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Spital Clinic GP Partnership

Minimalist illustration of a Spital Clinic GP interacting with patients, including a pregnant woman, in a supportive environment. The design uses light orange and baby pink tones, representing the partnership with London Pregnancy Clinic, and emphasises holistic care and reassurance.

LPC x Spital Clinic Partnership

What You Need to Know about Spital Clinic GP

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London Pregnancy Clinic proudly announces our partnership with the Spital Clinic GP. This collaboration enhances our holistic, high-quality healthcare services. Together, we provide comprehensive care that includes general practice, sexual health, and specialised women’s health services. This partnership ensures that our patients receive the best care possible, supported by experienced professionals and cutting-edge facilities. In this blog, we will explore the services offered at Spital Clinic and why this partnership is vital for our mission to deliver holistic healthcare.

We are excited to announce a new partnership between London Pregnancy Clinic and Spital Clinic, aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare services we offer. This collaboration allows us to provide a broader range of medical services, ensuring our patients receive comprehensive care. From general practice to specialised women’s health services, our combined expertise guarantees top-tier healthcare for all.

Spital Clinic GP Services

Spital Clinic’s general practitioners (GPs) offer a variety of primary care services designed to address common medical conditions, manage chronic diseases, and promote overall health. The general practice services are comprehensive and tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs. They provide diagnosis and treatment for common medical conditions and offer referrals to specialists when needed, ensuring you receive the most appropriate care. Regular check-ups and health screenings help maintain your health and well-being.

Managing long-term conditions is crucial for maintaining a good quality of life. Spital’s GPs work closely with patients to manage diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Tailored treatment plans help you stay healthy and manage your condition effectively. Spital Clinic offers a full range of routine vaccinations and travel immunisations. Keeping up to date with vaccinations is essential for preventing disease and protecting your health. Spital Clinic GPs ensure that you receive the necessary vaccinations for your specific needs.

Spital Clinic can perform certain minor surgical procedures on-site, including skin tag removals and joint injections, providing quick and effective treatment without the need for a hospital visit. Preventive healthcare is a cornerstone of our services. Spital Clinic offers health checks, cancer screenings, and lifestyle counselling to help you maintain your health and prevent potential issues. Their GPs are dedicated to providing the best preventive care possible.

Reproductive Health

Sexual health is an important aspect of overall well-being. Spital Clinic provides comprehensive sexual health services in a confidential and supportive environment. Our team is committed to helping you maintain your sexual health and well-being. We offer confidential testing and treatment for a range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HIV. Early detection and treatment of STIs are crucial for maintaining sexual health.

Spital Clinic offers a full range of contraceptive options including condoms, the pill, the patch, the ring, the implant, the IUD, and the IUS. Our GPs provide advice on the best contraceptive method for your needs and lifestyle. Their specialist GPs offer personalised advice on sexual health topics such as healthy relationships, safer sex practices, and sexual dysfunction. This is done to support you in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. Routine cervical screening tests are essential for detecting abnormal cervical cells that could lead to cervical cancer if not treated. GPs can provide regular Pap smears to monitor your cervical health and catch any issues early. 

LPC on the other hand can offer pregnancy testing services and provide referrals for further care, including antenatal services, pregnancy ultrasound or Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). This way our team and Spital Clinic’s GPs support you through every step of your pregnancy journey.

Women’s Health GP Services

Women’s health is a key focus at Spital Clinic. Their female GPs have specialised expertise in women’s health, offering personalised care for various concerns. Spital is committed to providing comprehensive women’s health services in a supportive and compassionate environment. Regular gynecological check-ups are crucial for preventive healthcare. Their Women’s health GPs perform annual exams to monitor your reproductive health and detect any health issues early.

Menopause can be a challenging time for many women. Our GPs provide assessments and advice for managing menopausal symptoms, offering personalised care to help you navigate this stage of life with ease. We offer initial assessments and referrals for pregnant women, ensuring you receive the best care from the early stages of pregnancy. We provide support and guidance to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Our GPs address a variety of other women’s health concerns, including issues related to thrush, fertility, and more. Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of women’s health needs professionally and compassionately. 

  • Spital Clinic GP Partnership with LPC

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - GP services

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Health Screenings

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Ultrasound Scans

  • Spital Clinic GP Services - Sexual Health Screenings

London Pregnancy Clinic Role

London Pregnancy Clinic supports Spital Clinic by providing specialised pregnancy, fertility, and gynecological services. This collaboration ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care throughout their healthcare journey.

Our team includes obstetricians, fetal medicine specialists, and midwives. We support you through every stage of pregnancy, from initial assessments to postnatal care. Our services include pregnancy scans, maternal medicine packages, and NIPT blood tests. We offer comprehensive fertility services to support your journey to parenthood, including fertility assessments, treatment plans, and ongoing support. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your fertility goals.

Our gynecological services cover a wide range of needs, including routine check-ups, treatment for gynecological conditions, and specialised care. We provide personalised care to ensure your health and well-being.

Why This Partnership is Important

This partnership is a significant step in our journey to offer holistic care. By combining our expertise, we provide comprehensive services that address all aspects of health. This ensures that our patients receive the best possible care at every stage of life. Holistic care means looking at the whole person, not just their symptoms. Our partnership allows us to provide integrated care that considers all aspects of health. This approach ensures better outcomes and a higher quality of life for our patients.

The collaboration with Spital Clinic enhances our service offerings. We can now provide more comprehensive care, from general practice to specialised women’s health services. This means our patients have access to a wider range of services in one convenient location. Our combined team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best care possible. By working together, we ensure that our patients receive high-quality, personalised care tailored to their needs.

Located conveniently in the heart of the City of London, Spital Clinic offers easy access to comprehensive healthcare services. This partnership ensures seamless continuity of care, with all necessary information securely managed and shared between our facilities.

Final Thoughts

We believe this partnership will significantly enhance our ability to provide high-quality, accessible healthcare. Whether you need a GP for general health concerns, sexual health services, or specialised women’s health care, Spital Clinic and London Pregnancy Clinic are here to support you. For more information about our services and to book an appointment, please visit Spital Clinic GP or contact our friendly staff.

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Fibroids Awareness Month

London Pregnancy Clinic Fibroids Awareness Month

Fibroids Awareness Month

What You Need to Know

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Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus). These growths, made up of muscle and fibrous tissue, can vary in size and are sometimes called uterine myomas or leiomyomas. Many women are unaware they have fibroids, but those with symptoms may experience heavy periods, abdominal pain, and other discomforts. This blog post will explore the causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment options, and the impact of fibroids on fertility.

Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas or leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus. They consist of muscle and fibrous tissue and can range in size from a pea to a melon. Although common, affecting around 2 in 3 women at some point in their lives according to the NHS, many women are unaware they have fibroids due to the absence of symptoms. However, for those who do experience symptoms, fibroids can significantly impact their quality of life.

Symptoms of Fibroids

While many women with fibroids remain asymptomatic, approximately one-third may experience symptoms such as:

  • Heavy or painful periods: Menstrual bleeding that is unusually heavy or lasts longer than normal.
  • Abdominal pain: Persistent pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Lower back pain: A frequent and often severe backache.
  • Frequent urination: A constant need to urinate due to pressure on the bladder.
  • Constipation: Difficulty in bowel movements.
  • Pain during sex: Discomfort or pain experienced during intercourse.

In rare cases, fibroids can lead to complications affecting pregnancy or causing infertility.

Diagnosis of Fibroids

Diagnosing fibroids often begins with a routine gynaecological examination where a doctor might feel irregularities in the shape of the uterus. If fibroids are suspected, several diagnostic tests can confirm their presence and determine their size and location:

  1. Ultrasound Scan: The most common imaging test, an ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of the uterus. It can be done transabdominally (over the abdomen) or transvaginally (inside the vagina) for more detailed images. You can read what to expect during an ultrasound scan here.

  2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): An MRI provides detailed images of the uterus and helps in mapping the size and location of fibroids, especially useful for larger fibroids or when multiple fibroids are present.

