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Tag: Fertility Treatments

Spital Clinic GP Partnership

Minimalist illustration of a Spital Clinic GP interacting with patients, including a pregnant woman, in a supportive environment. The design uses light orange and baby pink tones, representing the partnership with London Pregnancy Clinic, and emphasises holistic care and reassurance.

LPC x Spital Clinic Partnership

What You Need to Know about Spital Clinic GP

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London Pregnancy Clinic proudly announces our partnership with the Spital Clinic GP. This collaboration enhances our holistic, high-quality healthcare services. Together, we provide comprehensive care that includes general practice, sexual health, and specialised women’s health services. This partnership ensures that our patients receive the best care possible, supported by experienced professionals and cutting-edge facilities. In this blog, we will explore the services offered at Spital Clinic and why this partnership is vital for our mission to deliver holistic healthcare.

We are excited to announce a new partnership between London Pregnancy Clinic and Spital Clinic, aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare services we offer. This collaboration allows us to provide a broader range of medical services, ensuring our patients receive comprehensive care. From general practice to specialised women’s health services, our combined expertise guarantees top-tier healthcare for all.

Spital Clinic GP Services

Spital Clinic’s general practitioners (GPs) offer a variety of primary care services designed to address common medical conditions, manage chronic diseases, and promote overall health. The general practice services are comprehensive and tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs. They provide diagnosis and treatment for common medical conditions and offer referrals to specialists when needed, ensuring you receive the most appropriate care. Regular check-ups and health screenings help maintain your health and well-being.

Managing long-term conditions is crucial for maintaining a good quality of life. Spital’s GPs work closely with patients to manage diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Tailored treatment plans help you stay healthy and manage your condition effectively. Spital Clinic offers a full range of routine vaccinations and travel immunisations. Keeping up to date with vaccinations is essential for preventing disease and protecting your health. Spital Clinic GPs ensure that you receive the necessary vaccinations for your specific needs.

Spital Clinic can perform certain minor surgical procedures on-site, including skin tag removals and joint injections, providing quick and effective treatment without the need for a hospital visit. Preventive healthcare is a cornerstone of our services. Spital Clinic offers health checks, cancer screenings, and lifestyle counselling to help you maintain your health and prevent potential issues. Their GPs are dedicated to providing the best preventive care possible.

Reproductive Health

Sexual health is an important aspect of overall well-being. Spital Clinic provides comprehensive sexual health services in a confidential and supportive environment. Our team is committed to helping you maintain your sexual health and well-being. We offer confidential testing and treatment for a range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HIV. Early detection and treatment of STIs are crucial for maintaining sexual health.

Spital Clinic offers a full range of contraceptive options including condoms, the pill, the patch, the ring, the implant, the IUD, and the IUS. Our GPs provide advice on the best contraceptive method for your needs and lifestyle. Their specialist GPs offer personalised advice on sexual health topics such as healthy relationships, safer sex practices, and sexual dysfunction. This is done to support you in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. Routine cervical screening tests are essential for detecting abnormal cervical cells that could lead to cervical cancer if not treated. GPs can provide regular Pap smears to monitor your cervical health and catch any issues early. 

LPC on the other hand can offer pregnancy testing services and provide referrals for further care, including antenatal services, pregnancy ultrasound or Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). This way our team and Spital Clinic’s GPs support you through every step of your pregnancy journey.

Women’s Health GP Services

Women’s health is a key focus at Spital Clinic. Their female GPs have specialised expertise in women’s health, offering personalised care for various concerns. Spital is committed to providing comprehensive women’s health services in a supportive and compassionate environment. Regular gynecological check-ups are crucial for preventive healthcare. Their Women’s health GPs perform annual exams to monitor your reproductive health and detect any health issues early.

Menopause can be a challenging time for many women. Our GPs provide assessments and advice for managing menopausal symptoms, offering personalised care to help you navigate this stage of life with ease. We offer initial assessments and referrals for pregnant women, ensuring you receive the best care from the early stages of pregnancy. We provide support and guidance to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Our GPs address a variety of other women’s health concerns, including issues related to thrush, fertility, and more. Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of women’s health needs professionally and compassionately. 

