby’s growth with our private early pregnancy scans. Week 7 brings rapid development, from distinct heartbeats to the formation of facial features. Embrace the new changes and the reassurance of seeing your baby’s progress.

Stepping into Week 7 of your pregnancy, you’re embarking on a remarkable phase. Your baby, swiftly growing and developing, is now ready for the next stage of prenatal monitoring. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we understand the excitement and curiosity that comes with this week. It’s a time when many expectant mothers like Sarah and Emily seek reassurance through our private early pregnancy scans.

Key Concepts: fetal development

Baby’s Fast Heart Beat: During week 7, your baby’s heart rate accelerates, typically beating between 120 and 160 times per minute. This rapid heartbeat is a healthy sign of your baby’s growth and development. It’s an exhilarating moment for many parents, often heard for the first time during a viability scan.

Facial Features: By Week 7, your baby, roughly the size of a blueberry, shows significant development. The viability scan often reveals more distinct features and movements. The embryo’s facial features start taking shape, with the brain developing at a remarkable pace.

Rapid Development: 7 weeks marks the start of a huge growth spurt. During this period (between 7 and 20 weeks) your baby’s body parts will grow rapidly and organs such as the heart and brain will develop and increase in complexity. The basic structures of all major body parts and organs are formed during this time, with much of the growth being focused on the brain. Your baby’s brain cells are being generated at a rate of 100 per minute! The first blood vessels of the circulatory system appear. The appendix and pancreas are now evident, and inside the mouth, tooth buds, a tongue and the palate are all developing.

Pregnancy Checklist at 7 Weeks

  • Book your private early pregnancy scan: Clear 7-week scan images can provide valuable information about your baby’s development and well-being. Ultrasound scans, especially the Viability Scan, offer emotional moments for expectant parents, providing a tangible connection to their growing baby and reassurance about their well-being. Despite natural concerns or anxieties, these routine and safe procedures offer valuable insights into the baby’s development.
  • Monitor your health and well-being: As your baby continues to grow rapidly, take care of yourself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods, and staying active as recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • Keep an eye on your nutrition: Keep focusing on foods supporting fetal development and ensuring you get essential vitamins and minerals.
  • You’re not alone, talk to professionals: During the early stages of pregnancy, it’s crucial to communicate with your healthcare provider as your hormones and body begin to change. They can offer guidance, support, and reassurance for any questions or concerns. Your provider has the expertise to address any issues or uncertainties that may arise, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them whenever needed.

Developmental Milestones: Week 7

Embryonic Growth: The embryo now measures between 9mm to 10mm long (from crown to rump – CRL) and is 10,000 times bigger than it was at conception. Your baby’s fingers and toes are now formed, although not separated, giving them a paddle-like appearance. The embryo shows flurries of rapid movements at this stage. The liver is now producing red blood cells, and will continue to do so until bone marrow is formed which then takes over the production of red blood cells.

Gestational and Yolk Sac Development: At 7 weeks the gestational sac typically ranges from 18 to 25 mm. The yolk sac is about 3 mm. Both continue to grow steadily. The yolk sac provides nutrients and aids in blood cell formation until the placenta takes over this role. In Week 7, the gestational and yolk sacs play a critical role in your baby’s development. The gestational sac envelops the embryo, but its presence doesn’t guarantee a normal, healthy pregnancy. An anembryonic pregnancy, or blighted ovum, may occur, where the gestational sac lacks an embryo. This can be caused by various factors. If they are significantly smaller, it may indicate a potential first-trimester pregnancy loss. Seek guidance from early pregnancy specialists and obstetric professionals for further evaluation and support.

Heart Development: Between weeks 6 and 7 of pregnancy, the baby’s heart rate speeds up, usually ranging between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Baby Features Development: By the end of week 6, the ears are continuing to form while the eyes are now covered with the beginnings of what will later become eyelids. Now at week 7, your baby’s fingers and toes are formed, although not separated, giving them a paddle-like appearance. 

What is seen on the Ultrasound: Week 7?

As you enter Week 7 of your pregnancy, the ultrasound offers a more intricate view of your baby’s development, building upon the observations from Week 6. This scan is a window into a world of rapid growth and transformation taking place within you. During the 7-week ultrasound, expect to see enhanced and more distinct images. The heartbeat, which was a delicate flicker last week, is now more pronounced and rhythmic, beating confidently as a testament to your baby’s vitality. 

The gestational sac, your baby’s first nurturing environment, continues to grow, signifying healthy progression. Inside this protective sac, the yolk sac remains visible, providing essential nourishment. It’s a critical component until the placenta fully develops and takes over the role of supporting your baby.

The embryo itself is undergoing remarkable changes. Now resembling a tiny being with a more defined head and a tail-like structure, the embryo’s curved form is more noticeable. This is the period when major organs start forming. The healthcare provider may measure the embryo from head to tail, known as the CRL. Alongside, the size of the gestational sac is also measured, providing further information about the pregnancy’s progression.

This week’s ultrasound is pivotal for confirming the pregnancy’s viability, as it checks for the presence of a heartbeat and helps rule out any complications. Depending on the clarity needed, the ultrasound may be performed trans-abdominally or transvaginally, with the latter often providing a clearer view of these early developmental stages. Each pregnancy is unique, and these developmental milestones may vary slightly from one individual to another but what to expect during the ultrasound scan will remain the same.

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 6 weeks of pregnancy. You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and how small it is - for educational purpose.

    Gestational sac, fetal pole and yolk sac at 6 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 7 weeks of pregnancy. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac, fetal pole and yolk sac - for educational purpose.

    Gestational sac, fetal pole and yolk sac at 7 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

Thinking ahead: Week 8?

As you approach Week 8, expect further growth and development. Your next scan will provide more details about your baby’s progress. Keep following health guidelines and get ready for your next prenatal appointment. To support this critical growth phase, discuss upcoming screenings (we offer free counselling during our Viability Scan for NIPT) and nutritional adjustments with your healthcare provider. Approximately 75% of pregnant women experience morning sickness, which is a common symptom during week 7 of pregnancy. Rest assured, it’s a normal part of the journey. Despite its name, it can happen at any time of the day and is likely caused by hormonal changes and uterine muscle stretching. Nausea and vomiting usually improve between weeks 12 to 14 of pregnancy. Seek medical advice for severe morning sickness and remember, relief is on the way in a few weeks! Hang in there!


Week 7 of Pregnancy FAQs

  • How does 7 weeks pregnant look like?

    At 7 weeks pregnant, your tiny miracle experiences remarkable growth!

    • Baby development: This stage marks rapid progress. Your little one, roughly the size of a grape (around 9-10mm long), showcases significant development. The brain, crucial for future cognitive function, grows quickly, leading to a prominent forehead. Meanwhile, eyes and ears continue their formation, laying the groundwork for sight and hearing. Tiny limb buds, precursors to arms and legs, begin to transform into cartilage, the foundation for future bones. Nerve cells multiply rapidly, supporting your baby’s incredible growth spurt.
    • Maternal experiences: As your baby thrives, your body adapts. The womb expands to accommodate your growing miracle, reaching around the size of a lemon. Common symptoms like fatigue, tender breasts, frequent urination, and morning sickness might arise, though remember, that every pregnancy is unique, and your experiences may differ.

    Disclaimer: Remember, this information is for general knowledge only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalised guidance and to address any concerns you may have.

  • What to expect when 7 weeks pregnant?

    As your baby flourishes, you may notice personal changes as well:

    • Morning Sickness: A common symptom, though it doesn’t affect everyone.
    • Fatigue: It’s normal to feel unusually tired as your body nurtures your growing baby.
    • Sore Breasts: Hormonal changes may cause tenderness or swelling.
    • Food Preferences: You might find your taste preferences changing.
    • Enhanced Sense of Smell: Scents may become more intense.
    • Mood Fluctuations: Hormones can lead to emotional variability.

    Additional experiences some women report include:

    • Metallic Taste: An odd but temporary sensation.
    • Headaches: Ensure you’re well-hydrated and consult a doctor if headaches are frequent.
    • Light Spotting: While it may be alarming, it’s not always a sign of trouble. Seek advice from your healthcare provider for reassurance.
    • Cramps: These can resemble period pains but are generally less severe.

    Advice to Remember:

    • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water is crucial for your changing body.
    • Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet benefits both you and your baby.
    • Listen to Your Body: Rest as necessary and focus on self-care.
    • Seek Support: For any concerns, professional guidance from your healthcare provider is invaluable.

    Each pregnancy journey is distinct. Embrace this special time and the transformations it brings.

  • Can you feel movement seven weeks of pregnancy?