  3. Hysteroscopy: In this procedure, a small telescope (hysteroscope) is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. It allows the doctor to view the inside of the uterus and identify submucosal fibroids.

  4. Blood Tests: Although not directly diagnostic for fibroids, blood tests can help rule out other conditions and check for anaemia caused by heavy menstrual bleeding.

Causes And Risk Factors

The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but they are linked to the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen, produced by the ovaries, stimulates the growth of fibroids. These growths typically develop during a woman’s reproductive years (16-50 years) when oestrogen levels are highest and tend to shrink after menopause due to the drop in hormone levels.

Certain factors increase the risk of developing fibroids:

  • Age: Most common in women aged 30 to 50.
  • Ethnicity: More frequent in women of African-Caribbean origin.
  • Obesity: Overweight women have higher oestrogen levels, increasing the risk.
  • Childbearing: Women who have had children are at a lower risk.
  • Fibroids Turning Malignant: This is very rare, occurring in about 1 in 1000 cases. If fibroids grow at a very rapid rate, an MRI scan may be needed to obtain more information.
  • Fibroids Awareness Month - Illustration of fibroids in the uterus with London Pregnancy Clinic logo

  • What are Fibroids - Diagram explaining fibroids with a magnifying glass examining the uterus

  • Types of Fibroids - Diagram showing subserosal, submucosal, and intramural fibroids in the uterus

  • Key Facts about Fibroids - Symptoms, prevalence, age statistics, and awareness stat

  • Examinations for Fibroids - Illustration of transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound procedures with text explanation

Types of Fibroids

Fibroids can grow in different parts of the uterus and vary in size. The main types include:

  • Intramural fibroids: The most common type, growing in the muscle wall of the uterus.
  • Subserosal fibroids: These grow outside the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity and can become very large.
  • Submucosal fibroids: Develop in the muscle layer beneath the uterine lining and grow into the cavity of the uterus.
  • Pedunculated fibroids: Subserosal or submucosal fibroids attached to the uterus by a narrow stalk of tissue.

Fibroids Treatment Options

Treatment for fibroids depends on the severity of symptoms and the size and location of the fibroids. Asymptomatic fibroids often require no treatment and may shrink after menopause. For symptomatic fibroids, treatment options include:

  1. Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can relieve pain and reduce menstrual bleeding. Hormonal treatments, like gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, can shrink fibroids temporarily by reducing oestrogen levels.

  2. Hormone Therapy: Hormonal contraceptives can help control heavy menstrual bleeding but do not shrink fibroids. Progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) can also reduce bleeding.

  3. Minimally Invasive Procedures:

    • Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE): This procedure cuts off the blood supply to fibroids, causing them to shrink.
    • Myomectomy: Surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus, suitable for women who wish to maintain fertility.
    • Endometrial Ablation: Destroys the lining of the uterus to reduce menstrual bleeding.
  4. Surgical Options:

    • Hysterectomy: Complete removal of the uterus, considered a definitive solution for fibroids, but it ends a woman’s ability to conceive.

Fibroids and Infertility

Fibroids can impact fertility, depending on their size and location. Submucosal fibroids, which distort the uterine cavity, are most likely to cause infertility and pregnancy complications, including recurrent miscarriage. Intramural fibroids that affect the uterine wall can also reduce fertility, though their impact is less clear. Conversely, subserosal fibroids, located outside the uterus, typically do not affect fertility.

For women with fibroids who experience infertility, treatment options like myomectomy can improve chances of conception. Surgical removal of submucosal fibroids has been shown to enhance pregnancy rates significantly.

Fibroids and Pregnancy

Fibroids are extremely common, with approximately 50% of women having fibroids in their lifetime. Most fibroids are small and asymptomatic, but some women worry about their impact on pregnancy. Here are some common concerns:

  • Can fibroids affect the chances of getting pregnant? Generally, fibroids don’t interfere with conception unless they are submucosal or very large. They can sometimes block fallopian tubes or distort the uterine cavity, affecting implantation and causing sub-fertility or early pregnancy loss.
  • Can fibroids interfere with pregnancy? While fibroids usually cause no problems, they can increase the risk of early pregnancy loss and preterm birth. They may also grow during pregnancy, causing discomfort and sometimes leading to complications like ‘red degeneration,’ where the fibroid’s tissue dies due to insufficient blood supply, causing pain.
  • Can fibroids interfere with childbirth? Fibroids in the lower uterus can lead to fetal malposition, necessitating a Caesarean section. They can also cause post-partum haemorrhage due to interference with uterine contractions.
  • What Can Be Done to Optimise Pregnancy Outcome? A consultation with a gynaecologist and an ultrasound scan is often required to assess fibroids. If they are large or within the uterine cavity, further intervention may be necessary. Correcting iron levels if fibroids cause anaemia is also important. Surgical removal of submucosal fibroids can improve pregnancy outcomes, though some procedures might require an elective C-section.
  • How Long Should You Wait After Surgery to Try for a Baby? Consult with your surgeon about when it’s safe to start trying for a baby post-surgery. Generally, it’s recommended to wait a year after a myomectomy and three months after a hysteroscopic procedure.

How Can We Help:

At London Pregnancy Clinic, we provide comprehensive care for women with fibroids, including:

  • Fibroids Testing and Monitoring Package: Available for self-pay patients, this package includes detailed diagnostics and ongoing monitoring to manage your condition effectively.
  • Consultation and Ultrasound Services: Expert consultations and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to assess the size, location, and impact of fibroids.
  • Surgical Options: Minimally invasive procedures and surgeries like myomectomy and UAE to treat fibroids and enhance fertility. We may refer you to a trusted specialist.
  • Pregnancy Care: Specialised care to manage fibroids during pregnancy, ensuring the best possible outcomes for mother and baby.

For support, visit the British Fibroid Trust, a UK-based voluntary not-for-profit patient support group providing balanced information to help people make informed choices on treatment.

Final Thoughts

Fibroids are a common but manageable condition. Women experiencing symptoms should consult their GP for a diagnosis and discuss the best treatment options. Early intervention can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. For more information on fibroids and treatment options, visit the NHS website or contact London Pregnancy Clinic.

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Genetic Counselling Services Launch

London Pregnancy Clinic genetic counselling services launch. Minimalist design symbolising carrier testing before conception, featuring a couple holding hands, a DNA strand, medical symbols, and a blooming flower with a calm and hopeful colour palette in soft pastels

Genetic Counselling Services Launch

Discover the importance of Genetic Counselling before and during pregnancy.

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London Pregnancy Clinic proudly announces the launch of our new genetic counselling services. These services focus on reproductive genetic carrier screening. Our goal is to provide vital information to individuals and couples about their genetic risks. This information helps them make informed reproductive decisions aligned with their values and beliefs.

  • London Pregnancy Clinic Team - Private registered genetic counsellor - Ailidh Watson - Experienced Women's Health Specialists in City of London

  • We are excited to introduce genetic counselling services at London Pregnancy Clinic. These services aim to help prospective parents understand their genetic risks. Genetic counselling is crucial in modern prenatal care. It offers both pre-test and post-test support, guiding you through complex genetic information.

    Additionally, we are delighted to welcome Ms Ailidh Watson, our new genetic counselling specialist, to our team. Ailidh brings a wealth of experience and expertise in genetic counselling, particularly in prenatal care and patients with cleft lip and/or palate.

Genetic Testing We offer

At London Pregnancy Clinic, we offer a range of advanced genetic tests. These tests provide crucial information about your reproductive health. Here are the key tests we provide:

SMART Test: Our SMART Test NIPT is the most advanced non-invasive prenatal test and scan package in the world. This signature test gives parents detailed knowledge about their baby’s health without the risks of invasive testing. We offer two genetic packages: SMART Test KNOVA, performed by the leading US lab Fulgent, and SMART Test Genoma, performed by the top European lab Eurofins. Genetic counselling before the SMART test is essential to understand its advantages and limitations, ensuring you make an informed decision about your baby’s health.

