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Blood Tests During Pregnancy

Modern minimalist illustration of a hand holding a syringe, in soft light orange and baby pink tones, symbolising blood tests during pregnancy at London Pregnancy Clinic.

Blood Tests During Pregnancy:

Ensuring the Health of You and Your Baby.

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At London Pregnancy Clinic, we understand the importance of precise blood tests for monitoring health and diagnosing conditions during pregnancy. Explore the essential tests that help ensure the well-being of both mother and child.

While blood tests during pregnancy aren’t essential, they can significantly enhance your preparedness. Your healthcare provider may recommend a tailored series to monitor your health and your baby’s growth. These tests are invaluable for early detection of potential health issues, enabling prompt and effective interventions. At London Pregnancy we offer a wide variety of tests, which in this blog, we will dive into.

Why Consider Blood Tests During Pregnancy?

Blood tests during pregnancy offer invaluable insights into both maternal and fetal health, enabling better preparedness and care. Here are several compelling reasons to consider these tests:

Monitor Maternal Health: Blood tests, such as the complete blood count (CBC) and liver function tests, assess the mother’s overall health. They check for conditions like anaemia, infections, and gestational diabetes that may require close monitoring or specific treatments.

Assess Fetal Health and Development: Genetic screening tests can detect chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome. These tests, often paired with ultrasounds, help evaluate the risk of certain genetic disorders, guiding further prenatal care. We offer Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) from 10 weeks of pregnancy and can help you choose the right NIPT for you!

Identify Rh Incompatibility: Determining the mother’s blood type and Rh factor is crucial. Rh incompatibility can lead to serious complications, necessitating special treatment to safeguard the baby’s health. At LPC we currently don’t offer Rh factor blood test (at the time of writing April 2024). However, during your NHS antenatal checks you will be able to get it. Read more on Rhesus Disease RhD on the NHS website.

Screening for Infectious Diseases: Screening for infectious diseases like hepatitis B, HIV, and syphilis is critical. Identifying these infections early allows for steps to be taken to prevent transmission to the baby, ensuring a safer delivery.

Provide Baseline Information: The results from initial blood tests create a baseline that helps monitor the pregnancy’s progression. Any significant changes can be quickly identified, allowing for timely interventions.

Overall, considering blood tests during pregnancy is vital for early detection of potential issues. These tests enable timely and effective interventions, ensuring the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby.

Why Consider Blood Tests for Pregnancy Confirmation?

Pregnancy tests, including urine and blood tests, are designed to confirm if you are pregnant. Urine tests are widely used due to their convenience and availability over-the-counter. However, blood tests, particularly the Beta HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) test, provide more comprehensive insights.

The Beta HCG test detects the hormone produced by the placenta shortly after implantation, appearing in the blood about 11 days post-conception, which is slightly earlier than in urine. It is essential for confirming early pregnancy and is available in two types: the Qualitative HCG Test, which simply indicates pregnancy with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and the Quantitative HCG Test, which measures exact HCG levels in the blood for high accuracy.

Unlike urine tests, the Beta HCG test requires a blood sample taken in a healthcare setting and is more sensitive, offering early detection and additional information such as the approximate age of the fetus and potential complications. This makes blood tests a vital tool for early and accurate pregnancy confirmation.

What is the AMH Blood Test?

The AMH blood test measures the levels of AMH in a woman’s blood, a hormone produced by ovarian follicles. It serves as a reliable marker of ovarian reserve, indicating a woman’s potential fertility. This test is instrumental for clinicians and fertility specialists to predict a woman’s response to fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

AMH levels provide a reliable measure of a woman’s ovarian reserve, although they do not directly correlate with egg quality. Low AMH levels might suggest a diminished ovarian reserve, posing concerns for natural conception or IVF. Conversely, high AMH levels might indicate conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

AMH testing is crucial in assisted reproductive technology, aiding in the development of personalised IVF treatment strategies. Women with low AMH may respond less to ovarian stimulation, affecting egg retrieval numbers and IVF success rates. High AMH levels can increase the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), especially under strong fertility medication effects.