    At 7 weeks into pregnancy, feeling your baby’s movements is usually too soon. Typically, the initial signs of fetal movement, or quickening, are experienced between 13-25 weeks, with some noticing these sensations as early as 13-16 weeks. Initially described as a flutter, these movements can be subtle, often mistaken for gas or similar sensations. The timing of when these movements are felt can be influenced by various factors, including the placenta’s position, the volume of amniotic fluid, and the mother’s body mass index. However, at week 8 of pregnancy, the baby starts moving inside the womb and that can be seen during an ultrasound scan.

  • I am bleeding when I’m 7 weeks pregnant – what do i do?

    Prompt medical attention is crucial for bleeding at 7 weeks of pregnancy. Light spotting may not always be concerning, but professional consultation is essential to rule out serious conditions such as miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Immediately contact your midwife or GP, especially if accompanied by severe pain or dizziness, for assessment and appropriate care.

    Note: This is educational content and not medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider for any pregnancy-related concerns, especially bleeding.

  • I am having twins during my 7 weeks viability scan

    Discovering you’re expecting twins at your 7-week viability scan is a possibility, thanks to the precision of modern ultrasound technology. Particularly, a transvaginal ultrasound can effectively identify twins as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy. This type of scan can reveal the presence of multiple gestational and yolk sacs, fetal poles, and even distinct heartbeats, all indicative of a twin pregnancy. Notably, during the 7-9 week period, transvaginal ultrasounds are highly reliable for assessing the specifics of twin pregnancies, such as chorionicity and amnionicity.


Week 7 is a period of significant progress in your pregnancy. London Pregnancy Clinic is here to support you with expert care and detailed scans. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so embrace your journey with confidence and excitement. Stay tuned for our next update as you continue this incredible journey.

Stay tuned on what your baby’s week-by-week growth will look like on our blog.

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What Is Cryptic Pregnancy?

London Pregnancy Clinic - minimalist, and contemporary design that visually represents the theme of cryptic pregnancy in early pregnancy.

What Is Cryptic Pregnancy?

Understanding the Phenomenon of Silent Pregnancy

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Cryptic pregnancy is a fascinating phenomenon that has puzzled both medical professionals and expecting mothers alike. In this blog post, we will delve into hidden pregnancy, exploring its definition, signs and symptoms, causes, emotional impact, and more. Whether you’re an expecting mother or simply curious about pregnancy-related topics, join us on this enlightening journey.

It’s estimated that approximately 1 in 475 women will experience a cryptic pregnancy until 20 weeks of gestation. Hidden pregnancy is a condition where a woman remains unaware of her pregnancy until very late in the gestation period or even until delivery. While it sounds like something out of a movie, cryptic pregnancy is a real and relatively rare phenomenon. Despite its rarity, the impact on those who go through it can be significant.

What is Cryptic Pregnancy?

Cryptic pregnancy, also known as stealth pregnancy or denial of pregnancy, refers to a pregnancy that goes undetected by the woman herself and often by healthcare professionals as well. The reasons behind this lack of awareness vary, but it’s important to understand that it’s not a conscious decision to deny or ignore the pregnancy. It is characterised by irregular or absent menstrual periods, minimal or no pregnancy symptoms, and negative pregnancy tests.

Signs and Symptoms of Cryptic Pregnancy

One of the most intriguing aspects of cryptic pregnancy is the absence of typical pregnancy symptoms. While some women may experience certain symptoms such as weight gain, abdominal distension, or intermittent bleeding, many others will have no noticeable signs of pregnancy. The lack of these symptoms, combined with irregular menstrual cycles, can contribute to the confusion and disbelief surrounding this type of pregnancy.

Indicators to look out for

  • Missed period: While most individuals recognise pregnancy due to a missed period, this is not always the case. If your periods are irregular, you may not notice a missed period as a sign of pregnancy. However, people may experience spotting or light bleeding, which can be mistaken for a period.
  • Fetal movement: Most individuals do not feel the fetus move until about halfway through pregnancy, so around the middle of the second trimester. If you have an anterior placenta (located at the front of your belly), it may be more challenging to perceive kicks. In the case of cryptic pregnancy, this could be why you are unaware of being pregnant.
  • False negative pregnancy test result: This occurs when someone is actually pregnant, but the test indicates otherwise. If you do not use an at-home pregnancy test correctly, you may receive an inaccurate result. To be certain, it is always best to consult a healthcare provider to confirm pregnancy. Another way you can check whether you’re pregnant or not is by doing one of the pregnancy blood tests.
  • Weight gain or swollen belly: Some individuals may not realise they have gained weight due to pregnancy, or they may attribute an unusually bloated belly to a particular food.

Please note that this response does not constitute medical advice. If you have concerns or questions about pregnancy, consult a qualified healthcare professional.

Factors Contributing to Cryptic Pregnancy

Various factors, both physiological and psychological, can influence cryptic pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances or irregularities can disrupt the usual hormonal markers of pregnancy and lead to false-negative pregnancy tests. Certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or uterine abnormalities, can also affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests. Additionally, psychological factors, such as subconscious denial or a lack of awareness about pregnancy symptoms, can contribute to a woman’s unknowingness. 

Potential complications of a cryptic pregnancy?

Complications arising from a cryptic pregnancy stem from the lack of awareness about one’s condition. These complications may include:

  • Absence of prenatal care: Unaware of the pregnancy, individuals do not receive the necessary prenatal care, such as vital bloodwork, nutritional guidance, ultrasounds, and other essential support required for a healthy pregnancy. Furthermore, not knowing about the pregnancy could result in unassisted labour without the aid of skilled healthcare professionals.
  • Necessity for lifestyle adjustments: Smoking and consuming alcohol have detrimental effects on pregnancy. In the case of a cryptic pregnancy, individuals may unknowingly engage in these harmful practices or use medications and supplements that are generally unsafe for expectant mothers.
  • Elevated risk of medical conditions: Without proper care or diagnostic tests, conditions like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia may go undetected.
  • Heightened risk of congenital conditions: The fetus is at a higher risk of developing congenital conditions due to the lack of genetic tests, like NIPT, or other evaluations that aid in diagnosing the health of the baby.

It is crucial to highlight the potential risks associated with a hidden pregnancy to promote awareness and encourage individuals to seek appropriate medical support. This fact has been highlighted in studies saying that infants born from cryptic pregnancies are more likely to be born prematurely, placing them at risk of poor growth and respiratory issues.

Emotional Journey of Cryptic Pregnancy

The emotional journey of hidden pregnancy is complex and can vary greatly from woman to woman. Discovering that you are pregnant after an extended period of unknowingness can evoke a range of emotions, including shock, confusion, and even joy. It’s crucial for women experiencing cryptic pregnancy to seek emotional support from their partners, family, and healthcare professionals. Counselling and therapy can also be beneficial in navigating the emotional challenges that may arise.

Cryptic Pregnancy FAQs

  • Can stealth pregnancy be prevented?

    Cryptic pregnancy, also known as hidden pregnancy, cannot be prevented as it is often caused by physiological or psychological factors that are beyond an individual’s control.

  • Can cryptic pregnancy occur in women who have regular periods?

    Yes, cryptic pregnancy can occur in women with irregular or regular menstrual cycles. Irregular periods do not necessarily indicate cryptic pregnancy, and regular periods do not guarantee the absence of pregnancy.

    It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a gynaecologist, for accurate information and personalised insights into cryptic pregnancy.

Expert Opinion: For professional insights into the medical aspects of cryptic pregnancy, including causes, symptoms, and diagnosis, you can talk to our in-house gynaecologist Dr. Prashant Purohit. Alongside LPC, he is a Consultant in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Medicine based at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Kings Fertility, London. He specialises in the management of infertile couples, fertility preservation, fibroids, endometriosis, miscarriage, polycystic ovaries, menopause, menstrual bleeding disorders, and pelvic pain. His special interests include minimally invasive surgery like (key-hole) laparoscopic/ hysteroscopic surgery, Gynecological and early pregnancy ultrasound, and reproductive medicine.


Cryptic pregnancy is a unique and captivating phenomenon that challenges our understanding of pregnancy and the human body. While it may be rare, it’s important to acknowledge and support individuals who experience cryptic pregnancy, as their journey can be filled with confusion, uncertainty, and emotional complexity. By raising awareness and fostering understanding, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all women navigating the intricacies of pregnancy.

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What is a Fallopian Tube?

Illustration detailing the expert fertility assessment of fallopian tubes offered at London Pregnancy Clinic.

Fallopian Tubes: all you need to know

Discovering the importance of fallopian tubes for fertility.