Basic NIPT: The Basic NIPT is another non-invasive prenatal test we offer. It focuses on detecting the most common chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome. Like the NIPT Smart Test, it uses a simple blood draw from the mother. This test is an excellent option for those seeking essential genetic information. With its high accuracy, it ensures peace of mind during pregnancy.

Carrier Screening: Our comprehensive carrier screenings identify if you or your partner are carriers of specific genetic disorders. This test covers a wide range of conditions, including cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy. Knowing your carrier status helps in planning for a healthy pregnancy. It allows you to explore reproductive options like IVF with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Moreover, carrier screening informs family members about potential genetic risks.

It’s important to distinguish between Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and carrier screening:

  • NIPT: Performed during pregnancy, typically between 10-20 weeks. It screens the fetus’s DNA for chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.
  • Carrier Screening: Tests the parents’ DNA for specific gene mutations that could be passed to their child. It can be done before or during pregnancy.

Benefits of Genetic Testing

Genetic testing offers several advantages, not just for you but for your entire family. Here are some key benefits:

Understanding Health Risks: Genetic testing identifies if you or your partner carry genes for specific genetic conditions. This understanding helps assess the risk of passing these conditions to your children.

Informed Decisions: Knowing your genetic risks allows you to make informed choices about pregnancy and family planning. You can consider options like IVF with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-M), early interventions, or other preventive measures.

Personalised Care: With detailed genetic information, doctors can provide more personalised care. They can recommend specific tests, treatments, or lifestyle changes to help manage or reduce health risks.

Family Health Insights: Genetic testing reveals crucial health information that may affect other family members. If a genetic condition is identified, relatives can also get tested and take steps to manage their health.

Early Intervention: Detecting genetic conditions early leads to timely interventions and better management. This approach improves the quality of life for affected individuals.

Peace of Mind: For many, genetic testing provides peace of mind. Knowing your genetic information can alleviate uncertainties about potential health risks.

Preventive Measures: Genetic testing enables preventive measures, potentially reducing the risk of having a child with a genetic syndrome.

Overall, genetic testing empowers you with knowledge about your health and your family’s health. It helps you make well-informed decisions and take proactive steps. This ensures the best possible outcomes for you and your loved ones.

Impact on Family Planning?

Our carrier screening tests identify carriers of specific genetic disorders. Even without symptoms, you might still be a carrier. This knowledge is crucial for informed family planning. Knowing your carrier status can significantly influence family planning decisions. Couples who are both carriers face a 25% risk of having an affected child. This information empowers them to explore various reproductive options, such as:

  • Using donor gametes to conceive.
  • Pursuing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).
  • Accepting the risk and preparing for a potentially affected child.
  • Considering adoption or remaining childless.

Carrier results can also influence the timing of pregnancy, prenatal testing decisions, early intervention for certain conditions, and emotional preparedness. Carrier screening identifies carriers for many genetic conditions, including:

  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Tay-Sachs Disease
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Other conditions include Thalassemias (alpha and beta), Familial Dysautonomia, Fanconi Anemia, Gaucher Disease, and Niemann-Pick Disease.

Importance of Genetic counselling

Genetic counselling is vital in the carrier screening process. Our certified clinical genetic counsellors are dedicated to supporting you through every step. Here’s how:

Educating the Public and Healthcare Professionals: We provide standardised education about genetic carrier screening. This knowledge empowers you and your healthcare providers with essential information.

Pre-Test Counselling: Before testing, we outline the screening process and potential outcomes. This preparation ensures you are fully informed and ready.

Post-Test Counselling: After testing, we interpret your results and discuss your options. This support helps you understand your situation and make informed decisions about your reproductive health.

Collaborating with Healthcare Providers: Our counsellors work with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care in complex cases. This collaboration enhances your overall care experience.

In summary, London Pregnancy Clinic’s genetic testing and genetic counselling services offer comprehensive support and essential information. These services empower you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps for your family’s health. For more information or to schedule a test, please visit our website or contact us directly. Our team is here to support you in planning a healthy future for your family.

Ethical and Emotional Support:

Genetic counselling provides ethical guidance and emotional support. Our genetic counsellors help individuals and families navigate complex genetic information. Here’s how we assist:

  • Risk Assessment: We evaluate your risk based on family history, ethnic background, and genetic test results. This assessment is crucial for understanding potential health risks.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Knowing your genetic risks allows you to make informed choices about genetic testing and reproductive options. This empowers you to take control of your health and family planning.
  • Explaining Test Results: We interpret your genetic test results and explain their implications. This helps you understand what the results mean for you and your family.
  • Emotional Support: We offer emotional support and coping strategies. Understanding genetic risks can be challenging, and our counsellors are here to help you navigate these emotions.
  • Personalised Healthcare Recommendations: Based on your genetic profile, we provide personalised healthcare recommendations. This ensures you receive care tailored to your specific needs.

We are excited to welcome Ms Ailidh Watson to our team as our genetic counselling specialist. Ailidh is a registered private genetic counsellor with a broad range of experience. She has specialist interests in prenatal care and patients with cleft lip and/or palate. Her qualifications include a BSc (Hons) in Genetics from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Genomic Counselling from the University of Manchester, where she graduated with distinction.

Ailidh’s credentials also include the Skilled Helper Course and registrations with AHCS and HCPC. Her services at LPC include genetic counselling, carrier screening, NIPT counselling, and prenatal screening, including NIPT. Ailidh will be your go-to person for all things genetic counselling.

Final Thoughts

London Pregnancy Clinic’s genetic counselling services represent a comprehensive approach to reproductive health. These services combine advanced genetic testing with expert counselling tailored to individual needs. They empower couples with the knowledge to make informed reproductive choices aligned with their values and circumstances.

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The Fertility Show London

Minimalist graphic symbolising fertility, featuring a woman, blooming flowers, and an egg, with mentions of London Pregnancy Clinic and Fertility Show London 2024.

LPC at Fertility Show 2024

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London Pregnancy Clinic (LPC) is excited to share our experience exhibiting at the Fertility Show 2024 in Olympia, held on 18-19 May. This prestigious event brought together top fertility experts, clinics, and support groups, offering invaluable insights and support to those on the path to parenthood. LPC was thrilled to be part of this inspiring event, connecting with attendees and sharing our expertise in prenatal care.

Fertility Show 2024 at Olympia was a remarkable event that provided a comprehensive platform for individuals and couples looking to start or grow their families. As first-time exhibitors, LPC was honoured to participate in this two-day event, which featured over 70 exhibitors, including leading fertility specialists, clinics, and support groups.

Connecting with Attendees

At the Fertility Show, we had an amazing time, meeting and connecting with so many incredible professionals in the field. Our stand was buzzing with activity as we shared insights about our comprehensive prenatal services and discussed the latest advancements in fertility care. The event was an incredible opportunity for LPC to engage directly with prospective parents. Our team was on hand to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer reassurance to those embarking on their fertility journey. We were thrilled to meet so many individuals and couples seeking to expand their families.

Expert Insights and Panels

It featured a series of expert panels and seminars covering a wide range of topics, from the latest advancements in IVF to holistic approaches to fertility. LPC’s representatives attended sessions led by renowned fertility specialists and participated in discussions about the latest trends and techniques in reproductive medicine.

One of the standout features of the show was the Fertility Support Hub. This dedicated space offered attendees the chance to meet with nurses, counsellors, and workplace support teams. LPC’s own team of specialists provided one-on-one consultations, helping attendees navigate their options and make informed decisions about their fertility treatment.

Special Acknowledgments

A special shout out to our dedicated obstetrics and gynaecological team Shaz Khojasteh, Diane Nzelu, Prashant Purohit, and Molly Payne. Their expertise and passion were truly inspiring to all who visited our stand. Your commitment to advancing fertility and prenatal health is what makes us stand out.

Our team worked hard to set up and design the space to be welcoming and homey, and a lot of you loved it! Our totes were a big success and were taken very fast too.

Our Services

Here at LPC we offer comprehensive services designed to support you throughout your fertility and pregnancy journey. Our mission is to provide a reassuring experience through our extensive expertise and ultrasound technology.


