Your first scan with the NHS is likely to be the Nuchal Translucency/Dating scan at 11-14 weeks. This scan is predominantly designed to screen for the same chromosomal anomalies as NIPT using an older methodology developed in the 1990s. NIPT is a far more advanced test developed in 2011 with a much higher accuracy.
Most crucially, majority of NHS Trusts have no protocols for structural anomalies screening until ~20 weeks. Our scans are especially designed to screen for every anomaly detectable from an early gestational age and will improve the management of the pregnancy.
Yes, of course. We use Tricefy which is a secure cloud system to upload images from your scan to be viewed before you even leave the scanning room! You will also receive a hard and soft copy of your detailed ultrasound report as well as some high-quality colour printouts for you to take home with you!
Tricefy also allows you to download the images from the scan and share him with your loved ones via message/social media.
We provide still ultrasound images for you to take away with you on the day. We also send these to you electronically, with a couple of video clips. We provide a USB stick with the full 3D/4D experience.
We strongly recommend following the advice of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives regarding the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy. It is strongly recommended to take your COVID-19 jabs, including the booster jabs, to protect yourself and your unborn baby from infection. If you have an underlying health condition, it is strongly advised to discuss your COVID-19 vaccination with your regular GP or healthcare provider.