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Explore the critical role of fallopian tubes, or uterine tubes, in pregnancy and fertility. This post delves into their anatomy, function, and common issues affecting fertility, providing essential insights for expectant mothers and those planning pregnancy.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the fallopian tubes, an essential component of the female reproductive system. We also explore common pathologies that affect these tubes, leading to infertility issues and complications like ectopic pregnancies. Our esteemed in-house gynae team, brings their extensive knowledge and expertise to this discussion, providing invaluable insights into the significance of maintaining fallopian tube health. Join us as we unfold the mysteries of the fallopian tubes and their vital function in the miracle of life.

What are Fallopian Tubes

In the female body, the pelvis houses two vital structures known as fallopian tubes. One on either side of the uterus. These tubes act as pathways, connecting the ovaries to the uterus. Each fallopian tube is made up of four distinct parts: the infundibulum, fimbriae, ampulla, and isthmus. The fimbriae are delicate, finger-like extensions that gently guide the egg from the ovary into the tube. 

The Role of Fallopian tubes in Pregnancy

Moreover, fallopian tubes are critical in the earliest stages of pregnancy, integral to the reproductive process, and serve a trio of critical functions. They are the conduits for egg transportation from the ovaries to the uterus and the venue where fertilisation typically occurs. Post-fertilisation, these tubes facilitate the journey of the fertilised egg to the uterus, setting the stage for implantation and the progression of pregnancy. The health and integrity of the fallopian tubes are paramount for successful conception as they are closely linked to fertility. Problems with these tubes are a common reason why some women may have difficulty getting pregnant.

Uterine Tube Pathologies & Infertility

According to a report, nearly one-third of infertility cases are attributed to issues with the fallopian tubes, including various pathologies like inflammation and obstructions. Damage to the tube’s cilia can hinder the movement of sperm or egg, contributing to infertility. Additionally, sexually transmitted infections are a known cause of these tubal issues. Let’s dive into the specific pathologies that can manifest.


Salpingitis, an inflammation in the fallopian tubes, often forms part of wider pelvic inflammatory diseases (PIDs). Its hallmark is a thickened tube in the isthmus area, known as salpingitis isthmica nodosa. This condition can resemble endometriosis, potentially leading to fertility blockages or raising ectopic pregnancy risks.

During diagnosis, doctors first look for tenderness and swelling. They may conduct blood and urine tests to spot infection indicators. Swab tests from the vagina and cervix help identify specific bacterial infections. Ultrasound scans of the fallopian tubes and reproductive tract are common. A crucial test, the hysterosalpingogram, uses a special X-ray and dye through the cervix to detect tubal blockages.

Untreated, salpingitis can cause long-term fertility issues and increase ectopic pregnancy chances. Symptoms vary, including lower abdominal pain, nausea, and fever; sometimes, no symptoms appear initially. Antibiotics typically treat this condition, but severe cases might require surgery or IVF. Seeking medical advice early is vital to prevent serious outcomes. Early detection and treatment significantly aid in managing salpingitis effectively.

Fallopian Tube Blockage & Narrowing

Addressing fallopian tube obstructions can significantly boost pregnancy chances. These blockages may develop in various parts of the tube – proximal, distal, or mid-segmental. Testing the tubes’ full functionality presents challenges, yet assessing their patency (openness) is possible with hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy with dye, or hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy). During surgical evaluations, specialists examine the tubes and introduce a dye, such as methylene blue, into the uterus to test its passage through the tubes when the cervix is closed.

Research published in PubMed indicates a notable prevalence of tubal obstruction: 19.1% in primary infertility cases and 28.7% in secondary infertility scenarios. The study highlights cornual blockage’s predominance in primary infertility, whereas complete hydrosalpinx and peritubal adhesions appear less frequently. Due to the frequent link between tubal disease and Chlamydia infection, Chlamydia antibody screening is now a cost-effective approach for identifying possible tubal pathologies.

At London Pregnancy Clinic, we conduct the HyCoSy procedure. This test evaluates fallopian tube functionality by injecting a special dye and monitoring its flow. It also assesses the womb for abnormalities affecting pregnancy implantation. Additionally, we use dye and ultrasound scans to check for fallopian tube blockages or abnormalities. Discover more through the slider below, offering further insights into our advanced diagnostic techniques.

  • Graphic explaining the expert fertility assessment of fallopian tubes offered at London Pregnancy Clinic.

    Fallopian Tubes

  • Educational diagram of female reproductive anatomy focusing on the fallopian tubes provided by London Pregnancy Clinic.

    Fallopian tube diagram

  • Illustration detailing the phases of the menstrual cycle as part of fertility education by London Pregnancy Clinic.

    Menstrual Cycle

  • Infographic showing statistics on blocked fallopian tube prevalence in women, as part of London Pregnancy Clinic's fertility resources.

    Stats on blocked fallopian tube

  • Explanation of the HYCOSY scan procedure for checking fallopian tube blockage, offered by London Pregnancy Clinic.


  • Image of Mr. Prashant Purohit with text highlighting London Pregnancy Clinic's expertise in fertility and gynaecology ultrasound.

    Mr. Prashant Purohit specialist gynaecologist

Ectopic Pregnancy

Statistics and Locations of Ectopic Pregnancies: Ectopic pregnancies, which occur in about 1%-2% of all pregnancies, predominantly implant in the fallopian tubes, with over 98% of cases occurring there. Within the fallopian tubes, the distribution of ectopic pregnancies varies: approximately 75% happen in the ampullary segment, 13% in the isthmic segment, and around 12% in the fimbrial segment. These statistics highlight the critical nature of monitoring tubal health.

Fertilisation and its Relation to Ectopic Pregnancies: It’s important to note that fertilisation typically occurs in the ampulla, the same section of the fallopian tube where the majority of ectopic pregnancies are found. This correlation emphasises the need for awareness and early detection in cases of suspected ectopic pregnancy, as the ampulla is a common site for both normal fertilisation and ectopic implantation.

Understanding the statistics and locations of ectopic pregnancies in the fallopian tubes is crucial. It not only sheds light on the commonality and risks associated with these pregnancies but also underscores the importance of early ultrasound pregnancy scans for detection and intervention. The earlier you scan the quicker we can detect an ectopic pregnancy meaning that we can begin this from week 6 of pregnancy.

Pregnant with Just One Fallopian Tube?

Typically, women possess two fallopian tubes for transporting the mature egg from the ovary to the uterus, where it may encounter sperm. However, a single healthy tube can efficiently undertake this task. Remarkably, up to 85% of women aged 22-28 with only one tube successfully conceive within two years of trying, even following an ectopic pregnancy.

If you have a blocked tube due to scarring, trauma, or a previous ectopic pregnancy, your pregnancy prospects remain normal, considering other health factors. Loss of a fallopian tube might result from pelvic surgery due to infection, tumours, or a past ectopic pregnancy. In some instances, women are naturally born with just one tube. Still, pregnancy is achievable with one tube, provided you have a functioning ovary, you’re ovulating and the fallopian tube is in good health.

If you’re struggling to conceive or have a history of fallopian tube issues, it’s wise to consult your gynaecologist or a reproductive endocrinologist. They can offer a thorough evaluation to guide your next steps. Remember, one healthy fallopian tube can effectively support your journey to motherhood.


Mr. Prashant Purohit, our dedicated in-house gynaecologist at London Pregnancy Clinic, emphasises the need for awareness and timely medical consultation to address these concerns. His expertise in managing these conditions reflects our clinic’s commitment to providing comprehensive care and support to women facing fertility challenges. Understanding the complexities of the fallopian tubes is not just about medical knowledge; it’s about empowering women with the information they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. We encourage you, readers to stay vigilant about their gynaecological well-being and seek expert guidance when needed. Remember, early detection and treatment are key to overcoming obstacles on the path to motherhood.

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Ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy

Minimalist flat design illustration of a very simple ultrasound room at the London Pregnancy Clinic - ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy.

Ultrasound scans during pregnancy

Discovering the importance of ultrasound scanning to demystify it.

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Unravel the mysteries of ultrasound scans during pregnancy. Understand their significance, what to expect, and their role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Experience the joy and reassurance that comes with seeing your baby’s first images.

Embarking on the journey of pregnancy is a thrilling yet complex adventure, filled with excitement, anticipation, and a myriad of questions. Among the most common queries we encounter at our clinic is the significance of ultrasound scans during this special time. Understanding the importance of these scans, often shrouded in mystery, can profoundly change perceptions, transforming them from just a clinical procedure into an invaluable and cherished part of the pregnancy experience. These scans can be done from week 6, as this is when we reach the first major developmental milestone.

The Role of Ultrasound in Pregnancy

Ultrasound scans, a window to your womb, offer a non-invasive peek at your developing baby. Ultrasound technology has revolutionised prenatal care since its inception. Initially utilised in the 1950s for gynaecological purposes, its application in monitoring fetal development during pregnancy was a groundbreaking discovery that has shaped modern obstetrics. The development of the first contact B-mode scanner opened a new window into the womb, allowing for the visualisation of the fetus and transforming prenatal care.