Fertility Scans: We specialise in fertility scans, including follicle tracking and endometrial lining scans. These scans monitor the growth and development of follicles, pinpoint ovulation, and enhance fertility treatment outcomes. Our endometrial lining scan evaluates the thickness and health of the endometrium, determining the best period for embryo implantation. These scans are crucial in both natural and assisted reproductive journeys.

HyCoSy and 3D SIS Scans: We offer Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography HyCoSy and 3D SIS scans to examine the uterus and fallopian tubes. These non-invasive procedures provide detailed images to detect blockages or abnormalities, ensuring a thorough evaluation of your reproductive health.


Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans: Our clinic provides a range of prenatal scans to monitor your baby’s health at every stage of pregnancy. We use the latest 2D, 3D, and 4D ultrasound imaging technology to offer clear and detailed insights. From viability scans at 6-9 weeks to anomaly scans in the third trimester, our comprehensive approach ensures you receive the best care.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): LPC is a leading provider of NIPT in London. This advanced screening option detects Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal conditions. NIPT can be performed from 10 weeks of pregnancy and is the most accurate, safest screening test available. Our SMART Test combines NIPT with ultrasound, providing a comprehensive screening for a range of rare diseases and anomalies.

Holistic Care: Our holistic approach includes support from conception to birth. We offer a welcoming and homey environment, ensuring you feel comfortable throughout your journey. Our team worked hard to design a space that was both inviting and informative. Attendees appreciated the effort, and our totes, filled with useful information, were a big success.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to chat with us. Your enthusiasm and dedication to advancing fertility and prenatal health are truly inspiring. We’re excited to keep these conversations going and continue supporting you on your journey to parenthood.

Final Thoughts

Participating in the Fertility Show 2024 was a significant milestone for LPC. We are dedicated to supporting individuals and couples on their fertility journey, providing expert care and guidance every step of the way. Stay tuned for more updates and connect with us for the latest in prenatal care and fertility support. If you missed us at the show or would like to learn more about our services, please contact us directly to schedule a consultation. Together, we can make your dream of parenthood a reality.

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Pre Eclampsia Awareness

Illustration of a pregnant woman being examined by a an obstetrician to raise awareness on preeclampsia, emphasising prenatal care and maternal health.

Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month

What is Pre-Eclampsia and innovations in the field?

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Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder affecting pregnant women, usually developing after 20 weeks of gestation or in the postpartum period. Characterised by high blood pressure, it can lead to severe complications if not managed properly. This blog raises pre-eclampsia awareness, including its symptoms, statistics, management strategies, and the services offered by the London Pregnancy Clinic.

LPC is joining the efforts to raise awareness about pre-eclampsia and support ongoing research to improve outcomes for mothers and babies worldwide. May is National Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month, and we partner with the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation to ensure every mother knows the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Share the message and join the campaign to make a difference.

What is Pre-eclampsia

It is a condition characterised by persistent high blood pressure that arises during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. It typically develops after the 20th week of pregnancy or within six weeks postpartum. This disorder can have significant implications for both the mother and the baby, making early detection and careful management crucial.


Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs) affect 5-10% of all pregnancies worldwide, including conditions like pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets), and gestational hypertension. These disorders are a leading cause of maternal and infant mortality globally. Annually, pre-eclampsia results in approximately 76,000 maternal deaths and 500,000 infant deaths worldwide.

The United States ranks 47th in the world for maternal mortality, with a rising rate unlike other industrialised nations. HDPs, including pre-eclampsia, are significant contributors to maternal and infant illness and death in the US. Black women face a disproportionately higher risk, experiencing severe maternal morbidity events at a rate 2.1 times greater than white women. Despite these grave statistics, about 60% of maternal deaths due to pre-eclampsia are preventable with proper medical care and timely intervention.


Recognising the symptoms of pre-eclampsia early can significantly improve outcomes. Common symptoms include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Swelling in the hands and face
  • Visual disturbances
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Shortness of breath

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Pre-eclampsia can escalate quickly, and early intervention is vital for the health of both the mother and the baby.

Pre-eclampsia Management

This conition requires careful management to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome. The condition can develop from 20 weeks of pregnancy up to six weeks after childbirth. High blood pressure is typically controlled with antihypertensive medications. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. This includes:

  • Regular prenatal check-ups
  • Monitoring blood pressure regularly
  • Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption

Implementing easy-to-understand educational tools for patients about pre-eclampsia signs and symptoms is crucial. Screening for risk factors, considering aspirin use during the first trimester, and early hypertension control can also help decrease rates of pre-eclampsia. Hospitals should standardise care guidelines for managing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy to decrease maternal illness and death. Supporting perinatal quality collaboratives can help hospitals reduce early delivery and severe pregnancy complications.

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any lifestyle changes or starting new medications.

Raising Pre-eclampsia Awareness

The LPC is joining the efforts to raise awareness about pre-eclampsia and support ongoing research to improve outcomes for mothers and babies worldwide. May is National Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month, and we partner with the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation to ensure every mother knows the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Share the message and join the campaign to make a difference.

If you need more information about pre-eclampsia, please visit the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation. Together, we can help prevent pre-eclampsia and ensure better health for future generations.

Pre-eclampsia Tests During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your healthcare provider checks your blood pressure at each prenatal visit. This is essential to ensure it remains within a safe range. They also test your urine for protein, which indicates kidney health. If protein is found, you might need to collect urine over 24 hours to measure protein levels accurately.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Your healthcare provider measures your blood pressure at every prenatal appointment. This should be done after you’ve been sitting comfortably for a few minutes. The cuff is placed on your upper bare arm at heart level. High blood pressure is traditionally defined as 140/90 or greater, measured on two separate occasions six hours apart. Severe high blood pressure (160/110 or greater) needs immediate treatment.

Urine Tests

At each prenatal appointment, you provide a urine sample. Healthy kidneys don’t allow significant protein into the urine. If protein is detected, further testing might be required. Your provider might ask you to collect all your urine in a jug for 24 hours to measure protein levels. Alternatively, a “spot check” compares protein to creatinine levels to gauge kidney health.

Blood Tests

These are crucial for diagnosing pre-eclampsia. They include a complete blood count (CBC) with platelet count and assessment of liver enzymes and creatinine levels. These tests provide a baseline for monitoring your health. If you show symptoms of severe pre-eclampsia, your provider will order additional blood tests.

Monitoring Your Baby

Your provider may schedule more frequent ultrasounds or non-stress tests (NST) to monitor your baby’s growth and blood flow through the umbilical cord and placenta. Continuous fetal monitoring might be necessary if symptoms appear rapidly.

Pre-eclampsia Tests Post Partum

Pre-eclampsia can develop up to six weeks postpartum. Symptoms include severe headache, vision changes, and difficulty breathing. It’s crucial to report these symptoms to your provider immediately. Blood pressure checks are recommended three and ten days after delivery to monitor any changes.

After Pregnancy
Post-pregnancy, additional tests might uncover underlying conditions contributing to pre-eclampsia. These include tests for autoimmune conditions, blood clotting disorders, and kidney function. Your healthcare provider will monitor your health and recommend necessary treatments.

Long-Term Care
Women with a history of pre-eclampsia are at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic high blood pressure later in life. Annual monitoring of your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol is crucial for maintaining long-term health.

Pre-eclampsia testing can seem overwhelming, but understanding these tests helps you stay informed and proactive about your health. Always discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider to ensure you receive the best possible care.

What We Offer for Pre-eclampsia

At LPC, we provide specialised care for pregnancies affected by pre-eclampsia. Our Consultant Obstetrician, Mr Daniel Stott, has extensive experience in managing pre-eclampsia and offers comprehensive post-natal care. He also runs a dedicated pre-eclampsia clinic at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Mr Stott has published extensively on hypertensive pregnancies and is committed to supporting mothers throughout their pregnancy journey.