  • Spital Clinic GP Partnership with LPC

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - GP services

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Health Screenings

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Ultrasound Scans

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Sexual Health Screenings

London Pregnancy Clinic Role

London Pregnancy Clinic supports Spital Clinic by providing specialised pregnancy, fertility, and gynecological services. This collaboration ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care throughout their healthcare journey.

Our team includes obstetricians, fetal medicine specialists, and midwives. We support you through every stage of pregnancy, from initial assessments to postnatal care. Our services include pregnancy scans, maternal medicine packages, and NIPT blood tests. We offer comprehensive fertility services to support your journey to parenthood, including fertility assessments, treatment plans, and ongoing support. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your fertility goals.

Our gynecological services cover a wide range of needs, including routine check-ups, treatment for gynecological conditions, and specialised care. We provide personalised care to ensure your health and well-being.

Why This Partnership is Important

This partnership is a significant step in our journey to offer holistic care. By combining our expertise, we provide comprehensive services that address all aspects of health. This ensures that our patients receive the best possible care at every stage of life. Holistic care means looking at the whole person, not just their symptoms. Our partnership allows us to provide integrated care that considers all aspects of health. This approach ensures better outcomes and a higher quality of life for our patients.

The collaboration with Spital Clinic enhances our service offerings. We can now provide more comprehensive care, from general practice to specialised women’s health services. This means our patients have access to a wider range of services in one convenient location. Our combined team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best care possible. By working together, we ensure that our patients receive high-quality, personalised care tailored to their needs.

Located conveniently in the heart of the City of London, Spital Clinic offers easy access to comprehensive healthcare services. This partnership ensures seamless continuity of care, with all necessary information securely managed and shared between our facilities.

Final Thoughts

We believe this partnership will significantly enhance our ability to provide high-quality, accessible healthcare. Whether you need a GP for general health concerns, sexual health services, or specialised women’s health care, Spital Clinic and London Pregnancy Clinic are here to support you. For more information about our services and to book an appointment, please visit Spital Clinic GP or contact our friendly staff.

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Fibroids Awareness Month

London Pregnancy Clinic Fibroids Awareness Month

Fibroids Awareness Month

What You Need to Know

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Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus). These growths, made up of muscle and fibrous tissue, can vary in size and are sometimes called uterine myomas or leiomyomas. Many women are unaware they have fibroids, but those with symptoms may experience heavy periods, abdominal pain, and other discomforts. This blog post will explore the causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment options, and the impact of fibroids on fertility.

Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas or leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus. They consist of muscle and fibrous tissue and can range in size from a pea to a melon. Although common, affecting around 2 in 3 women at some point in their lives according to the NHS, many women are unaware they have fibroids due to the absence of symptoms. However, for those who do experience symptoms, fibroids can significantly impact their quality of life.

Symptoms of Fibroids

While many women with fibroids remain asymptomatic, approximately one-third may experience symptoms such as:

  • Heavy or painful periods: Menstrual bleeding that is unusually heavy or lasts longer than normal.
  • Abdominal pain: Persistent pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Lower back pain: A frequent and often severe backache.
  • Frequent urination: A constant need to urinate due to pressure on the bladder.
  • Constipation: Difficulty in bowel movements.
  • Pain during sex: Discomfort or pain experienced during intercourse.

In rare cases, fibroids can lead to complications affecting pregnancy or causing infertility.

Diagnosis of Fibroids

Diagnosing fibroids often begins with a routine gynaecological examination where a doctor might feel irregularities in the shape of the uterus. If fibroids are suspected, several diagnostic tests can confirm their presence and determine their size and location:

  1. Ultrasound Scan: The most common imaging test, an ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of the uterus. It can be done transabdominally (over the abdomen) or transvaginally (inside the vagina) for more detailed images. You can read what to expect during an ultrasound scan here.

  2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): An MRI provides detailed images of the uterus and helps in mapping the size and location of fibroids, especially useful for larger fibroids or when multiple fibroids are present.

  3. Hysteroscopy: In this procedure, a small telescope (hysteroscope) is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. It allows the doctor to view the inside of the uterus and identify submucosal fibroids.

  4. Blood Tests: Although not directly diagnostic for fibroids, blood tests can help rule out other conditions and check for anaemia caused by heavy menstrual bleeding.