This innovation marked the beginning of using ultrasound to monitor the baby’s development, detect potential abnormalities, and even predict birth weight discordance in twin pregnancies. Today, ultrasound scans are a routine and indispensable part of prenatal care. Most women are offered at least two standard scans during their pregnancy. The first scan, usually conducted between 10 and 13 weeks, is crucial for confirming the due date and checking the baby’s heartbeat. The second scan, typically between 18 and 21 weeks, focuses on assessing the baby’s growth and anatomy in more detail.

What to Expect During an Ultrasound

Understanding what happens during an ultrasound can ease any apprehensions and make the experience more enjoyable. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we encourage patients to ask questions and see this as an opportunity to educate them about the wonders of ultrasound and pregnancy.

Procedure: You’ll recline on a comfortable bed in our serene scanning room. While ‘internal’ and ‘external’ aren’t official medical terms, they are commonly used to describe ultrasound methods. An internal scan, often a transvaginal ultrasound, involves a probe inserted into the vagina for detailed pelvic images. Whereas, the external scan is an abdominal ultrasound, where a transducer glides over the abdomen to visualise the baby and internal organs. Our specialists excel in both types of ultrasounds, providing thorough care and support throughout your pregnancy.

Scanning: While our specialists move the transducer, you may feel slight pressure, but it’s generally a painless process. Traditional 2D ultrasounds provide clear images of your baby’s structure, while advanced 3D and 4D technologies can offer more detailed views, such as facial features or specific organs.

Duration: A standard ultrasound typically lasts about 20 minutes. However, at London Pregnancy Clinic our scans, are more comprehensive and may take up to 30/45/60 minutes. Occasionally, obtaining clear ultrasound images can be challenging. Factors like the baby’s position, movement, body composition, or higher body weight might affect image clarity. However, this is usually no cause for concern. To enhance image quality, we might ask you to take a short walk. This can encourage the baby to shift position. 

Results: At LPC we use Tricefy to share the images and reports with you. It’s important to note that ultrasounds are safe, with no known risks to either the baby or the mother. However, they are an important diagnostic tool, providing valuable information for any potential medical decisions.

What is an Ultrasound Probe

An ultrasound probe, or transducer, directly contacts your body during an ultrasound. It plays a crucial role in both sending and receiving sound waves to create clear images of your baby. Here are the key details you should know:

Piezoelectric Crystals Inside: These crystals change electrical energy into sound waves and back, enabling the probe to send and receive signals.

Varied Shapes and Sizes: Probes differ based on their use. They range in frequency and field of view. Lower frequencies (2.5-7.5 MHz) penetrate deeper, making them ideal for viewing internal structures. Higher frequencies (above 7.5 MHz) offer better resolution for closer, superficial areas.

Different Types for Different Uses: There are external, internal, and endoscopic probes. External ones glide over the skin, internal ones go inside body cavities, and endoscopic ones, attached to a tube, are inserted into the body for closer examination.

Handling with Care: Dropping or improper cleaning can damage probes. They require careful handling to maintain their precision and effectiveness.

In summary, ultrasound probes are essential for generating and receiving sound waves that provide us with valuable images of the internal body structures of your or your baby. Check out our YouTube video on ‘What are Ultrasound Probes‘.

NHS Ultrasound Scans

In England, the NHS provides crucial ultrasound scans during pregnancy at key stages. Hospitals in England offer at least two ultrasound scans, conducted by fetal medicine practitioners, which include the following:

  • 12-Week Scan (Dating Scan): Offered between 11 and 14 weeks, this scan estimates your due date. It may include a nuchal translucency (NT) scan (this is an NHS scan not to be confused with our private Nuchal Scan), part of the combined screening test for Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21). This screening includes a blood test and an ultrasound scan. The scan measures the fluid at the back of the baby’s neck, also known as nuchal translucency. However, unlike Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), it is not considered the most advanced and modern way to screen for Down’s and other chromosomal syndromes.
  • 20-Week Screening Scan (NHS Anomaly Scan): Conducted between 18 and 21 weeks, this scan, also known as the anomaly or mid-pregnancy scan, checks for 11 physical conditions in the baby. These include Spina Bifida, Anencephaly, Cleft Lip, Diaphragmatic Hernia, Exomphalos, Serious Cardiac Abnormalities, Bilateral Renal Agenesis, Lethal Skeletal Dysplasia, Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18), Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13), and Acrania. 

LPC Ultrasound Scans

Following the essential scans offered by the NHS, the London Pregnancy Clinic presents a spectrum of specialised ultrasound scans for expectant mothers. While we endorse the significance of NHS scans, our clinic provides additional, detailed insights into your baby’s development. We are renowned for our proficiency in early anomaly detection but we offer an extensive scan list designed by Dr Fred Ushakov:

Our clinic’s dedication to fetal medicine is evident in our use of the latest imaging technologies, including 2D, 3D, and 4D scans. These technologies allow us to screen various aspects of your baby’s growth and development, providing reassurance and a deeper connection with your baby throughout your pregnancy journey.

Ultrasound scans during pregnancy FAQs

  • Difference between internal and external ultrasound scans

    Internal Scan (transvaginal scan) – involves inserting a specially designed probe into the vagina. Provides high-resolution images of the pelvic organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and in early pregnancy, the developing fetus. Commonly used in early pregnancy stages for clearer and more detailed images. In an abdominal ultrasound, a sonographer applies a water-soluble gel to your belly and uses a transducer to glide over the skin, sending sound waves that create images of the baby.

    External Scan (abdominal scan) – this method involves moving a transducer over the abdomen’s surface. It captures images of internal organs, including the developing baby, placenta, and uterus during pregnancy. Used throughout pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, to monitor the baby’s growth and development. In a transvaginal ultrasound, a longer and thinner transducer is gently inserted into the vagina to get closer to the uterus, offering detailed images, especially in early pregnancy.

  • How many ultrasound scans can I have during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, the number of ultrasound scans you can have varies:

    • NHS Scans: Standard NHS care includes two scans. These check the baby’s size, detect abnormalities, determine the due date, and monitor growth.

    • London Pregnancy Clinic Options: We offer additional scans for more comprehensive screening and reassurance:

      • Early Fetal Reassurance: Includes 2 early scans for early health screening.
      • NHS Complementing Scan: Features 3 scans alongside the standard NHS 12-week and 20-week scans.
      • Comprehensive Scan Package: Provides 6 scans, ideal for high-risk, IVF pregnancies, or those after a miscarriage.

    While you can theoretically have as many scans as you wish, it’s about balancing the benefits with your time and energy. Our packages at London Pregnancy Clinic are designed to complement NHS care, providing peace of mind throughout your pregnancy journey.

  • Can an ultrasound scan harm me or my unborn baby?

    Patients are often concerned about whether or not ultrasound scans harm the fetus during its development. Currently, there are no known side effects and it is widely accepted that ultrasound scans are a procedure safe for pregnancy. There are no known risks to the baby or the mother from having an ultrasound scan, but you must consider carefully whether to have the scan or not.

  • Why scan in early pregnancy?

    We are specialists in early pregnancy scans. Undergoing an ultrasound scan early in pregnancy not only provides essential health information but also plays a vital role in future decision-making. If the scan reveals any anomalies or concerns, it can be a challenging time for you and your partner. Having this knowledge at an early stage allows you both more time to understand the situation, consider your options, and make informed decisions. It’s a process that requires care, support, and thoughtful consideration, and our team at the clinic is committed to providing compassionate guidance every step of the way. An ultrasound scan in early pregnancy is crucial for several reasons:

    • Confirmation of Pregnancy: It confirms the existence of an intrauterine pregnancy, ensuring the pregnancy is developing in the right place.
    • Establishing Gestational Age: It helps determine the gestational age of the fetus, which is key for calculating the estimated due date.
    • Detection of Multiple Pregnancies: Ultrasound can reveal if you’re expecting twins, triplets, or more, which is important for managing a healthy pregnancy.
    • Assessing Pregnancy Health: It checks the health of the pregnancy, including the heartbeat of the fetus, and can identify potential issues early on.
    • Screening for Chromosomal Abnormalities: Early scans can be part of screening for chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.
    • Reassurance: An early scan provides reassurance, especially for those with a history of miscarriage, IVF, or fertility issues.
    • Planning for Future Care: The information gathered assists healthcare providers in planning appropriate care throughout the pregnancy.
  • Why should I do a private ultrasound scan on top of my NHS scans?

    Choosing to have a private ultrasound scan at the London Pregnancy Clinic, in addition to your NHS scans, offers several benefits that complement your comprehensive pregnancy care:

    1. Early Reassurance: Our private scans can start as early as 10 weeks, providing early reassurance about the health and development of your baby. This early insight reduces the waiting time typically associated with NHS scans.