Learn more about our private obstetric services on our dedicated page. We aim to provide personalised care and address any concerns you may have during or after pregnancy. We also offer private midwifery services to help you deal with pre-eclampsia:

  • Monitoring: Midwives closely monitor pregnant women and their fetuses for signs of pre-eclampsia during routine antenatal appointments by checking blood pressure and urine samples. Midwives also act on signs of deterioration.
  • Advising: Midwives advise women and their partners without frightening them, and interpret doctor’s information when necessary.
  • Other responsibilities: Midwives may arrange a visit to the special care baby unit if appropriate, and provide continuity of midwifery care.

Final Thoughts

Pre-eclampsia is a significant concern in maternal health, but with early detection and proper management, most pregnancies can have positive outcomes. The LPC is dedicated to providing expert care and support for expectant mothers dealing with pre-eclampsia. We encourage you to reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

If you need more information about pre-eclampsia, please visit the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation. Together, we can help prevent pre-eclampsia and ensure better health for future generations.

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Women’s Health Awareness Month

Illustration of a healthcare professional sitting beside a woman, offering support. The scene features a warm, calming background with floral elements, representing compassionate care at the London Pregnancy Clinic.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness

Discover the importance of Maternal Mental Health in 2024.

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May is Women’s Health Month, a time to prioritise and celebrate women’s health, beginning with National Women’s Health Week. This blog post highlights the importance of women’s health, with a particular focus on pregnancy, fertility, and gynaecology. We’ll discuss key health concerns, preventive measures, and the importance of regular checkups to ensure women’s well-being during different stages of life.

During the month of May, as flowers bloom and the weather warms up, we celebrate Mother’s Day and recognize Women’s Health Month. As we come to the end of this month-long observance, which kicked off each year on Mother’s Day, emphasises the importance of health and well-being for women across the nation. At the LPC, we focus on providing comprehensive care in pregnancy, fertility, and gynaecology, ensuring women have access to the information and medical support they need.

Urgent Support

If you find yourself in crisis, feeling despair, or experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s crucial to seek help immediately. Reach out to a healthcare professional—this could be your GP, midwife, or health visitor.

Alternatively, you can take the following steps:

Remember, you are not alone. Mental health issues during and after pregnancy are common, and support is readily available.

What is Women’s Health Awareness?

Women’s Health Awareness is a dedicated effort to educate and empower women about their health and well-being. It focuses on highlighting the unique health challenges women face and provides essential information on prevention, early detection, and treatment. This awareness is vital in promoting healthier lifestyles and improving health outcomes for women of all ages.

According to the UK’s First Women’s Health Strategy for England, addressing the gender health gap is crucial. Women live longer than men on average but spend more of their lives in poor health, often limiting their ability to work and participate in day-to-day activities. Closing this health gap and supporting women to live well will benefit not only their health and wellbeing but also the economy.

Women’s Health Awareness encourages women to take control of their health by staying informed about various health issues. It emphasises the importance of regular health screenings, vaccinations, and checkups. These preventive measures are crucial for detecting potential health problems early, ensuring timely treatment, and improving prognosis.

Responses to the call for evidence highlighted a need for greater focus on women-specific health conditions, including fertility and pregnancy loss, and gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, which affects 1 in 10 women.

Lifestyle factors play a significant role in women’s health. Women’s Health Awareness promotes healthy habits, including balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and avoiding harmful behaviours like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is fundamental to preventing many health issues.

The Importance of Women’s Health Awareness Month?

Women’s Health Month serves as a vital reminder for women to prioritise their health. Taking care of your health is essential, and this month encourages you to focus on your well-being. Start by scheduling necessary medical appointments. Regular checkups, examinations, and vaccinations play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Preventive care helps detect potential issues early, ensuring timely treatment.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is another key aspect of Women’s Health Month. Incorporate balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep into your daily routine. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports overall well-being. Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily.

Mental health is equally important. Take time to manage stress, practice mindfulness, and seek support when needed. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can significantly improve mental well-being. Remember, mental health impacts physical health, so it’s essential to address any concerns promptly.

Women’s Health Month also highlights the importance of understanding your body and recognising potential health risks. Stay informed about common health issues affecting women, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Knowing the symptoms and risk factors enables you to take preventive measures and seek medical advice early.

Given that around 15% of women over 18 report being in poor health, raising awareness is crucial. This month encourages women to take proactive steps towards better health. Share information with friends and family, and support each other in making healthier choices. Together, we can create a community of empowered, health-conscious women.

Key Health Concerns for Women:

One key aspect of Women’s Health Awareness is education about reproductive health. This includes information on menstrual health, contraception, pregnancy, and menopause. Understanding these aspects of health enables women to make informed decisions about their bodies and well-being.

While these issues are connected to reproductive health, they are not solely about pregnancy. Addressing these health concerns is vital for maintaining a high quality of life and ensuring overall health. Here are some of the key health concerns that women should be aware of:

  • Breast Cancer: is the second most common cancer among women in the UK. Early detection through regular breast examinations and mammograms is crucial. Women should be aware of the symptoms, such as lumps, changes in breast shape, and skin dimpling, and consult their healthcare provider if they notice any unusual changes.
  • Cervical Cancer: affects thousands of women annually, often linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV). Regular Pap smears and HPV vaccinations are effective preventive measures. Recognising symptoms like unusual bleeding and pelvic pain can lead to early diagnosis and better outcomes.
  • Ovarian Cancer: is another significant health concern, with risk factors including age and family history. Regular pelvic examinations and being alert to symptoms like bloating, pelvic pain, and changes in urinary habits can aid in early detection.
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health: Maintaining sexual and reproductive health is essential for overall well-being. Safe sex practices, STI screenings, and regular checkups help prevent and manage health issues. For those considering pregnancy, preconception health and prenatal care are vital for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
  • Physical Activity: Regular physical activity is essential for preventing conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis. Women should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, which can include activities like brisk walking, cycling, or yoga.
  • Diet and Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports overall health. Nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D are particularly important for bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Osteoporosis: a condition characterised by weakened bones, is more common in women, especially post-menopause. Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, along with regular weight-bearing exercises, can help maintain bone density and prevent fractures.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: is the leading cause of death among women. Risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, and smoking. Regular cardiovascular checkups, a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle are key preventive measures.

Women’s Health Awareness: Preventive Care.

Preventive care, including vaccinations, screenings, and routine checkups, is essential for early detection and management of health issues. Women should adhere to recommended schedules for mammograms, Pap smears, and bone density tests. These regular checkups can detect potential health issues before they become serious, ensuring timely treatment and better outcomes.

Mammograms are vital for early detection of breast cancer. Women should begin regular mammograms at age 40, or earlier if they have a family history of breast cancer. Detecting breast cancer early increases the chances of successful treatment and can save lives.

Pap smears are crucial for detecting cervical cancer. Women should start getting Pap smears at age 25 and continue every three years. If you have a higher risk, your doctor may recommend more frequent screenings. HPV vaccinations also play a key role in preventing cervical cancer.

Routine checkups are also an opportunity to discuss other vaccinations, such as flu shots and the COVID-19 vaccine, which help protect against infectious diseases. Keeping vaccinations up to date is crucial for overall health and preventing outbreaks.

Preventive care extends beyond these screenings. Regular blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, and diabetes screenings are essential for detecting cardiovascular and metabolic conditions early. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, complements preventive care and boosts overall health. By prioritising preventive care, women can take proactive steps to maintain their health and well-being. Early detection through regular screenings and checkups allows for timely intervention, improving health outcomes and quality of life

Mental Health During Reproductive care.

Mental health care should be an integral part of reproductive care. Women should feel empowered to seek help and support throughout their reproductive journey. By prioritising mental health, women can ensure better outcomes for themselves and their families.

Gynaecological health plays a significant role in mental well-being. Regular gynae checkups, screenings, and open communication with healthcare providers are essential. Addressing gynaecological issues promptly can prevent them from affecting mental health. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis can have both physical and emotional impacts.