Causes And Risk Factors

The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but they are linked to the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen, produced by the ovaries, stimulates the growth of fibroids. These growths typically develop during a woman’s reproductive years (16-50 years) when oestrogen levels are highest and tend to shrink after menopause due to the drop in hormone levels.

Certain factors increase the risk of developing fibroids:

  • Age: Most common in women aged 30 to 50.
  • Ethnicity: More frequent in women of African-Caribbean origin.
  • Obesity: Overweight women have higher oestrogen levels, increasing the risk.
  • Childbearing: Women who have had children are at a lower risk.
  • Fibroids Turning Malignant: This is very rare, occurring in about 1 in 1000 cases. If fibroids grow at a very rapid rate, an MRI scan may be needed to obtain more information.
  • Fibroids Awareness Month - Illustration of fibroids in the uterus with London Pregnancy Clinic logo

  • What are Fibroids - Diagram explaining fibroids with a magnifying glass examining the uterus

  • Types of Fibroids - Diagram showing subserosal, submucosal, and intramural fibroids in the uterus

  • Key Facts about Fibroids - Symptoms, prevalence, age statistics, and awareness stat

  • Examinations for Fibroids - Illustration of transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound procedures with text explanation

Types of Fibroids

Fibroids can grow in different parts of the uterus and vary in size. The main types include:

  • Intramural fibroids: The most common type, growing in the muscle wall of the uterus.
  • Subserosal fibroids: These grow outside the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity and can become very large.
  • Submucosal fibroids: Develop in the muscle layer beneath the uterine lining and grow into the cavity of the uterus.
  • Pedunculated fibroids: Subserosal or submucosal fibroids attached to the uterus by a narrow stalk of tissue.

Fibroids Treatment Options

Treatment for fibroids depends on the severity of symptoms and the size and location of the fibroids. Asymptomatic fibroids often require no treatment and may shrink after menopause. For symptomatic fibroids, treatment options include:

  1. Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can relieve pain and reduce menstrual bleeding. Hormonal treatments, like gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, can shrink fibroids temporarily by reducing oestrogen levels.

  2. Hormone Therapy: Hormonal contraceptives can help control heavy menstrual bleeding but do not shrink fibroids. Progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) can also reduce bleeding.

  3. Minimally Invasive Procedures:

    • Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE): This procedure cuts off the blood supply to fibroids, causing them to shrink.
    • Myomectomy: Surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus, suitable for women who wish to maintain fertility.
    • Endometrial Ablation: Destroys the lining of the uterus to reduce menstrual bleeding.
  4. Surgical Options:

    • Hysterectomy: Complete removal of the uterus, considered a definitive solution for fibroids, but it ends a woman’s ability to conceive.

Fibroids and Infertility

Fibroids can impact fertility, depending on their size and location. Submucosal fibroids, which distort the uterine cavity, are most likely to cause infertility and pregnancy complications, including recurrent miscarriage. Intramural fibroids that affect the uterine wall can also reduce fertility, though their impact is less clear. Conversely, subserosal fibroids, located outside the uterus, typically do not affect fertility.

For women with fibroids who experience infertility, treatment options like myomectomy can improve chances of conception. Surgical removal of submucosal fibroids has been shown to enhance pregnancy rates significantly.

Fibroids and Pregnancy

Fibroids are extremely common, with approximately 50% of women having fibroids in their lifetime. Most fibroids are small and asymptomatic, but some women worry about their impact on pregnancy. Here are some common concerns:

  • Can fibroids affect the chances of getting pregnant? Generally, fibroids don’t interfere with conception unless they are submucosal or very large. They can sometimes block fallopian tubes or distort the uterine cavity, affecting implantation and causing sub-fertility or early pregnancy loss.
  • Can fibroids interfere with pregnancy? While fibroids usually cause no problems, they can increase the risk of early pregnancy loss and preterm birth. They may also grow during pregnancy, causing discomfort and sometimes leading to complications like ‘red degeneration,’ where the fibroid’s tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply, causing pain.
  • Can fibroids interfere with childbirth? Fibroids in the lower uterus can lead to fetal malposition, necessitating a Caesarean section. They can also cause post-partum haemorrhage due to interference with uterine contractions.
  • What Can Be Done to Optimise Pregnancy Outcome? A consultation with a gynaecologist and an ultrasound scan is often required to assess fibroids. If they are large or within the uterine cavity, further intervention may be necessary. Correcting iron levels if fibroids cause anaemia is also important. Surgical removal of submucosal fibroids can improve pregnancy outcomes, though some procedures might require an elective C-section.
  • How Long Should You Wait After Surgery to Try for a Baby? Consult with your surgeon about when it’s safe to start trying for a baby post-surgery. Generally, it’s recommended to wait a year after a myomectomy and three months after a hysteroscopic procedure.