    2. Comprehensive Anomaly Screening: We offer detailed and comprehensive screening for fetal anomalies. These in-depth scans supplement the standard NHS checks, offering a more thorough examination.

    3. Post-20-Week Scans: After the standard 20-week NHS scan, our clinic provides additional scans to monitor your baby’s position, growth, and overall development. These scans can offer reassurance during the later stages of pregnancy.

    4. Availability of NIPT: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), a valuable screening for chromosomal abnormalities, is more readily available in our clinic. While the NHS offers NIPT under certain conditions, our clinic provides more accessible options for all expectant mothers.

    5. Flexibility and Personalisation: Private scans offer increased flexibility with appointment scheduling, allowing you to choose the most convenient times and dates. This flexibility ensures that your appointments fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

    6. Comfortable and Personal Experience: We pride ourselves on creating a patient-centred experience, ensuring each visit is as comfortable and reassuring as possible.

    It’s important to continue with your scheduled NHS scans for a complete overview of your pregnancy’s progress. Private scans at the London Pregnancy Clinic are designed to enhance and complement the care you receive through the NHS, offering additional peace of mind and a more tailored approach to your prenatal care journey.

  • How to prepare for a pregnancy scan?

    Some people think it’s a silly question but we don’t think so! For us preparing for a pregnancy scan is as straightforward as:

    Being Comfortable: Wear loose, comfortable clothing like a top with trousers or a skirt. This choice aids in easy access for abdominal scans and comfort during transvaginal scans. Avoid dresses for pelvic ultrasounds. Instead, choose separates that can be easily adjusted or removed as needed.

    Bringing a Partner: You’re welcome to bring your partner for support during the scan.


Understanding the importance of ultrasound scans demystifies this crucial aspect of prenatal care. It’s more than just a medical procedure; it’s a journey of discovery and connection with your baby. For more information or to schedule your ultrasound, visit our scans page. Our team at London Pregnancy Clinic is here to guide and support you every step of the way, ensuring a healthy and joyful pregnancy experience.

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Week 6 of Pregnancy

Minimalist flat design illustration of a 6-week fetus resembling a small tadpole next to a large yolk sac, representing an ultrasound image for a private early pregnancy scan at the specialist London Pregnancy Clinic, capturing the essence of a 6 weeks early pregnant ultrasound scan.

Week 6 of your Pregnancy

Discovering your baby’s progress since week 5

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Having progressed from the foundational moments of Week 5, Week 6 ushers in a new chapter of pregnancy. It’s a time when your little one, just past the size of an apple seed, shows the first signs of a heartbeat, symbolising vibrant growth and transformation. This period marks an exciting phase of development, building upon the crucial milestones of Week 5.

Welcome to Week 6 of your pregnancy journey, an exhilarating time filled with significant milestones. This week often marks the first opportunity for mothers-to-be to witness the wonders of their growing baby through early scans. As the heartbeat begins and the baby continues to develop, understanding the changes and knowing what to expect can provide comfort and excitement during this special time.

Key Concepts: fetal heartbeat

The First Beat: Around 6 weeks, your baby’s heart begins to beat with a rhythm that will continue to guide their growth throughout the pregnancy. This is a critical milestone in cardiac development, indicating healthy progression.

Observing the Heartbeat: During a 6 week ultrasound, often called a Viability/Dating Scan, you might be able to see the fetal heartbeat for the first time. It’s a profound moment for many parents, symbolising the new life growing inside.

Understanding the Rate: A fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks can range between 90-110 beats per minute and will increase in the coming weeks. This rapid rate supports the fetus’s growing need for oxygen and nutrients as development accelerates. The heart rate is a vital indicator of fetal health. A strong and clear heartbeat offers reassurance of the pregnancy’s viability and normal development.

Pregnancy Checklist at 6 Weeks

  • If you haven’t already, now is the time to schedule your first private early pregnancy scan. This will confirm the pregnancy’s viability and provide valuable information about the baby’s development. You can read more on what to expect during your ultrasound scan here.
  • Continue focusing on nutrition, especially foods rich in folic acid, iron, and calcium. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest to support your body’s increased needs.
  • Be aware of common symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, and breast tenderness. Find strategies that help manage these symptoms, whether it’s through dietary changes, rest, or gentle exercise.
  • As your body continues to change, consider comfortable clothing options and start planning for future needs. Also, begin to think about discussing your pregnancy with your employer to understand any potential work adjustments or benefits. Sharing your news will come naturally when you’re ready, but taking care of yourself and planning ahead? Now that’s just blooming smart!

Developmental Milestones: Week 6

As you enter Week 6, your baby is rapidly growing and developing. Here are some of the key milestones:

Embryonic Growth: The baby, now about the size of a sweet pea, is growing quickly. The length may be around a quarter of an inch or 3-4mm. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby will continue to grow at a pace of 1mm a day. This is a critical period for organ formation. The brain, heart, and other vital organs begin to take shape and grow.

Yolk Sac Development: At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the yolk sac plays a pivotal role in the development of your baby. During this time, it’s normal for the yolk sac to be slightly larger than the fetus. Typically, it continues to grow, usually in a linear fashion until around 10 weeks of gestation. It’s responsible for providing nutrients to the developing fetus and assisting in blood cell formation until the placenta is fully developed and ready to take over this role.

Heart Development: One of the most monumental moments in early pregnancy occurs — the detection of the fetal heartbeat. While it might still be early, and not all scans will reveal a heartbeat at this stage, many parents can witness the rhythmic flickering of their baby’s tiny heart on the ultrasound screen.

Baby Features Development: Tiny indentations where the eyes will develop and small buds that will grow into ears start forming, laying the foundation for your baby’s face. Likewise, limb buds begin to emerge, signaling the future development of arms and legs. These developments are subtle yet signify a period of rapid and complex growth as the basic structures and organ systems start forming.

What is seen on the Ultrasound: Week 6?

As you progress into Week 6 of your pregnancy, the ultrasound experience evolves, bringing new developments into view. Building upon the foundational observations of Week 5, the Week 6 ultrasound typically offers a more detailed glimpse into your baby’s development.

The gestational sac continues to house and protect your developing baby and its increased size from the previous week is a positive indication of ongoing growth and development. Moreover, the yolk sac will still be visible and may have increased in size, mirroring the embryo’s growth. It continues to perform its vital role until the placenta is ready to take over.

One of the most significant and emotional moments that happens when you are doing the 6 weeks pregnant ultrasound is the detection of the heartbeat. Unlike Week 5, where the embryo and its heartbeat are usually not yet visible, the viability scan often provides the first visual confirmation of the baby’s heartbeat. This is seen as a rhythmic flickering on the ultrasound screen.

In addition to the heartbeat, you might also start to see the fetal pole, which represents the early development of your baby. The fetal pole often referred to interchangeably with “embryo” in early pregnancy. Visible as a small structure near the yolk sac during an ultrasound, the fetal pole’s presence and size provide important information about the pregnancy’s progress.

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 5 weeks of pregnancy. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and the newly developed yolk sac - for educational purpose.

    Gestational sac and yolk sac at 5 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 6 weeks of pregnancy. You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and how small it is - for educational purpose.

    Gestational sac, fetal pole and yolk sac at 6 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

Thinking ahead: Week 7?

Looking ahead to Week 7, anticipate more pronounced development in your baby’s structure and form. This week, the embryo continues to grow and refine its features, including the brain and facial characteristics. Your body will also adapt further to pregnancy, with symptoms evolving and deepening. As you prepare for this next stage, consider discussing upcoming screenings (we offer free counselling during our Viability Scan for NIPT) and nutritional adjustments with your healthcare provider to support this critical growth phase.

Week 6 of Pregnancy FAQs

  • Is no heartbeat at 6 weeks normal?

    At 6 weeks, not detecting a heartbeat can be quite common, often due to the limitations of ultrasound technology. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we utilise the latest technology to enhance detection rates. Sometimes, a lack of heartbeat might simply indicate an early scan, possibly within the 5th week of pregnancy rather than the 6th. Early pregnancy ultrasounds might not be sensitive enough to pick up the heartbeat of a very small embryo. In such early stages, a transvaginal ultrasound, being more sensitive than a transabdominal one, is usually preferred. Typically, cardiac tissue begins to pulse at around 5–6 weeks of pregnancy, appearing as a heartbeat on the ultrasound, even though the heart itself is not fully formed.

  • Why is there bleeding at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

    Experiencing light bleeding or ‘spotting’ at 6 weeks of pregnancy can be quite normal. This is often just implantation bleeding, occurring as the embryo embeds itself in the womb lining, typically around the time your period would have been due. Changes to the cervix due to pregnancy hormones might also lead to light bleeding, particularly after intercourse.