During preconception, mental health is just as important as physical health. According to a study published in NLM, 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant. This can impact the mental health concerns of women planning to conceive. Stress, anxiety, or unresolved mental health issues can affect fertility and overall well-being. Consulting a healthcare provider for mental health support during this phase is crucial. Therapy, stress management techniques, and a strong support system can help in preparing for a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a profound life event that sparks various emotional responses, which affect Maternal Mental Health. Although often joyous, it can also trigger mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Hormonal changes, past mental health issues, and the stress of impending parenthood all contribute. Recognising symptoms early and seeking support through therapy, support groups, or medical intervention can improve outcomes for both mother and baby.

The postpartum period is a critical time for mental health. Issues such as postpartum depression (PPD) which 1 in 5 women struggle with, anxiety, and psychosis can severely impact a mother’s ability to bond with her child and function daily. Stigma and a lack of awareness often prevent mothers from seeking necessary help. Informing new mothers and their families about the symptoms and available treatments is essential. 

Final Thoughts

Women’s Health Awareness Month is a perfect time to prioritise health, educate yourself on potential risks, and take preventive measures. At LPC, we offer comprehensive services, from fertility consultations to prenatal and gynaecological care, tailored to support your health journey. Schedule your preventive care appointments today and take proactive steps toward a healthier, happier life.

Prioritise your health this Women’s Health Month. Take charge of your well-being and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle. For more information on maintaining good health during pregnancy, visit the NHS’s Keeping Well during Pregnancy page. If you think a referral might help, please speak to your midwife, Women’s Health specialists, GP or health visitor.

  • “We are here today to celebrate Women’s Health Awareness Month. We all know how important it is to make sure that we as women are taken care of through our whole life this can be during before or after pregnancy as well especially when we need a bit of more attention.”

    – Ms Shaz Khojasteh

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Maternal Mental Health Awareness

Illustration of a pregnant woman talking with a healthcare provider in a soothing, plant-filled setting, highlighting World Maternal Mental Health Awareness week by London Pregnancy Clinic.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness

Discover the importance of Maternal Mental Health in 2024.

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Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week casts a spotlight on the crucial mental health challenges mothers encounter both during and after pregnancy. This post delves into these issues, offering strategies for personal care and emphasising employer support for the well-being of returning mothers.

Maternal mental health often gets overlooked, with the focus shifting to physical health and newborn care. However, the mental well-being of mothers is just as critical and warrants equal attention and support. In many countries, around 1 in 5 new mothers experience a mood or anxiety disorder that goes unnoticed and untreated due to lack of awareness and stigma. This Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re exploring significant mental health challenges during pregnancy, after childbirth, and the transition back to work, providing insights and solutions to support mothers in these crucial times.

Urgent Support

If you find yourself in crisis, feeling despair, or experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s crucial to seek help immediately. Reach out to a healthcare professional—this could be your GP, midwife, or health visitor.

Alternatively, you can take the following steps:

Remember, you are not alone. Mental health issues during and after pregnancy are common, and support is readily available.

What is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week?

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual campaign aimed at raising both public and corporate awareness about the mental health challenges mothers face. It calls for improved care and support for women tackling mental health challenges from the prenatal period through to postpartum and beyond. This week underlines the importance of understanding, recognising, and addressing maternal mental health issues to enhance health outcomes for mothers and their children.

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA), a UK charity network comprising over 125 organisations, commits to high-quality care for families facing perinatal mental health issues. This year, the MMHA has set daily themes to enhance the dialogue about maternal mental health. Starting on Monday, 29 April, the focus is on demystifying perinatal mental illness with various resources, including an animation and expert videos. On Tuesday, attention shifts to the support required for perinatal mental health in workplaces.

World Maternal Mental Health Day on Wednesday calls for united advocacy for maternal mental health needs. Thursday explores identity changes during the perinatal period, coinciding with the launch of a new campaign in collaboration with Aveeno Baby. The week progresses with themes that highlight recovery stories, provide empowering resources, and conclude with reflections on Sunday, 5 May. Each theme aims to educate, support, and empower individuals across the UK, promoting a deeper understanding and better support systems for maternal mental health.

Mental Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a profound life event that sparks various emotional responses. Although often joyous, it can also worsen or trigger mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Factors like hormonal changes, previous mental health issues, and the stress of impending parenthood can all contribute. Early recognition of symptoms and seeking support through therapy, support groups, or medical intervention can mitigate these effects and improve health for both mother and baby.

Mental Health Postpartum

The importance of postpartum mental health cannot be overstated, yet it often receives insufficient attention. Issues such as postpartum depression (PPD), anxiety, and psychosis can severely affect a mother’s ability to bond with her child and function daily. Stigma and a lack of awareness often prevent mothers from seeking necessary help. Informing new mothers and their families about the symptoms and available treatments is essential.

Maternal Mental Health Study

Suicide is a significant cause of maternal death during pregnancy and the year following birth, known as the perinatal period. Despite its rarity in the UK, with a prevalence of 3.84 per 100,000 live births, the consequences of maternal suicide are devastating and enduring. Alarmingly, the estimated global prevalence of suicide attempts is much higher, at 680 per 100,000 during pregnancy and 210 per 100,000 post-birth.

The ASPEN-study, focusing on perinatal suicide attempts, aims to deepen our understanding of the experiences and contexts of these events. This qualitative research highlights the critical need to explore the motives and circumstances leading to suicide attempts among pregnant individuals and new mothers.

The findings suggest that feelings of entrapment and despair, often amidst traumatic life events and adversities, are potential indicators of risk. Recognising these signs early through meaningful enquiry could enhance care, aiding in the timely prevention of maternal suicides and improving overall maternal mental health outcomes.

How Companies Can Help:

Employers play a pivotal role in supporting the mental health of mothers returning to work. Here are effective ways companies can assist:

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Facilitate flexible hours and remote work opportunities to help mothers balance work and home life effortlessly.
  • Parental Leave Policies: Develop or enhance parental leave policies that provide sufficient time off for both mothers and fathers, aiding in reducing postpartum stress and promoting family bonding.
  • Supportive Work Environment: Cultivate a culture that supports mental health, providing resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that offer counselling and mental health support, and training managers to recognise and appropriately respond to mental health issues.
  • Childcare Support: Ease one of the significant stresses for working parents by assisting with childcare, whether through onsite facilities, partnerships with local childcare providers, or subsidies.
  • Health and Wellness Programs: Promote overall health and well-being through programs that include stress management workshops, wellness apps, and access to fitness centres, all of which can improve mental health.

Final Thoughts

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week serves as a vital reminder of the unique mental health challenges mothers face during one of the most transformative phases of their lives. By understanding and addressing these issues, we can contribute to healthier families and stronger communities. Our active support can profoundly impact the lives of countless women returning to the workforce.

For more information on maintaining good mental health during pregnancy, visit the NHS’s Mental Health in Pregnancy page. If you think a referral might help, please speak to your midwife, GP, health visitor, social worker, mental health service, or a support charity. 

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Women’s Health Internship

Modern, minimalist illustration of three diverse female health specialists at London Pregnancy Clinic, dressed in medical scrubs, working with medical charts and a laptop in a clean, clinical setting, designed in flat graphic style with soft pastel colors, representing inclusivity and professionalism in women's health.

Nurturing Future Women’s Health Leaders

Olivia Bosworth’s internship journey at LPC.

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Meet Olivia, a dedicated Global Health major from the U.S., interning at the London Pregnancy Clinic (LPC) as she journeys towards becoming a Maternal Fetal Medicine physician. Discover the invaluable experiences she’s gained and the profound impact of her work.

Embarking on a journey from the U.S. to London, Olivia’s story at the London Pregnancy Clinic is one of growth, discovery, and commitment to maternal health. This blog delves into how her internship at LPC has been pivotal in her pursuit of a career in Maternal Fetal Medicine, providing her with unparalleled insights into the dynamics of prenatal care.

Immersion in London’s Medical Community

“I immediately knew it would be the perfect fit,” Olivia reflects. Her year abroad is dedicated to soaking up every element of British healthcare, with LPC serving as a comprehensive backdrop. This chance to juxtapose various healthcare practices has been incredibly beneficial, broadening her perspective for her future medical career.