How Can We Help:

At London Pregnancy Clinic, we provide comprehensive care for women with fibroids, including:

  • Fibroids Testing and Monitoring Package: Available for self-pay patients, this package includes detailed diagnostics and ongoing monitoring to manage your condition effectively.
  • Consultation and Ultrasound Services: Expert consultations and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to assess the size, location, and impact of fibroids.
  • Surgical Options: Minimally invasive procedures and surgeries like myomectomy and UAE to treat fibroids and enhance fertility. We may refer you to a trusted specialist.
  • Pregnancy Care: Specialised care to manage fibroids during pregnancy, ensuring the best possible outcomes for mother and baby.

For support, visit the British Fibroid Trust, a UK-based voluntary not-for-profit patient support group providing balanced information to help people make informed choices on treatment.

Final Thoughts

Fibroids are a common but manageable condition. Women experiencing symptoms should consult their GP for a diagnosis and discuss the best treatment options. Early intervention can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. For more information on fibroids and treatment options, visit the NHS website or contact London Pregnancy Clinic.

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Hertility x LPC partnership

Minimalist flat design illustration of fertility and pregnancy ultrasound partnership between specialists London Pregnancy Clinic and Hertility.

Hertility x LPC partnership:

Bringing Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound support for women

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Discover the transformative partnership between Hertility and London Pregnancy Clinic, revolutionising the way you access fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services. From early pregnancy to specialised scans, our collaboration ensures you receive world-class care without the wait, at a price you can afford.

In an exciting development for expectant mothers and those on their fertility journey, Hertility has partnered with us, London Pregnancy Clinic (LPC), transforming access to reproductive healthcare. Understanding the emotional toll of waiting for your first pregnancy scan, we’ve come together to offer you world-class scanning facilities, ensuring early reassurance through ultrasound without the long wait. It promises to bridge the gap between fertility understanding and pregnancy care, offering an integrated approach to women’s health that is both convenient and comprehensive. Both fertility and pregnancy ultrasound are very important and we are going to unpack what we can offer.

Who is Hertility?

In 2020, Hertility was conceived with a distinct vision by Dr. Helen O’Neill, Dr. Natalie Getreu, and Deirdre O’Neill. It sprang from a realisation that women’s health complexities were often overlooked, with conditions remaining enigmatic within the healthcare system. Hertility emerged as a beacon, championing the cause of bringing reproductive science into the hands of women globally.

Tired of the gaps in women’s healthcare, Hertility was born out of necessity. It became clear that the data underpinning women’s health was not only insufficient but also largely based on male physiology, leading to a paradigm shift in approach. Dr. O’Neill, through her fifteen years in academia, recognised the urgency for tailored datasets that reflect the true nature of female health concerns. Hertility is not just a company; it’s a movement towards empowering women with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and life choices.

Why was Hertility Created?

The inception of Hertility was motivated by the profound desire to address the elephant in the womb – the inherent complexities of female reproductive health. With a staggering 60% of women grappling with hormone and gynae issues and the diagnosis of fertility disorders stretching up to eight years, Hertility’s founders saw the dire need for change. By empowering women with accessible, research-led health assessments, Hertility is breaking barriers and shining a light on the path to understanding and managing women’s health effectively.

Hertility’s resolve to be research-led has set a new standard in women’s healthcare. It stands firmly on the foundation of clinical trials and extensive data collection, ensuring every insight provided is robust and actionable. Hertility’s comprehensive at-home hormone and fertility tests are more than just diagnostics; they are a clarion call to acknowledge and act on women’s reproductive health needs. The company’s commitment to sharing their findings reflects their ethos of transparency and education, making Hertility a true vanguard in the realm of women’s health.