    However, it’s crucial to distinguish between harmless spotting and more severe conditions like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, which require immediate medical attention. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms, contact your nearest A&E. Remember, while light spotting can be part of a normal pregnancy, always consult with your healthcare provider for any concerns.

  • At 6 weeks pregnant where is the baby located?

    During week 6 of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan will typically show the gestational sac, yolk sac, fetal pole, and perhaps the heartbeat – these will all be part of your 6 week scan photos. Physically, your 6-week pregnant bump might not be noticeable to others, but you might start feeling some changes like cramping and bloating, making your belly feel a bit larger.

  • What does 6 weeks pregnant look like?

    Your little one is in the early stages of development, assuming the classic fetal position, curled up with leg buds folded inward. Looking somewhat like a tiny tadpole, complete with a small tail, the fetus is nestled securely in the uterus, not ready to move any time soon.

  • What to do when you’re 6 weeks pregnant?

    When you’re 6 weeks pregnant, focus on nutrition that’s rich in calcium, iron, and folate. Include foods like dairy, dark leafy greens, fortified cereals, and beans in your diet. Steer clear of potential hazards like raw meats, deli meats, raw seafood, and raw eggs. If you’re experiencing light bleeding or discomfort, consider booking a viability scan from around 6 weeks to check for any issues and confirm the ongoing health of your pregnancy. The ideal time for this scan is at 7 weeks, but earlier scans might be necessary for some women to ensure everything is progressing as it should.


As you prepare for your first private early pregnancy ultrasound, remember that seeing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is a special milestone — one of many you’ll experience in your journey through pregnancy. It’s a time of celebration and joy, as well as a reminder of the incredible journey that lies ahead. To calculate when the best time for your scan use our pregnancy calculator.

Stay tuned on what your baby’s week-by-week growth will look like on our blog.

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Early pregnancy ultrasound excellence: 2023

Stylised white stork in flight against a peach-coloured backdrop, carrying a black bundle over a simplified, orange-hued London skyline, symbolising early pregnancy care and ultrasound excellence at the London Pregnancy Clinic.

Year of Early Pregnancy Ultrasound Excellence!

London Pregnancy Clinic: Celebrating the Milestones of 2023



Welcome to our annual wrap-up at the London Pregnancy Clinic, where we celebrate a year’s worth of early pregnancy ultrasound excellence and set our sights on the future. 2023 was a year of tremendous growth and profound impact, as we continued to provide exceptional care and support to expectant mothers. We are proud to share our progress, including the expansion of our specialist team, the enhancement of our services, and our ever-growing online community. This reflection not only highlights the milestones achieved but also sets the stage for our ambitious plans in 2024, focusing on further innovation in prenatal care and in-depth discussions on our services, particularly the ‘Smart Test’. Join us as we recount our journey through 2023, celebrating the strides we’ve made in early pregnancy ultrasound excellence.

  • Minimalist graphic of a stork flying over a stylized London skyline, text reads 'London Pregnancy Clinic’s 2023 Wrapped

  • Graphic panel introducing new London Pregnancy Clinic team members with their photos and names, text reads 'New Joiners' with a brief description of their roles

  • Announcement about NIPT service updates with Harmony's logo, text highlights new partnerships and commitment to prenatal care excellence

  • London Pregnancy Clinic team celebrating at a dinner table with festive decorations and a person dressed as Santa Claus, text reads '2023 Happy New Year!

Doubling the Expertise

This year, our healthcare specialists’ team impressively doubled, boosting our capacity for expert care. We welcomed Ms. Shaz Khojasteh and, in December, Ms. Diane Nzelu. Their expertise has been invaluable, enhancing our mission of early pregnancy ultrasound excellence.

2023 marked our inaugural CPD event at Wallacespace. We delved into preeclampsia, Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), and the 10 Week Scan. These sessions bolstered our collaborative approach, all the while maintaining a focus on early pregnancy ultrasound excellence.

Revolutionising Early Pregnancy Scans and NIPT 

Significant changes marked our NIPT services this year. With Harmony’s closure, we partnered with Unity and PrenatalSafe. These alliances ensure that our patients continue to receive the utmost in screening technologies, reinforcing our commitment to early pregnancy ultrasound excellence. As we move forward, our commitment extends beyond providing current services; we are dedicated to researching and adopting the best NIPTs available. This commitment includes not only the screening’s accuracy and comprehensiveness but also the logistical aspects like delivery and result wait times, ensuring that our services are as convenient as they are reliable.

This year, we launched the ‘Smart Test‘, innovating early pregnancy diagnostics. This comprehensive product utilises a dual approach of early ultrasound, epitomising our commitment to early pregnancy ultrasound excellence. As we continue to embrace and refine this service, we are excited to announce that 2024 will bring even more detailed discussions and insights about the ‘Smart Test’.

We plan to delve deeper into how this test is transforming early pregnancy care, sharing the success stories and the science behind it. We’ll provide more educational content, including webinars, articles, and videos, to help expectant mothers and families understand the value and implications of the ‘Smart Test’. Our team of experts will also be available to answer questions, address concerns, and discuss how this innovative approach is part of the future of prenatal care.

Our focus has been on integrating NIPTs that offer a blend of high detection rates, low false positives, and a wide range of detectable conditions. We understand that the waiting period for results can be an anxious time for expectant parents. Thus, we are actively working to reduce this duration by streamlining processes and engaging with faster, yet equally reliable, lab services.

We aim to make NIPTs more accessible to a wider range of our patients, understanding that early and accurate screening can make a significant difference in prenatal care and planning. We are investigating more cost-effective solutions without compromising quality, aiming to include as many expectant parents as possible in the benefits of advanced prenatal screening.

Engaging Community Online

Remarkably, our dedication to educating and engaging with our community translated into significant online milestones. We reached 19,000 subscribers on YouTube, a testament to our engaging and informative content. Each video is a part of our commitment to demystify pregnancy and provide accessible, expert advice. From tips for a healthy pregnancy to detailed explanations of prenatal tests, our YouTube channel has become a valuable resource for expectant mothers worldwide.

Additionally, we received over 300 reviews on Trustpilot, reflecting the trust and satisfaction of our patients. These reviews are more than numbers; they are stories of the personal, positive impacts our services have had. Each review motivates us to continue improving and reaffirms our commitment to providing the highest standard of care.


In reflection, 2023 has been a year of solidifying foundations and embracing growth. Our team’s dedication has been unwavering, fuelled by a shared vision of excellence. Furthermore, our partnerships have strengthened, and our community has grown, all united by the goal of superior prenatal care.

As we look forward to 2024, we are filled with hope and anticipation. Our plans are ambitious, and aimed at further enhancing our services and outreach. Additionally, we remain dedicated to our educational initiatives, understanding their role in empowering expectant mothers.

In sum, 2023 has been a stepping stone, laying the groundwork for a future bright with possibility. We thank each member of our community for their part in this journey. Together, we look forward to continuing our commitment to early pregnancy ultrasound excellence in the coming year.

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Happy Holidays for 2023!

Happy Holidays 2023 from London Pregnancy Clinic! An illustrative 2D minimalist holiday scene with soft baby pink and pale orange hues, featuring abstract representations of clinicians and maternity care, symbolising warmth and festive cheer.

Happy Holidays for 2023!

Our warmest wishes to those pregnant during the holidays! 



As the year draws to a close, London Pregnancy Clinic extends the warmest holiday greetings to all. Join us in reflecting on the year past and looking forward to a new beginning, filled with hope and health. Discover the warmth of being pregnant during the holidays and look ahead to a New Year brimming with health, happiness, and vital early pregnancy scans.

Ho Ho Ho! As the holiday season wraps us in a big, cheerful hug, we at London Pregnancy Clinic are bubbling with excitement to spread some festive cheer and a sprinkle of spectacular news! It’s time to jingle all the way into the holidays with heartfelt wishes and exciting updates.

Double the Joy, Double the Care

2023 has been a remarkable year for us – we’ve grown from a cozy team to a bustling family of 8 clinicians! That’s right, we’ve doubled our capacity, all thanks to the trust and support from wonderful people like you. This growth means more laughter, more stories, and most importantly, more expert hands to ensure you receive the best care on your pregnancy journey.

The London Pregnancy Clinic team embraced festive creativity by designing a unique LEGO Group Ultrasound Set, introducing a maternity care theme to the LEGO City world. This charming set features a pregnant mini-figure, a doctor, and a nurse, celebrating the journey of motherhood and the care surrounding expectant mothers. While not an official LEGO product, it’s been a delightful symbol of joy and imagination at the clinic, with everyone thoroughly enjoying and expressing admiration for the playful concept. The clinic has been abuzz with favorite picks from the set, truly making this festive period more memorable and fun!