Multifaceted Role in Prenatal Care

Olivia’s daily duties at LPC are diverse and impactful. As part of the medical assistant team, she’s pivotal in the clinic’s day-to-day operations, often starting her day at reception, assisting with patient check-ins and administrative tasks.

Her role extends beyond these duties; Olivia collaborates closely with a wide range of women’s health specialists, including gynaecologists, obstetricians, and early pregnancy scan specialists. This collaboration has enriched her understanding of prenatal care comprehensively.

These interactions allow Olivia to witness the interdisciplinary nature of women’s healthcare firsthand. She assists in clinical settings, engages in patient care planning discussions, and observes intricate medical procedures. Exposure to various specialities not only boosts her medical knowledge but also deepens her appreciation for the collaborative efforts needed to deliver top-notch prenatal care.

In addition to her administrative responsibilities, Olivia enhances LPC’s digital outreach. She contributes to the LPC YouTube channel, aiming to educate and inform a global audience about pregnancy. Here, she hosts videos discussing topics like pregnancy trimesters and LPC’s pregnancy scan timeline.

Lessons in Compassion and Professionalism

LPC’s approach to handling sensitive situations profoundly impacts Olivia. Observing the staff’s compassionate delivery of difficult news has underscored the importance of empathy in healthcare. These experiences have shaped her professional and personal growth significantly.

Olivia’s Internship experience

Every day presents new challenges and learning opportunities, fuelling Olivia’s passion for maternal-fetal medicine. “I’ve gained extensive knowledge in prenatal care, especially in recognising the significant impact of consistent sonography throughout pregnancy,” she comments. Olivia’s narrative powerfully illustrates how crucial hands-on experience is for those committed to making a healthcare impact.

She adds, “Seeing the joy of expectant mothers upon receiving positive Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) results or viewing a 3D scan of their baby is both captivating and heartwarming.”

Watch Olivia’s full interview below. 

Building a Foundation for Excellence in Women’s Health

At LPC, we’re dedicated to training the next wave of healthcare professionals, with a focus on prenatal care. Our internship program not only provides practical experience but also fosters future field leaders. Our interns inject fresh perspectives and energy into our clinic, crucial for our ongoing improvement and innovation.

Final Thoughts

Olivia’s internship at LPC is more than just a career step; it’s a leap towards making a real difference in family lives. Her experiences highlight the value of LPC’s internship program in shaping healthcare’s future leaders.

We ensure our interns engage in all clinic aspects, from patient care to community outreach via our digital platforms. This comprehensive approach equips them for future healthcare challenges and opportunities, providing the necessary skills to excel in any medical setting.

Inspired by Olivia’s journey? Keen to contribute to pioneering prenatal care? Visit our careers page to learn more about LPC’s internship opportunities and how you can join a team that champions growth, compassion, and excellence in healthcare.

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Blood Tests During Pregnancy

Modern minimalist illustration of a hand holding a syringe, in soft light orange and baby pink tones, symbolising blood tests during pregnancy at London Pregnancy Clinic.

Blood Tests During Pregnancy:

Ensuring the Health of You and Your Baby.

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At London Pregnancy Clinic, we understand the importance of precise blood tests for monitoring health and diagnosing conditions during pregnancy. Explore the essential tests that help ensure the well-being of both mother and child.

While blood tests during pregnancy aren’t essential, they can significantly enhance your preparedness. Your healthcare provider may recommend a tailored series to monitor your health and your baby’s growth. These tests are invaluable for early detection of potential health issues, enabling prompt and effective interventions. At London Pregnancy we offer a wide variety of tests, which in this blog, we will dive into.

Why Consider Blood Tests During Pregnancy?

Blood tests during pregnancy offer invaluable insights into both maternal and fetal health, enabling better preparedness and care. Here are several compelling reasons to consider these tests:

Monitor Maternal Health: Blood tests, such as the complete blood count (CBC) and liver function tests, assess the mother’s overall health. They check for conditions like anaemia, infections, and gestational diabetes that may require close monitoring or specific treatments.

Assess Fetal Health and Development: Genetic screening tests can detect chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome. These tests, often paired with ultrasounds, help evaluate the risk of certain genetic disorders, guiding further prenatal care. We offer Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) from 10 weeks of pregnancy and can help you choose the right NIPT for you!

Identify Rh Incompatibility: Determining the mother’s blood type and Rh factor is crucial. Rh incompatibility can lead to serious complications, necessitating special treatment to safeguard the baby’s health. At LPC we currently don’t offer Rh factor blood test (at the time of writing April 2024). However, during your NHS antenatal checks you will be able to get it. Read more on Rhesus Disease RhD on the NHS website.

Screening for Infectious Diseases: Screening for infectious diseases like hepatitis B, HIV, and syphilis is critical. Identifying these infections early allows for steps to be taken to prevent transmission to the baby, ensuring a safer delivery.

Provide Baseline Information: The results from initial blood tests create a baseline that helps monitor the pregnancy’s progression. Any significant changes can be quickly identified, allowing for timely interventions.

Overall, considering blood tests during pregnancy is vital for early detection of potential issues. These tests enable timely and effective interventions, ensuring the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby.

Why Consider Blood Tests for Pregnancy Confirmation?

Pregnancy tests, including urine and blood tests, are designed to confirm if you are pregnant. Urine tests are widely used due to their convenience and availability over-the-counter. However, blood tests, particularly the Beta HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) test, provide more comprehensive insights.

The Beta HCG test detects the hormone produced by the placenta shortly after implantation, appearing in the blood about 11 days post-conception, which is slightly earlier than in urine. It is essential for confirming early pregnancy and is available in two types: the Qualitative HCG Test, which simply indicates pregnancy with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and the Quantitative HCG Test, which measures exact HCG levels in the blood for high accuracy.

Unlike urine tests, the Beta HCG test requires a blood sample taken in a healthcare setting and is more sensitive, offering early detection and additional information such as the approximate age of the fetus and potential complications. This makes blood tests a vital tool for early and accurate pregnancy confirmation.

What is the AMH Blood Test?

The AMH blood test measures the levels of AMH in a woman’s blood, a hormone produced by ovarian follicles. It serves as a reliable marker of ovarian reserve, indicating a woman’s potential fertility. This test is instrumental for clinicians and fertility specialists to predict a woman’s response to fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

AMH levels provide a reliable measure of a woman’s ovarian reserve, although they do not directly correlate with egg quality. Low AMH levels might suggest a diminished ovarian reserve, posing concerns for natural conception or IVF. Conversely, high AMH levels might indicate conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

AMH testing is crucial in assisted reproductive technology, aiding in the development of personalised IVF treatment strategies. Women with low AMH may respond less to ovarian stimulation, affecting egg retrieval numbers and IVF success rates. High AMH levels can increase the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), especially under strong fertility medication effects.

Preparing for Your Blood Test

Our blood tests at London Pregnancy Clinic are perfect for accurately confirming pregnancy, monitoring early viability, and following up post-IVF. We offer convenient same-day appointments that fit your schedule. To ensure accurate results, follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional. These may include:

  • Fasting Requirements: You might need to avoid all food and drinks, except water, for up to 12 hours before certain tests.
  • Medication Guidelines: It may be necessary to pause specific medications temporarily. This will prevent any interference with your test results.

Adhering to these guidelines is crucial. Incorrect preparation can affect your results, possibly requiring a repeat of the test. Check-in with your care provider about what you should do! At London Pregnancy Clinic you can call our reception and our team will gladly help with any queries!

Please note, that these tests require a referral from an existing provider. We will send the results to both you and your nominated healthcare provider upon request. 

Get to Know Your Phlebotomist

Molly, one of our skilled phlebotomists, ensures that your blood tests are conducted smoothly, providing a comforting presence during the process.

Final Thoughts

The results from these tests provide a snapshot of your health and that of your baby, allowing your healthcare provider to tailor your prenatal care effectively. Remember, it’s crucial to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.

