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Tag: first pregnancy scan

A Journey Through the First 10 Weeks of Pregnancy: Week-by-Week Guide & Ultrasound Scans

The first 10 weeks of pregnancy are truly transformative. As the foetus develops rapidly during this period, the significance of each week becomes ever more pronounced. If you’re an expectant mother or just curious about this marvellous journey of life, join us as we navigate through the initial 10 weeks, emphasising the value of ultrasound pregnancy scans.

Week 1 & 2: Although these weeks precede conception, they mark the beginning of the pregnancy timeline, starting from the first day of your last menstrual cycle.

Ultrasound Scan: Generally, no scans take place during these weeks. However, it’s an opportune moment to see your GP and plan your pregnancy journey. Consider Beta HCG pregnancy test.

Week 3: The magic begins! The sperm meets the egg, resulting in a zygote, which embarks on its journey through the fallopian tube.

Ultrasound Scan: It’s early days, and while an ultrasound won’t show much, an at-home test could provide the first inklings of pregnancy.

Week 4: As the zygote morphs into a blastocyst and finds its home in the uterus, the baby’s development begins in earnest.

Size: Not larger than a poppy seed.

Ultrasound Scan: Some women may opt for an early transvaginal scan which might show the start of a gestational sac.

Week 5: Layer separation occurs in the embryo, signalling the beginning of the baby’s organ development. The neural tube, the precursor to the spine and brain, begins to form.

Size: Tiny, approximately the size of a sesame seed.

Growth Factor: Grown about 2 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: A transvaginal scan can now possibly show the gestational sac. If you’re exhibiting symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, consider a scan (pain low down and on one side of your abdomen, bleeding from your vagina, pain in the tip of your shoulder, discomfort when going to the toilet, a brown watery discharge from your vagina.)

Week 6: With the formation of limb buds and a heart that’s started beating, this week is crucial.

Size: As large as a lentil.

Growth Factor: Grown about 3 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: A heartwarming moment for many, as the baby’s heartbeat may be visible! Consider our Viability Scan.

Week 7: Brain development accelerates and facial features start shaping up.

Size: About the size of a blueberry.

Growth Factor: Grown about 2 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: The scan reveals an increasingly defined shape, including a clearer heartbeat. Book our Viability scan from this point to 9 weeks.

Week 8: The foetus now has tiny fingers and toes, and the skeletal structure begins to form.

Size: Almost as big as a raspberry.

Growth Factor: Grown by 1.5 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: Budding limbs are now visible, making this scan a particularly exciting one.

Week 9: Most of the baby’s critical body parts are now in place and will keep maturing.

Size: Comparable to a cherry.

Growth Factor: Grown about 1.3 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: The baby’s shape and movements become more evident, although they can’t be felt just yet.

Week 10: Muscular and skeletal structures continue to solidify, and the tiny nails begin to emerge.

Size: Almost the size of a strawberry.

Growth Factor: Grown by 1.2 times from the previous week.

Ultrasound Scan: Now, you can witness finer details of your baby’s development, from the nails to its more discernible body shape. Book our 10 week scan, and consider NIPT.

To sum up: From a microscopic beginning to the size of a strawberry, the journey of the first 10 weeks of pregnancy is nothing short of miraculous. Ultrasound scans become a window to this evolving world, illustrating the baby’s swift progress. As the journey continues, prioritising health and staying informed during these foundational weeks is of paramount importance. The adventure has only just commenced!