Preparing for Your Blood Test

Our blood tests at London Pregnancy Clinic are perfect for accurately confirming pregnancy, monitoring early viability, and following up post-IVF. We offer convenient same-day appointments that fit your schedule. To ensure accurate results, follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional. These may include:

  • Fasting Requirements: You might need to avoid all food and drinks, except water, for up to 12 hours before certain tests.
  • Medication Guidelines: It may be necessary to pause specific medications temporarily. This will prevent any interference with your test results.

Adhering to these guidelines is crucial. Incorrect preparation can affect your results, possibly requiring a repeat of the test. Check-in with your care provider about what you should do! At London Pregnancy Clinic you can call our reception and our team will gladly help with any queries!

Please note, that these tests require a referral from an existing provider. We will send the results to both you and your nominated healthcare provider upon request. 

Get to Know Your Phlebotomist

Molly, one of our skilled phlebotomists, ensures that your blood tests are conducted smoothly, providing a comforting presence during the process.

Final Thoughts

The results from these tests provide a snapshot of your health and that of your baby, allowing your healthcare provider to tailor your prenatal care effectively. Remember, it’s crucial to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.

Our selection of blood tests is available exclusively to patients holding a referral from their healthcare provider, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care. We send samples to a partnered laboratory for precise analysis. If you need a referral or interpretation of blood test results, our friendly reception team is ready to help you book an appointment with the appropriate consultant. Please remember, if you’re coming for a pregnancy scan, our sonographer cannot refer you for a blood test. Referrals for blood tests are only possible through an appointment with our Consultant Obstetricians or Gynaecologists. At the LPC, we’re here to support you from the very first step.

Want to book a blood test with us? Visit our Blood Tests page or give us a call! If you already had your pregnancy confirmed, we recommend booking an early pregnancy scan to check for the baby’s development.

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Gynaecological Pelvic Scans: Importance, Procedure, and Diagnostics

In the realm of gynaecology, pelvic scans play a crucial role in maintaining women’s health. These essential imaging tests help visualise the organs within the female pelvic region, aiding the diagnosis of various conditions. This comprehensive blog post provides an in-depth understanding of gynaecological pelvic scans – their importance, procedure, potential risks, the conditions they can diagnose, their history, and the organs they help visualise.

Why Are Gynaecological Pelvic Scans Important?

Gynaecological pelvic scans provide detailed images of the female pelvic organs, including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and bladder. This non-invasive procedure aids in the diagnosis and management of numerous conditions such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and even cancer.

This type of imaging allows medical professionals to identify abnormalities, track their progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. It’s also a vital tool for pregnancy management, helping to monitor foetal development, placental health, and diagnose ectopic pregnancies.

How are Gynaecological Pelvic Scans Performed?

Pelvic scans in gynaecology are typically performed through ultrasound technology. Ultrasounds work by emitting high-frequency sound waves that bounce off tissues and organs, creating echoes that are converted into real-time images.

There are two main types of gynaecological pelvic scans: transabdominal and transvaginal. The transabdominal scan is performed externally, with a probe moved over the lower abdomen. For a transvaginal scan, a specially designed probe is inserted into the vagina, providing closer, more detailed images of the pelvic organs.

Are There Any Risks? Are They Painful?

Gynaecological pelvic scans are generally safe, non-invasive procedures with minimal risk. Ultrasound technology does not involve radiation, making it safer than other imaging techniques.

In terms of discomfort, while some women might experience mild discomfort during a transvaginal scan, it’s typically not painful. The procedure is usually quick, and any discomfort tends to subside immediately after the scan.

Is There a Need for Preparation?

Preparation for a gynaecological pelvic scan may vary depending on the type of ultrasound. For a transabdominal scan, patients may be asked to drink water before the procedure to fill the bladder, which allows better visualisation of the pelvic organs. For a transvaginal scan, typically, no specific preparation is required.