Why Hertility and LPC?

Hertility is at the forefront of women’s health, offering at-home hormone and fertility test kits designed to empower women with knowledge about their reproductive health. Their comprehensive approach evaluates various factors, including hormonal balance, ovarian reserve, and potential reproductive health conditions, to provide actionable insights.

Understanding the importance of seamless care, Hertility’s partnership with LPC is a natural progression. LPC’s reputation for excellence in fertility and pregnancy ultrasound complements Hertility’s mission, providing a continuum of care that supports women from fertility assessment through to pregnancy. From fertility screening to anomaly scan we provide a large variety of services for women from our London clinic.

  • Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services at  London Pregnancy Clinic - Viability scan

    Viability scan 3D image

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 6 weeks of pregnancy. You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and how small it is - for educational purpose.

    You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac at week 6.

Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound

  • Early Pregnancy Scans: Available from 6 weeks, these scans offer early reassurance, confirming the presence of a gestational sac and fetal heartbeat. The first scan we offer is called the viability scan (or the 6-week scan).
  • HyCoSy Scans: For those investigating fertility concerns, HyCoSy scans assess tubal patency, crucial for understanding potential fertility issues.
  • General, Anomaly, and Early Fetal Scans: A comprehensive range of scans ensures that every aspect of your pregnancy is monitored, from general health checks to detailed anomaly scans. We specialise in NIPT and 10 Week Scan, which is our signature early pregnancy scan.

All scans at LPC are conducted by consultant-level doctors or specialist sonographers in fetal medicine, gynaecology, and fertility. Overseen by Dr Fred Ushakov, a renowned specialist in fetal medicine and obstetrical ultrasound, our team guarantees the highest standard of care.

Why Wait? Early Scans Available from 6 Weeks

The first few weeks of pregnancy are a profound journey filled with anticipation and, sometimes, anxiety. Traditionally, expecting mothers wait until the 11 to 14-week mark for their first scan, a period filled with unanswered questions and needless worries. Recognising the importance of early reassurance, LPC opens its doors to Hertility customers for pregnancy scans starting as early as 6 weeks. Our goal? To provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pregnancy is progressing as expected, as soon as possible.

If you’re navigating the journey of fertility and pregnancy, let Hertility and LPC guide you to a path of informed, supported, and comprehensive care. You can check out our fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services!

Final thoughts

Hertility’s partnership with the London Pregnancy Clinic marks a defining moment in women’s health. With Hertility’s research-driven methodology and our fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services, we hope to provide a holistic approach for all women. Our combined effort provides an answer to the calls for early and accessible pregnancy scans, ensuring that expectant mothers receive the support and assurance they need, precisely when they need it. This collaboration goes beyond convenience; it is a powerful statement that women’s health deserves prioritisation and respect.

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Follicle Tracking Scan Explained

Graphic of Follicle Tracking Scan. An illustration of an egg in the uterus with sperm coming towards it.

Follicle tracking scan explained

Shaz Khojasteh is an advanced Specialist Sonographer in Fetal Medicine, Gynaecology and Fertility in Central London. Gynae Scans and Follicle Tracking Scans in London.

Miss Shaz Khojasteh Explains Essential Insights for Expectant Mothers.



Embark on a journey of understanding with our focused insight into Follicle Tracking Scans. This blog post explores three frequently asked questions, shedding light on the significance, process, and benefits of Follicle Tracking Scans. Ideal for expectant mothers seeking early reassurance in their pregnancy, these insights aim to demystify the process and enhance your prenatal experience. Join us as we delve into the world of Follicle Tracking Scans, explained by Shaz.

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it also brings a plethora of questions and concerns, especially for first-time mothers. A key component of early pregnancy monitoring is the follicle tracking scan. In this blog, we explain follicle tracking scans, addressing three common questions to help expectant mothers gain clarity and confidence in their early prenatal journey.

The Basics of Follicle Tracking

Follicle tracking scans are a type of ultrasound scan used primarily in the early stages of pregnancy and fertility treatments. These scans monitor the development of ovarian follicles, which are small sacs containing eggs. Understanding follicle development is crucial for determining the best time for conception and ensuring the health of the pregnancy in its initial stages.

Importance of Follicle Tracking in Early Pregnancy

Follicle tracking is essential for those undergoing fertility treatments or trying to conceive naturally. It helps in pinpointing the ovulation period, ensuring that the timing for conception is optimal. For early pregnancy, it reassures the health and development of the embryo, offering peace of mind to expectant mothers.

Your Experience with Follicle Tracking Scans

During a follicle tracking scan, you can expect a non-invasive and painless experience. The procedure involves an ultrasound, where a small probe is used to visualise the ovaries and the developing follicles. The scan provides real-time images, allowing the healthcare professional to assess and monitor follicle growth and health. You will be asked to use our facilities and have an empty bladder for your transvaginal ultrasound scan. During your appointment, you will be provided with a skirt cover to change into. There will be a private and separate area for you to get changed. If you have specific requirements, please ask, and our team will do their best to accommodate.

Your  frequently asked questions about Follicle Tracking Scan:

What is a Follicle? A follicle is a small, fluid-filled sac located in the ovaries of the female. It plays a critical role in female fertility and the reproductive process. Each follicle contains an immature egg, or oocyte, which matures within the follicle.

Is the Follicle Tracking Scan painful? The procedure involves a qualified sonographer gently inserting a slender transvaginal ultrasound probe to obtain clear images of your ovaries. While some women might feel a slight sensation of pressure or mild discomfort, it is generally not painful.

Occasionally, mild cramping or a sense of discomfort may occur during the scan, often related to having a full bladder. This is because the bladder, when full, may exert pressure on the uterus. Rest assured, any discomfort is usually brief and tends to ease off promptly after the completion of the scan.

What affects the number of follicles? The number of ovarian follicles in women is influenced by genetics, age, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors. Genetics play a key role, as women are born with a finite number of follicles that diminish over time. Age further reduces this number, especially after the mid-30s. Medical conditions like PCOS can alter follicle count, often increasing it, which impacts ovulation and fertility. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as smoking and obesity, along with environmental toxin exposure, can negatively affect follicle numbers, potentially leading to decreased ovarian reserves and earlier menopause.

  • Graphic by London Pregnancy Clinic featuring the text 'Expert Fertility Assessment' and 'Follicle Tracking - All you need to know...' against a soft, abstract background representing fertility.

    London Pregnancy Clinic Follicle Tracking Overview

    London Pregnancy Clinic Follicle Tracking Overview

  • Informative illustration by London Pregnancy Clinic explaining follicle tracking scans with labeled diagram of the ovary showcasing different stages from the follicle phase to the luteal phase.

    What is Follicle Tracking?

    What is Follicle Tracking?

  • Detailed explanation by London Pregnancy Clinic of what sonographers look for during a follicle tracking ultrasound scan, including the number, size, and maturity of follicles.

    Follicle Tracking Details

    Follicle Tracking Details

  • Educational content by London Pregnancy Clinic indicating the optimal timing for follicle tracking scans during the menstrual cycle and for IVF treatments, with a circular diagram of the menstrual cycle phases.

    Best Time for Follicle Tracking

    Best Time for Follicle Tracking

  • Graphic by London Pregnancy Clinic outlining the reasons for follicle tracking, noting its non-invasive nature and its role in identifying the best times for fertility treatments and natural conception.

    Purpose of Follicle Tracking

    Purpose of Follicle Tracking

  • Next steps guide by London Pregnancy Clinic after a follicle tracking scan, advising patients on discussing results with their clinicians and offering additional consultation services for a fee.

    Next Steps After Follicle Tracking

    Next Steps After Follicle Tracking

  • Ms. Shahrzad Khojasteh, Clinical Lead and Specialist Sonographer at London Pregnancy Clinic, smiling in professional attire with text highlighting services in fertility screening, including follicle tracking, endometrial lining, and pregnancy scans.

    Specialist Sonographer

    Specialist Sonographer


Understanding the role and process of Follicle Tracking Scans is a vital part of your pregnancy journey. These scans offer invaluable insights into the early stages of pregnancy, aiding in conception and providing reassurance. If you have more questions or need personalised advice, we invite you to contact the London Pregnancy Clinic for more information.

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