Our selection of blood tests is available exclusively to patients holding a referral from their healthcare provider, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care. We send samples to a partnered laboratory for precise analysis. If you need a referral or interpretation of blood test results, our friendly reception team is ready to help you book an appointment with the appropriate consultant. Please remember, if you’re coming for a pregnancy scan, our sonographer cannot refer you for a blood test. Referrals for blood tests are only possible through an appointment with our Consultant Obstetricians or Gynaecologists. At the LPC, we’re here to support you from the very first step.

Want to book a blood test with us? Visit our Blood Tests page or give us a call! If you already had your pregnancy confirmed, we recommend booking an early pregnancy scan to check for the baby’s development.

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Understanding Pregnancy Tests

A modern, minimalist illustration depicting a hand holding a positive pregnancy test, surrounded by abstract shapes and elements in light orange and baby pink, symbolising joy and new beginnings.

Understanding Pregnancy Tests:

Your First Step Towards Motherhood and beyond.

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Discover the essentials of a pregnancy test, from how they work to the different types available and what steps to take after getting your results. This guide offers peace of mind as you embark on your journey to motherhood.

Pregnancy tests are the first beacon of information in your journey towards motherhood. They detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone your body produces during pregnancy. Highly accurate, these tests offer reassurance and a preliminary confirmation of pregnancy, paving the way for the exciting journey ahead.

How does a Pregnancy Test Work?

Pregnancy tests search for hCG in your urine, which your body starts producing shortly after a fertilised egg attaches to your uterus. This hormone’s levels double every two to three days in early pregnancy, making urine and blood tests highly effective ways to confirm pregnancy. While home tests offer privacy and quick results, blood tests at your doctor’s office can confirm pregnancy earlier and more accurately.

Over-the-counter (OTC) tests detect the HCG hormone in urine, with various methods depending on the chosen kit. You might dip a stick into collected urine, use an eyedropper for transferring urine to a container, or place the stick directly in your urine stream mid-flow.

Home pregnancy tests boast a near-99% accuracy rate when used as directed by the Office on Women’s Health. These tests offer privacy, simplicity, and quick results, usually within minutes. Results could appear as a color change, a line, a symbol (like a plus or minus), or explicitly as “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” A negative outcome might not be definitive, especially if instructions weren’t followed, the test was taken too soon, or certain medications interfered. Consult a pharmacist about potential medication effects on test results.

If symptoms persist or your period doesn’t commence, try another test in a week. Seek GP advice for continuous negative results without menstruation. Some pharmacies and GPs provide tests, sometimes free or for a nominal fee, ensuring even quicker answers. Remember, if going to your GP, bring a urine sample in a clean container. Results can take days, though some tests are instant.

Wondering when to take a pregnancy test?

Some highly sensitive tests can detect pregnancy before your period is due. Yet, waiting until the first day of a missed period boosts accuracy. For the clearest result, test a week after missing your period.

Tests measure HCG, a hormone present only during pregnancy. This hormone appears after a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, a process known as implantation, occurring about 10 days post-conception. HCG traces can appear 6 days post-implantation, but levels usually need 7–10 days to become detectable. If your cycles are irregular, testing 21 days after unprotected intercourse is wise. Testing too early may yield inaccurate results.

Types of Pregnancy Tests

Opt for Home Pregnancy Tests: Seeking a convenient option? Home pregnancy tests offer privacy. Conduct these tests as soon as you miss your period. They promise up to 99% accuracy when used as directed.

Consider Blood Tests: Need an early confirmation? Blood tests, performed in healthcare settings, can provide it. Although less commonly used, they’re highly accurate for early detection. At London Pregnancy Clinic we can perform these tests and one of our phlebotomists will assist you.

Signs you may be pregnant

Spotting early pregnancy signs is crucial. If you notice any unusual changes, consider a pregnancy test. Here’s a restructured and concise guide to understanding these signs.

Missed Period: A hallmark sign, missing your period suggests it’s time for a test. While a standard cycle lasts about 28 days, they can range from 24–38 days. If over a month has passed without your period, testing is wise. However, stress, medication, and changes in birth control can also affect your cycle. Early pregnancy might show light spotting as the egg implants, which differs from a regular period. Consult a doctor for any bleeding with a positive test.

Cramping: Similar to menstrual cramps, early pregnancy might bring discomfort. If your period doesn’t follow, testing is advisable.

Breast Changes: Pregnancy increases estrogen and progesterone levels, leading to tender, fuller breasts and darker veins. These symptoms can also precede a period, so they’re not definitive of pregnancy.

Feeling Different: Early signs include nausea, food aversions, fatigue, and frequent urination. Pay attention to your body; any distinct changes might indicate it’s time for a test.

Failed Birth Control: No method is 100% foolproof. Pills might fail, especially if not used perfectly, and condoms can break. Despite the effectiveness of long-term options like IUDs, pregnancy is still possible. If experiencing other pregnancy signs, take a test, regardless of your birth control use.

Remember, understanding your body’s signals is key. If you’re encountering any of these symptoms, a pregnancy test can provide early insight, allowing for prompt healthcare consultation. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we’re here to support you with tailored advice and comprehensive care for your pregnancy journey.

Embarking on Your Journey

A positive test marks the start of a remarkable journey. Your next move? Book an appointment with your healthcare provider. This crucial visit can verify your pregnancy with additional tests. It also kick-starts vital prenatal care, safeguarding your well-being and your baby’s health. Embrace this journey, prioritising health and care from the outset. Your provider will guide you through each step, ensuring you and your baby thrive.

At the LPC, we understand the emotional and physical significance of this phase in your life. Recognising the unique needs and concerns of expectant mothers, LPC offers the opportunity to book your first appointment directly with a midwife. This personal touch ensures that you receive tailored advice and support right from the outset.

Furthermore, LPC introduces an option that diverges from the standard NHS protocol. Recognising the desire for early reassurance, we offer a viability scan as early as 6-9 weeks into the pregnancy. This service caters to those eager for an earlier confirmation of their pregnancy’s progression, rather than waiting until the NHS’s 12-week scan. The decision to opt for this early scan underscores the importance of peace of mind and the value of early connection with the developing life within.

The viability scan presents a window into the womb, offering expectant parents their first glimpse of their unborn child and the heartbeat that symbolises life. This experience often strengthens the bond between parent and child, grounding the reality of the pregnancy and fostering an early emotional connection.

Ultrasound Screening Vital for Early Detection

Ultrasound screenings are not just routine checks; they’re crucial for early prenatal care. These scans help identify potential structural anomalies in the baby’s development, which are pivotal for addressing congenital anomalies. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we specialise in providing comprehensive ultrasound screenings, tailored to each stage of pregnancy, ensuring early detection and peace of mind from 10 weeks onward.

Many inquire about the possibility of conducting a scan at 4 weeks. However, at such an early stage, the ultrasound reveals limited details, often not enough to confirm a pregnancy. By 5 weeks, while we may observe the gestational and yolk sacs, these findings alone do not confirm pregnancy viability. It’s this understanding that shapes our recommendation for the optimal timing of your first scan to be held off until week 6/7.

Our 10 Week Scan stands out, offering a unique glimpse into the womb to detect 10 critical fetal anomalies. This pioneering scan, exclusive to our clinic, aligns perfectly with Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), elevating the standard of prenatal care available to you.

The cornerstone of our scanning services, the Early Fetal Scan, provides an in-depth examination aimed at identifying over 100 serious anomalies well before the standard NHS 19-20 week scan. This early insight grants expectant parents the reassurance and crucial information needed during these formative weeks.

Our approach to prenatal screenings is revolutionary, offering early answers and invaluable peace of mind. Through our advanced screening capabilities, we illuminate potential concerns, facilitating timely interventions. These scans are more than mere procedures; they are essential milestones providing reassurance that your baby’s development is on course, empowering you to manage your pregnancy with informed confidence and proactive care.

Final Thoughts

At the London Pregnancy Clinic, we’re here to support you from the very first step. If you’ve taken a pregnancy test and are ready for the next stage, or if you have questions about pregnancy tests, our team is here to assist you. You can use our EDD calculator to figure out when your baby might arrive.

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