The Magic of Early Pregnancy Scans

As we gather round the festive season, it’s not just the holiday cheer we’re celebrating at London Pregnancy Clinic, but also the leaps we’ve made in pregnancy care. Our joy doubles as we reflect on the innovations and advancements we’ve embraced this year, which you can explore in-depth at London Pregnancy Clinic’s Innovations in Pregnancy Care.

Our commitment to staying at the forefront of prenatal care has led us to double our team of clinicians and embrace state-of-the-art technology for early pregnancy scans, including the critical 10 Week Scan. It’s been a year of growing, learning, and most importantly, enhancing the care we provide to you.

We celebrated each milestone, big and small, with the same enthusiasm as preparing for the holiday season. From integrating the latest ultrasound technology to training our team in the most compassionate and effective care techniques, every step forward has been aimed at ensuring your journey through pregnancy is supported, safe, and filled with joy.

Being Pregnant During The Holidays

Imagine the twinkle of Christmas lights reflected in your eyes as you envision the future with your growing family. Being pregnant during the holidaysadds an extra layer of excitement and emotion to the festive season. It’s a time filled with dreams of future Christmases, the first of many with your new addition.

You might find yourself humming lullabies instead of carols, or maybe you’re nesting with even more enthusiasm, preparing your home for both the holidays and your bundle of joy. The season’s spirit of hope and joy mirrors your own hopes and dreams for your little one.

Of course, it’s not without its challenges – navigating holiday feasts with a discerning palate or finding that perfect comfortable spot by the fireplace. Thankfully, Associates In Women’s Healthcare has come up with a list of 5 things to avoid when pregnant during the holidays. But amidst it all, there’s a unique magic to being pregnant during Christmas – a celebration of life, love, and new beginnings.


From heartwarming early scans to the joyous growth of our team, this holiday season is a beacon of celebration and hope. We’re geared up to enter the New Year with even more passion and dedication to your care. Remember, our doors are always open, and our team is ever-ready to support your journey with expertise and empathy.

So, here’s raising a toast to the past, present, and future – filled with health, happiness, and countless reasons to smile. Cheers to a fantastic holiday season!

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Early Fetal Scan Explained

Graphic of Early Fetal Anomaly Scan. An illustration of a mother thinking about the normal development of her baby's brain.

Early Fetal Scan Explained

Shaz Khojasteh is an advanced Specialist Sonographer in Fetal Medicine, Gynaecology and Fertility in Central London. Gynae Scans and Follicle Tracking Scans in London.

Miss Shaz Khojasteh on why scanning at 12-16 weeks is important for Mothers.



The early stages of pregnancy are a time of wonder and crucial development. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we offer a thorough Early Fetal Scan to nurture early prenatal care and provide expectant parents with detailed insights into their baby’s early development.

When I joined the London Pregnancy Clinic, the importance of the Early Fetal Scan became vividly clear through experiences with expectant parents. This critical scan, offering a glimpse of their baby’s developing heartbeat and form, goes beyond just a medical check-up; it’s an early, reassuring window into the baby’s well-being and a vital tool for detecting potential anomalies. At the clinic, we do more than just scans; we provide a journey of reassurance, care, and emotional support, making each early pregnancy scan a crucial, heartwarming step in the beautiful journey of parenthood.

The Basics of Early Fetal Scan

Performed between the crucial 12-16 week mark, the Early Fetal Scan is an essential part of your prenatal care regimen. It provides a detailed look at your baby’s development, including their physical structure, heart rate, and movement. This scan also assesses the health of the placenta, which is vital for your baby’s nourishment and growth. 

Importance of Early Fetal Scan

Early Detection of Anomalies: This scan plays a critical role in the early detection of over 100 different structural abnormalities. These include severe heart defects, early brain anomalies, spina bifida, lethal skeletal dysplasias, and other serious structural conditions. The scan even has the precision to detect minute details such as missing fingers, providing a comprehensive view of the baby’s development.

Beyond Structural Analysis: While this scan is adept at identifying structural abnormalities, it’s important to note that ultrasound alone cannot detect chromosomal conditions. A baby may appear structurally normal but still have chromosomal defects like Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21). If you haven’t already done this with an earlier pregnancy scan like our 10 Week Scan, we strongly recommend doing a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). Complementing our 12-16 week pregnancy scan with NIPT will help identify such chromosomal syndromes and is currently the best screening option available and it is part of our signature Ultrasound plus NIPT Dual Approach.

12-16 week Ultrasound Images of the baby

Here are some of the pictures you can get of your baby at 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy using our state-of-the-art Voluson ultrasound machine.

  • Ultrasound scan image of a baby at 13 weeks. You can see the amazing definition of the scan, showing the individual fingers of the baby. At this stage the baby is about the size of a plum (7cm).

    13 weeks of pregnancy

    Captured via ultrasound at 13 weeks, this image showcases the incredible clarity of our scanning technology, revealing even the tiny fingers of the baby in amazing detail.

  • 3D ultrasound image of a 14-week-old fetus, showcasing detailed features and development

    14 weeks of pregnancy

    3D ultrasound image of a 14-week-old fetus, showcasing clear features and a serene pose often described by patients as the ‘sucking of the thumb in the womb’.

Your Experience with Early Fetal Scans

We achieve the best results by combining external (transabdominal) and optional internal (transvaginal) scans, adapting to factors like womb position, fetal position, and maternal abdominal wall thickness. While our high-resolution transducers often suffice with transabdominal scans, around 10% of women with a retroflexed uterus may benefit more from a transvaginal scan. We ensure you’re fully informed and comfortable with your scanning choices. You can read more about what to expect during a pregnancy scan here.

Your  frequently asked questions about Early Fetal Scan:

When should I do this early pregnancy scan? 

Schedule Scan at 14-16 Weeks: Post 10 Week Scan and NIPT for a detailed anomaly check, as the baby’s advanced development at this stage allows for more comprehensive screening.

Early Scan at 12-13 Weeks for First-Time Checks: If no early anomaly scan was performed by 10 weeks, opt for this ultrasound scan combined with NIPT for effective Down’s syndrome screening.

Address Unclear NHS 12 week scan Findings with Echocardiography: For inconclusive first trimester results, like increased NT, our Early Baby Heart Scan provides an in-depth heart evaluation and a thorough early baby scan.

Can an early fetal scan detect all fetal anomalies? While no single test can diagnose all fetal anomalies, our early baby scan at London Pregnancy Clinic identifies many, particularly severe abnormalities that might lead to disability or require early intervention. However, certain anomalies, especially those affecting late brain or heart development, may not be detectable at 12-13 weeks. We recommend follow-up scans at 20-22 weeks and 28-29 weeks for comprehensive monitoring, alongside maintaining your NHS scan schedule, to ensure the best care for your pregnancy

  • Promotional graphic from London Pregnancy Clinic on pioneering the Early Fetal Scan and the story behind this groundbreaking scan

    London Pregnancy Clinic Scan Overview

    London Pregnancy Clinic Scan Overview

  • Infographic highlighting the dilemma of scan timing in the first and second trimester for early prenatal care

    Why we need 12 to 16 week private pregnancy scan?

    Why we need 12 to 16 week private pregnancy scan?

  • Educational graphic explaining the 12-16 week ultrasound scan process, screening for over 100 anomalies at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    What is Early Fetal Scan?

    What is Early Fetal Scan?

  • Informative diagram showcasing the reasons for early fetal scanning at 12 weeks and its importance in detecting fetal anomalies.

    Why do Early Fetal Scan?

    Why do Early Fetal Scan?

  • Timeline showing the optimal period for the EF Scan in the first trimester, aligning with developmental milestones

    Best time for EF Scan?

    Best time for EF Scan?

  • Closing graphic from London Pregnancy Clinic thanking readers and inviting dialogue about the importance of early fetal scans.

    Get in touch

    Get in touch


The Early Fetal Scan is a pivotal part of your pregnancy journey, offering invaluable insights for peace of mind and informed decision-making. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we’re committed to providing detailed, compassionate care during this vital phase of your pregnancy.

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Innovations in Pregnancy Care

An illustration for a blog post about a London Pregnancy Clinic event, depicting a serene winter scene with a doctor holding a snowflake wand beside a giant, glowing snow globe. Inside the globe, a peaceful foetus is curled up, akin to a budding flower on a tree branch, symbolising the clinic's nurturing approach to prenatal care.

Innovations in Pregnancy Care

An evening dedicated to LPC’s commitment towards “Innovative Pregnancy Care”



London Pregnancy Clinic’s recent “Innovative Pregnancy Care” event was a confluence of expertise and insight, shaping the future of prenatal care. Leading professionals gathered to discuss breakthroughs in early diagnostics and patient education, emphasising LPC’s forward-thinking approach.