Conditions Diagnosed by Gynaecological Pelvic Scans

Pelvic scans can diagnose a multitude of conditions, including:

  1. Fibroids: Non-cancerous growths in the uterus, often appearing during childbearing years.
  2. Ovarian cysts: Fluid-filled sacs in the ovary, usually harmless but occasionally requiring treatment.
  3. Endometriosis: A condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside it, causing pain and potentially affecting fertility.
  4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): An infection of the female reproductive organs, often due to sexually transmitted bacteria.
  5. Gynaecological cancers: Pelvic scans help detect and manage cancers of the cervix, uterus, and ovaries.

The History of Scans in Gynaecology

The use of ultrasound technology in gynaecology has evolved significantly since its first clinical application in the 1950s. The initial ‘A-mode’ ultrasounds, which provided one-dimensional information, evolved into ‘B-mode’ in the late 1950s, delivering two-dimensional images. The introduction of Doppler ultrasound in the 1970s brought colour to the images, providing information about blood flow. Today, we even have 3D and 4D ultrasounds, allowing for detailed three-dimensional imaging and real-time movement.

Organs Visualised by Gynaecological Pelvic Scans

Gynaecological pelvic scans offer comprehensive imaging of the female pelvic organs. This includes the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and bladder. Another type of scan that specifically focuses on the potency of the fallopian tubes is know as HyCoSy.

Unravelling Microdeletions: Their Causes, Risk Factors, Common Types, and Screening Methods

Microdeletions are a topic of extensive genetic research. These small deletions in the DNA sequence of a chromosome can have significant implications on an individual’s health. In this comprehensive blog post, we delve into the causes, risk factors, ten most common types of microdeletions, their prevalence, and the role of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) in their detection.

What are Microdeletions?

Microdeletions are tiny losses of genetic material in the DNA sequence of a chromosome. These minute changes are typically undetectable under a standard microscope, hence the term ‘micro’. However, despite being minute, these deletions can lead to significant health and developmental problems, as they may disrupt several genes essential for growth and development.

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of microdeletions remains unknown, and their occurrence seems largely spontaneous. They typically occur during the formation of reproductive cells or in early foetal development, resulting from a mistake in the cell’s DNA replication process.

In terms of risk factors, there’s no established link between microdeletions and parental age, ethnicity, or lifestyle. These changes can happen in any pregnancy, but familial history can increase the chances if a parent has a balanced translocation or an inherited microdeletion.

The Ten Most Common Microdeletion Syndromes

Here’s a list of ten of the most common microdeletion syndromes, along with their estimated prevalence:

SyndromeApproximate Prevalence
1. DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome)1 in 3,000 – 1 in 6,000
2. Williams Syndrome (7q11.23 deletion syndrome)1 in 7,500 – 1 in 20,000
3. Prader-Willi Syndrome1 in 10,000 – 1 in 25,000
4. Angelman Syndrome1 in 10,000 – 1 in 20,000
5. Cri-du-chat Syndrome (5p- syndrome)1 in 20,000 – 1 in 50,000
6. 1p36 Deletion Syndrome1 in 5,000 – 1 in 10,000
7. Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (4p- syndrome)1 in 20,000 – 1 in 50,000
8. Smith-Magenis Syndrome (17p11.2 deletion syndrome)1 in 15,000 – 1 in 25,000
9. Alagille Syndrome (20p12 deletion syndrome)1 in 30,000 – 1 in 50,000
10. Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome1 in 100,000 – 1 in 125,000

Microdeletions, in general, occur in approximately 1 in every 1,000 births, making them a significant contributor to genetic disorders. Just to compare Down’s Syndrome, the most common chromosomal disorder affects approximately 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. The frequency of Down’s Syndrome increases significantly with the mother’s age, particularly from 35 years onwards whereas microdeletions are believed to occur randomly.

Microdeletion Screening: The Role of NIPT

Screening for microdeletions has been revolutionised by advancements in genetic testing, particularly with the introduction of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). This screening test, performed from the 10th week of pregnancy, analyses cell-free DNA in the maternal blood to identify common chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletions. NIPT poses no risk to the foetus and offers a safer alternative to invasive diagnostic procedures.

Though NIPT has high accuracy rates, it’s crucial to understand that a ‘positive’ result indicates an increased risk, not a definitive diagnosis. Positive NIPT results should always be confirmed through diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).

There are a number of NIPT providers who offer screening for microdeletions, such as Panorama NIPT, Unity NIPT and PrenatalSAFE.


While the world of microdeletions might seem complex, understanding them is crucial to advancing our knowledge of genetic disorders. Early detection, made possible by advanced screening methods like NIPT, allows for better preparation and potential intervention. As research continues to evolve, we can hope for even more effective detection and management of these genetic changes, ultimately leading to improved healthcare and patient outcomes.

Remember, if you have any concerns or questions about genetic disorders or prenatal testing, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide tailored advice based on your individual circumstances.

DiGeorge Syndrome: Causes, Risk Factors, Screening and Prevalence

DiGeorge Syndrome, also commonly known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (or simply 22q del,) is a complex and multifaceted disorder that many people may not be aware of. This blog post aims to shed light on the causes and risk factors of DiGeorge Syndrome, discuss screening options such as Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), and compare its prevalence with conditions such as Down’s Syndrome.

Understanding DiGeorge Syndrome (22Q DEL)

DiGeorge Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by the deletion of a small piece of chromosome 22, specifically on the q11.2 region. The deletion happens spontaneously during the formation of reproductive cells or in early fetal development. The primary cause of 22q del is unknown, and it typically isn’t inherited from the parents.

The syndrome is characterised by a wide range of potential symptoms, including heart defects, certain facial features, and learning difficulties.problems with immune system and other abnormalities. Unfortunately, 22q del syndrome is also associated with learning difficulties and psychiatric or behavioural problems like autism and schizophrenia. Due to its complex nature, different individuals affected may present a different set of symptoms, making it a highly variable condition.

Risk Factors

Although the exact cause of the chromosomal deletion leading to DiGeorge Syndrome is unknown, it’s not typically associated with the age of the parent, unlike some other genetic disorders. The occurrence appears to be mostly random, which means that all pregnancies, irrespective of familial history, have a minimal but real risk.

Screening for DiGeorge Syndrome: The Role of NIPT

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) has emerged as an invaluable tool for the early detection of several genetic disorders, including DiGeorge Syndrome. NIPT analyses cell-free DNA in the maternal blood to detect common chromosomal abnormalities. This test can be performed from the 10th week of pregnancy and poses no risk to the fetus.

While NIPT is highly accurate for detecting common trisomies like Down’s Syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards’ syndrome (trisomy 18), and Patau’s syndrome (trisomy 13), it’s also valuable for identifying deletions like those causing DiGeorge Syndrome. It’s essential to remember, however, that a positive NIPT result for DiGeorge syndrome should be confirmed with diagnostic tests like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) for a definitive diagnosis.

Not all NIPT provider offer reliable screening for DiGeorge Syndrome. Recently, the Panorama AI NIPT demonstrated impressive clinical performance for screening Di George Syndrome, you can read more about the study here. In well-designed prospective study Panorama Test was able to detect more than 80% of the fetuses affected by 22q del, showing an outstanding 50% positive predicted value.

Prevalence of DiGeorge Syndrome vs Down’s Syndrome

DiGeorge Syndrome is considered one of the most common genetic syndromes, second only to Down’s Syndrome. In the general population, it’s estimated to affect between 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 4,000 live births. Younger women have the same chance to deliver baby with 22q del as older ones.

In contrast, Down’s Syndrome, the most common chromosomal disorder, has a higher prevalence rate, affecting approximately 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. The frequency of Down’s Syndrome increases significantly with the mother’s age, particularly from 35 years onwards.


Understanding and awareness of genetic disorders like DiGeorge Syndrome are crucial, not just for healthcare professionals, but for the general public too. While DiGeorge Syndrome is less common than Down’s Syndrome, it still represents a significant proportion of genetic disorders. By employing advanced screening methods such as NIPT, early detection and management of these conditions can be made possible.