A December evening at Spitalfields Market was transformed into a hub of medical expertise during the London Pregnancy Clinic’s event. The focus was on pioneering approaches in prenatal care, particularly the 10 Week Scan,  Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), and pre-eclampsia diagnosis.

Advancing the 10 Week Scan

The evening began with Ms. Shaz Khojasteh, LPC’s clinical lead, greeting each attendee with a warmth that matched her expertise. Her introduction was not just an opening speech but a heartfelt welcome to LPC’s family. She shared with the audience our signature 10 Week Scan, which isn’t just a routine check. It’s a comprehensive examination of the baby’s anatomy, providing vital developmental insights at a crucial early stage, thereby enriching the information gathered before conducting NIPT.

Demystifying NIPT – Dr Fred Ushakov’s Perspective

The spotlight then shifted to Dr. Fred Ushakov, whose speech was not only insightful but also visionary. He spoke passionately about his mission, in collaboration with the London School of Ultrasound and UCLH, to train the next generation of doctors and sonographers. His goal is to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage early pregnancy scans to their full potential, enhancing patient care and pregnancy outcomes. This mission, he explained, is vital in ensuring that every pregnancy is approached with the utmost care and precision.

Dr Ushakov then addressed a common misunderstanding about NIPT. He emphasised that while NIPT is effective, it’s not all-encompassing. Patients may misinterpret it as a guarantee against all prenatal issues, not realising that conditions more severe than Down’s syndrome can occur and cannot be detected by NIPT. He further highlighted the importance of the dual approach (watch the explainer video here) that he instilled at LPC. Dr. Ushakov’s call for broader education and comprehensive scanning techniques underscored the need for a more informed approach to prenatal care.

Advocacy for Pre-eclampsia Awareness

Next, we were captivated by Dr. Daniel Stott, whose talk about pre-eclampsia was as enlightening as it was heartfelt. It was clear from his words and the energy in his voice just how dedicated he is to this topic. Dr. Stott walked us through the workings of a groundbreaking blood test for pre-eclampsia. With an approachable manner, he explained how this test isn’t just for identifying pre-eclampsia; it’s a crucial tool in carefully guiding expectant mothers through the rest of their pregnancy. 


As the expert talks wrapped up, the event naturally transitioned into festive networking. It was a perfect opportunity for attendees to connect, exchange experiences, and build professional ties in a holiday atmosphere. The evening emerged as a crucible of innovative ideas and shared goals for advancing prenatal care. Leaving the market, we carried with us the night’s insights and a renewed hope for the future of prenatal health. The event proved to be not just a confluence of minds but a beacon of hope for prenatal care’s future.

A special thank you to our sponsors Eurofins.

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Week 5 of Pregnancy

Graphic of Week 5 of pregnancy. An illustration of a baby in the ultrasound machine.

Week 5 of your Pregnancy

Discovering your baby’s progress since week 4

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Having journeyed through the early whispers of Week 4, we now step into the heart of your pregnancy story: Week 5. It’s a chapter filled with vibrant growth and transformation. Imagine your little one, still as tiny as an apple seed, beginning a significant journey into the embryonic period.

Week 5 of pregnancy, it’s all about growth and transformation. Your little one is busy developing, cell by cell, quickly growing from the size of a poppy seed in week 4 (watch video here) to an apple seed. We’ll explore these changes together, learn how to take care of yourself during this time and get a peek into your baby’s development with early ultrasounds. So, let’s dive into Week 5, where every day brings something new and amazing in your pregnancy journey. So let’s navigate the changes unfolding, how to care for yourself, and what to expect from medical check-ups.

Key Concepts: embryonic period

During Week 5 of your pregnancy, a crucial phase begins as your baby, the size of an apple seed, enters the embryonic period. This week marks the foundation for major organs and systems. Hormonal changes, especially increases in progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are vital in supporting this stage. These hormones maintain the uterine lining and ensure the continuation of progesterone production, crucial for pregnancy health. As a result, you might notice early symptoms like fatigue and nausea. Understanding these changes is key to navigating the early stages of your pregnancy journey.

Pregnancy Checklist at 5 Weeks

While it’s still early in your pregnancy, there are some important steps you can take:

  • Confirm your pregnancy with a test if you haven’t already.
  • Schedule your first prenatal appointment to discuss your health and pregnancy. At London Pregnancy Clinic it’s called the Viability/Dating Scan. Use our pregnancy calculator to work out the best time for your scan.
  • Begin focusing on a pregnancy-safe diet and lifestyle, emphasising foods rich in folic acid and essential nutrients.

Developmental Milestones: Week 5

Growth of the Gestational Sac: This week, the gestational sac, housing your developing baby, continues to grow. It’s a clear sign of your pregnancy’s progression, providing a protective and nourishing environment for the embryo.

Yolk Sac Development: The yolk sac plays a crucial role at this stage, providing essential nutrients before the placenta is fully operational. It also contributes to the early stages of the circulatory system by producing blood cells, supporting the developing embryo’s needs. This process is essential for supporting the growing needs of your embryo and is closely tied to the growth of the gestational sac.

Heart Development: Now your baby’s heart begins its incredible journey. Initially emerging as a simple tube-like structure, it’s preparing to pulsate and evolve into a sophisticated four-chambered heart in the coming weeks. Although it’s not beating just yet, this early stage sets the stage for one of life’s most vital rhythms.

Brain and Spinal Cord Formation: Alongside the heart, the neural tube, which will become the brain and spinal cord, starts to take shape. This tube forms the bedrock of the entire nervous system, integral for everything from physical movements to cognitive functions. It’s a complex process that lays the foundation for your baby’s future mental and physical capabilities.

Emergence of Other Organs: Week 5 also marks the beginning of other organ formations. Organs like the kidneys and liver start to form, albeit in their very preliminary stages much like the heart.

What is seen on the Ultrasound: Week 5?

During the Week 5 ultrasound, expect to see the gestational sac (which has dramatically increased in size since Week 4), the first structure visible on an ultrasound, indicating your pregnancy is progressing well. This small, fluid-filled sac is where your baby will develop. Inside it, the yolk sac may also be visible, which is crucial for providing nutrients to the developing embryo and for blood cell production in these early stages. However, it’s important to remember that at this stage, the embryo itself and its heartbeat are usually not yet detectable.

It’s common not to see the embryo or hear a heartbeat during a Week 5 ultrasound. The embryo is still very small, and the heartbeat typically becomes detectable around the 6th or 7th week of pregnancy. While we know it’s tempting to have an early ultrasound, we at London Pregnancy Clinic recommend waiting until at least week 6 for your first scan. This crucial ultrasound provides a tangible glimpse into your pregnancy, offering reassurance and joy as you embark on this extraordinary journey.

  • Gestational sac at 4 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

    Gestational sac at 4 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 5 weeks of pregnancy. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and the newly developed yolk sac - for educational purpose.

    Gestational sac and yolk sac at 5 weeks of pregnancy as seen on ultrasound scan.

Thinking ahead: Week 6?

Looking forward to Week 6, expect continued development of your baby’s facial features. You may also start experiencing more pronounced pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue. It’s a time to start preparing both mentally and physically for these changes.

Week 5 of Pregnancy FAQs

  • How common is it for my baby to have a heartbeat at 5 weeks?

    Your baby is an embryo (not a fetus just yet) and can have a heartbeat at 5 weeks of pregnancy, but it is not very common. The fetal heartbeat usually starts to beat between 5 and 6 weeks gestation, and it may be detectable via ultrasound around this time.

    Here are some reasons why the heartbeat might not be detected on an ultrasound at 5 weeks:

    • The embryo is too small.
    • The heartbeat is too faint.
  • What if there is no yolk sac at 5 weeks?

    Patients have asked us why is there no sac seen when 5 weeks pregnant. The yolk sac is usually visible on an ultrasound between 5 and 6 weeks gestation. If there is no yolk sac visible on an ultrasound at 5 weeks, it could be a sign of a miscarriage. 

    However, it could be a sign that the estimated gestational age is wrong. This could happen if your last menstrual period was inaccurate or if you were ovulating later than you thought.

    In this case, we may recommend a follow-up ultrasound in a week or two to see if the yolk sac has developed.


Week 5 of your pregnancy is a time of rapid and incredible changes. While you might start feeling different physically and emotionally, remember, these are signs of your baby’s healthy development. Stay informed, take care of yourself, and prepare for the exciting journey ahead. If you have any concerns, our team at London Pregnancy Clinic is always here to guide you.

Stay tuned on what your baby’s week-by-week growth will look like on our blog.

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