Remember, if you have concerns or questions about genetic disorders or prenatal testing, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

Understanding The Statistics Behind NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing)


The best NIPT will be really good at detecting problems (high sensitivity) and correctly saying everything is fine (high specificity). It should hardly ever make mistakes by saying there’s a problem when there isn’t (low false positive) or missing a problem and saying everything is okay (low false negative). If the test says there’s an issue, it should be highly likely to be true (high positive predictive value). And if it says everything is fine, it should be trustworthy (high negative predictive value).

NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) is a type of genetic test used to screen for certain chromosomal abnormalities and genetic syndromes in a developing fetus. The test involves analyzing a sample of the mother’s blood to look for fragments of DNA from the fetus.

It’s good to know the statistical terms related to NIPT performance because they help you understand how accurate the test is and what the results mean. You might be wondering why it’s important to understand those “boring statistics” related to NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) performance, but trust us, it’s actually really helpful! Knowing these statistical terms can make a big difference in your pregnancy journey.

By understanding these terms, you can make informed choices about your prenatal care. If the test is really accurate, you might feel more confident in the results and decide not to have further tests. But if the test has limitations, you might want to consider additional testing to get more clarity. It’s all about making sure you have the information you need to make the best choices for you and your baby.

So, while statistics might seem boring at first, they play a vital role in your understanding of the test’s accuracy, interpretation of results, and decision-making process. Embracing these statistics can give you more confidence and peace of mind throughout your pregnancy journey.

Please see below the most important statistical terms related to NIPT performance:

  1. Sensitivity: This measures how good the test is at correctly identifying fetuses that have a chromosomal abnormality. A high sensitivity means that the test is good at detecting most cases of abnormality. For example, if a test has a sensitivity of 99%, it means that out of 100 fetuses with a chromosomal abnormality, the test correctly identifies 99 of them.
  2. Specificity: This measures how good the test is at correctly identifying fetuses that do not have a chromosomal abnormality. A high specificity means that the test avoids identifying normal fetuses as abnormal. For example, if a test has a specificity of 99%, it means that out of 100 normal fetuses, the test correctly identifies 99 of them as normal.
  3. Positive predictive value (PPV): This is the probability that a positive test result is a true positive. In other words, if the test comes back positive, the PPV measures the likelihood that the fetus actually has a chromosomal abnormality. For example, if a test has a PPV of 95%, it means that out of 100 positive test results, 95 of them are true positives.
  4. Negative predictive value (NPV): This is the probability that a negative test result is a true negative. In other words, if the test comes back negative, the NPV measures the likelihood that the fetus does not have a chromosomal abnormality. For example, if a test has an NPV of 99%, it means that out of 100 negative test results, 99 of them are true negatives.
  5. False positive rate (FPR): This measures how often the test gives a positive result for a normal fetus. A low FPR means the test is good at avoiding false positives. For example, if a test has an FPR of 1%, it means that out of 100 normal fetuses, the test gives a false positive result for only 1 of them.
  6. False negative rate (FNR): This measures how often the test gives a negative result for an abnormal fetus. A low FNR means the test is good at avoiding false negatives. For example, if a test has an FNR of 1%, it means that out of 100 fetuses with a chromosomal abnormality, the test gives a false negative result for only 1 of them.

When we look at how well NIPT works, it’s important to consider a bunch of statistics together. A good test will have high sensitivity, high specificity, low false positive and false negative rates, and high PPV and NPV.

Just remember, the performance of NIPT can vary depending on the specific test and the group of people being tested. So, when you get the results, make sure to understand how good that particular test is.

Considering all these statistics helps us know how reliable the test is and what the results mean for you and your baby. It’s about making informed choices and getting the best care possible.

Learn more about the NIPT providers we use:

Harmony Test by Roche:

Panorama Test by Natera:

PrenatalSAFE by Eurofins:

Unity Test by BillionToOne: