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Tag: Early Pregnancy

Pre Eclampsia Awareness

Illustration of a pregnant woman being examined by a an obstetrician to raise awareness on preeclampsia, emphasising prenatal care and maternal health.

Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month

What is Pre-Eclampsia and innovations in the field?

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Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder affecting pregnant women, usually developing after 20 weeks of gestation or in the postpartum period. Characterised by high blood pressure, it can lead to severe complications if not managed properly. This blog raises pre-eclampsia awareness, including its symptoms, statistics, management strategies, and the services offered by the London Pregnancy Clinic.

LPC is joining the efforts to raise awareness about pre-eclampsia and support ongoing research to improve outcomes for mothers and babies worldwide. May is National Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month, and we partner with the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation to ensure every mother knows the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Share the message and join the campaign to make a difference.

What is Pre-eclampsia

It is a condition characterised by persistent high blood pressure that arises during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. It typically develops after the 20th week of pregnancy or within six weeks postpartum. This disorder can have significant implications for both the mother and the baby, making early detection and careful management crucial.


Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs) affect 5-10% of all pregnancies worldwide, including conditions like pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets), and gestational hypertension. These disorders are a leading cause of maternal and infant mortality globally. Annually, pre-eclampsia results in approximately 76,000 maternal deaths and 500,000 infant deaths worldwide.

The United States ranks 47th in the world for maternal mortality, with a rising rate unlike other industrialised nations. HDPs, including pre-eclampsia, are significant contributors to maternal and infant illness and death in the US. Black women face a disproportionately higher risk, experiencing severe maternal morbidity events at a rate 2.1 times greater than white women. Despite these grave statistics, about 60% of maternal deaths due to pre-eclampsia are preventable with proper medical care and timely intervention.


Recognising the symptoms of pre-eclampsia early can significantly improve outcomes. Common symptoms include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Swelling in the hands and face
  • Visual disturbances
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Shortness of breath

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Pre-eclampsia can escalate quickly, and early intervention is vital for the health of both the mother and the baby.

Pre-eclampsia Management

This conition requires careful management to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome. The condition can develop from 20 weeks of pregnancy up to six weeks after childbirth. High blood pressure is typically controlled with antihypertensive medications. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. This includes:

  • Regular prenatal check-ups
  • Monitoring blood pressure regularly
  • Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption

Implementing easy-to-understand educational tools for patients about pre-eclampsia signs and symptoms is crucial. Screening for risk factors, considering aspirin use during the first trimester, and early hypertension control can also help decrease rates of pre-eclampsia. Hospitals should standardise care guidelines for managing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy to decrease maternal illness and death. Supporting perinatal quality collaboratives can help hospitals reduce early delivery and severe pregnancy complications.

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any lifestyle changes or starting new medications.

Raising Pre-eclampsia Awareness

The LPC is joining the efforts to raise awareness about pre-eclampsia and support ongoing research to improve outcomes for mothers and babies worldwide. May is National Pre-Eclampsia Awareness Month, and we partner with the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation to ensure every mother knows the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Share the message and join the campaign to make a difference.

If you need more information about pre-eclampsia, please visit the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation. Together, we can help prevent pre-eclampsia and ensure better health for future generations.

Pre-eclampsia Tests During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your healthcare provider checks your blood pressure at each prenatal visit. This is essential to ensure it remains within a safe range. They also test your urine for protein, which indicates kidney health. If protein is found, you might need to collect urine over 24 hours to measure protein levels accurately.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Your healthcare provider measures your blood pressure at every prenatal appointment. This should be done after you’ve been sitting comfortably for a few minutes. The cuff is placed on your upper bare arm at heart level. High blood pressure is traditionally defined as 140/90 or greater, measured on two separate occasions six hours apart. Severe high blood pressure (160/110 or greater) needs immediate treatment.

Urine Tests

At each prenatal appointment, you provide a urine sample. Healthy kidneys don’t allow significant protein into the urine. If protein is detected, further testing might be required. Your provider might ask you to collect all your urine in a jug for 24 hours to measure protein levels. Alternatively, a “spot check” compares protein to creatinine levels to gauge kidney health.

Blood Tests

These are crucial for diagnosing pre-eclampsia. They include a complete blood count (CBC) with platelet count and assessment of liver enzymes and creatinine levels. These tests provide a baseline for monitoring your health. If you show symptoms of severe pre-eclampsia, your provider will order additional blood tests.

Monitoring Your Baby

Your provider may schedule more frequent ultrasounds or non-stress tests (NST) to monitor your baby’s growth and blood flow through the umbilical cord and placenta. Continuous fetal monitoring might be necessary if symptoms appear rapidly.

Pre-eclampsia Tests Post Partum

Pre-eclampsia can develop up to six weeks postpartum. Symptoms include severe headache, vision changes, and difficulty breathing. It’s crucial to report these symptoms to your provider immediately. Blood pressure checks are recommended three and ten days after delivery to monitor any changes.

After Pregnancy
Post-pregnancy, additional tests might uncover underlying conditions contributing to pre-eclampsia. These include tests for autoimmune conditions, blood clotting disorders, and kidney function. Your healthcare provider will monitor your health and recommend necessary treatments.

Long-Term Care
Women with a history of pre-eclampsia are at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic high blood pressure later in life. Annual monitoring of your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol is crucial for maintaining long-term health.

Pre-eclampsia testing can seem overwhelming, but understanding these tests helps you stay informed and proactive about your health. Always discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider to ensure you receive the best possible care.

What We Offer for Pre-eclampsia

At LPC, we provide specialised care for pregnancies affected by pre-eclampsia. Our Consultant Obstetrician, Mr Daniel Stott, has extensive experience in managing pre-eclampsia and offers comprehensive post-natal care. He also runs a dedicated pre-eclampsia clinic at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Mr Stott has published extensively on hypertensive pregnancies and is committed to supporting mothers throughout their pregnancy journey.

Learn more about our private obstetric services on our dedicated page. We aim to provide personalised care and address any concerns you may have during or after pregnancy. We also offer private midwifery services to help you deal with pre-eclampsia:

  • Monitoring: Midwives closely monitor pregnant women and their fetuses for signs of pre-eclampsia during routine antenatal appointments by checking blood pressure and urine samples. Midwives also act on signs of deterioration.
  • Advising: Midwives advise women and their partners without frightening them, and interpret doctor’s information when necessary.
  • Other responsibilities: Midwives may arrange a visit to the special care baby unit if appropriate, and provide continuity of midwifery care.

Final Thoughts

Pre-eclampsia is a significant concern in maternal health, but with early detection and proper management, most pregnancies can have positive outcomes. The LPC is dedicated to providing expert care and support for expectant mothers dealing with pre-eclampsia. We encourage you to reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

If you need more information about pre-eclampsia, please visit the Pre-Eclampsia Foundation. Together, we can help prevent pre-eclampsia and ensure better health for future generations.

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What is a Doula?

Graphic of celebrating World Doula Day. An illustration of a Doula holding a baby with pregnant women around her.

What is a Doula?

Celebrating the World Doula Week by shedding light on what they do.

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Celebrate World Doula Week with us and discover what is a Doula and the invaluable support they offer to expectant mothers. From emotional support to physical and informational assistance during childbirth, doulas play a crucial role in enhancing the pregnancy experience. Learn how a doula can be part of your journey to motherhood, providing reassurance and strength every step of the way.

As we welcome World Doula Week, let’s spotlight the pivotal role of doulas in the childbirth journey. A doula, known for offering profound support, stands by individuals through childbirth, miscarriage, induced abortion, and stillbirth. Their role transcends mere presence, embracing emotional, physical, and informational support. Doulas guide expectant parents, turning the childbirth process into a more informed, empowering experience.

They shine as beacons of knowledge and comfort, ensuring parents feel heard, valued, and respected. By offering a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a wealth of knowledge, doulas make the path to parenthood less daunting. Their support is not just about the birth process but about fostering a positive, empowering environment for all involved. Doulas help navigate the complex emotions and decisions that come with childbirth and beyond.

What is a Doula?

The term “doula” has its origins deeply rooted in the ancient Greek word δούλα, meaning “a woman who serves”. Over centuries, this concept has significantly evolved, especially during the grassroots natural birth movement in the United States in the 1960s. This era marked a pivotal shift, as women started advocating for unmedicated, low-intervention births, bringing to light the desire for supportive companionship during childbirth that went beyond medical assistance.

Originally, the concept of a doula focused on emotional and physical support during labour and delivery. However, their role has expanded, embodying a comprehensive support system for various stages of pregnancy, including preconception, miscarriage, and postpartum periods. Doulas are now pivotal figures in the childbirth journey, offering guidance, comfort, and advocacy.

Doulas stand out for their personalised care approach. They tailor their support to meet each family’s unique needs, ensuring a more positive and informed pregnancy and birthing experience. From helping devise birth plans to offering strategies for pain management, doulas empower parents-to-be with knowledge and confidence.

Today’s doulas embody this rich heritage, offering non-medical, emotional, and practical support to families during one of the most transformative periods of their lives (this is what sets them apart from midwives). They draw on formal and practical knowledge to empower expectant mothers to have the birth experience they desire, whether it be at home, in a birthing centre, or in a hospital setting. The evolution of the doula’s role from a grassroots movement to a recognised profession underscores a growing appreciation for personalised care and the profound impact of dedicated support during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

The Role of a Doula

Doulas offer a holistic support system that addresses the emotional, physical, and informational needs of expectant families. Their comprehensive care ensures that mothers feel cherished, bodies are respected, and decisions are well-informed, paving the way for a positive and empowered birth experience.

Emotional Support: Doulas provide unparalleled emotional backing, blending compassion with encouragement. Their role goes beyond mere presence; they become confidants to expectant mothers, offering a listening ear during moments of doubt and joy alike. This emotional scaffolding ensures mothers navigate their pregnancy journey feeling thoroughly supported and deeply understood. The reassurance doulas offer becomes a pillar of strength, fostering a sense of calm and confidence as birth approaches.

Physical Support: In the realm of physical comfort, doulas excel with their hands-on approach. Employing techniques such as massage and recommending various birthing positions, they significantly ease the physical strains of labour. Their expertise in comfort measures transforms the birth experience, making pain more manageable and labour more bearable. By intuitively responding to a mother’s needs, doulas facilitate a smoother birthing process, where discomfort is alleviated, and mothers feel more in control of their bodies.

Informational Support: Armed with evidence-based insights, doulas are invaluable guides through the maze of childbirth and postpartum care. They demystify medical procedures and explain care options, empowering families to make choices that resonate with their values and desires. This informed support ensures that decisions around birth and aftercare are made with clarity and confidence. Doulas’ dedication to providing accurate, up-to-date information helps families approach childbirth with informed optimism, prepared for the journey that lies ahead.

Types of Doulas

Birth Doula: Birth doulas can play a crucial role in supporting expectant mothers through pregnancy, labour, and childbirth. They offer continuous emotional support, guidance, and reassurance. These professionals work closely with families, preparing them for the birthing process, assisting in creating birth plans, and providing techniques for pain management. Their presence ensures a comforting and empowering experience, helping mothers navigate the challenges of childbirth with confidence and calm.

Postpartum Doula: In the early days following a baby’s arrival, postpartum doulas become an invaluable source of support for new families. They assist with newborn care, offer breastfeeding support, and help manage household tasks, allowing parents to focus on bonding with their baby. Their knowledge and experience in postpartum care provide a smooth transition for families during this new chapter, ensuring both the baby’s and the mother’s needs are met with compassion and expertise.

Fertility Doula: Fertility doulas offer support to families facing challenges in conceiving. They provide emotional backing, resources, and guidance through fertility treatments and decisions. By offering a listening ear and informed advice, fertility doulas help couples navigate the often complex and emotional journey towards conception. Their role is to empower and support families, ensuring they feel understood and supported every step of the way.

Each type of doula specialises in catering to the unique needs of families during different stages of the pregnancy journey. Their dedicated support ensures that expectant and new parents feel empowered, informed, and cared for, making the journey to parenthood a more positive and fulfilling experience.

Benefits of Having a Doula

Having a doula during childbirth brings numerous advantages. Notably, mothers with doulas often experience reduced intervention rates, such as fewer cesarean sections and less need for pain relief medication. This support can lead to shorter labour durations, allowing mothers to recover more swiftly post-birth. The presence of a doula often results in more positive birth experiences, with mothers feeling empowered and satisfied with their childbirth journey. Crucially, the enhanced emotional support provided by doulas strengthens the overall well-being of mothers and families, creating a nurturing environment for welcoming new life.

How to Choose a Doula

Selecting the right doula is pivotal for a supportive childbirth experience. Begin by considering their training and experience; a well-trained doula can significantly impact your birth experience. Explore their philosophy on labour and childbirth to ensure it aligns with your personal preferences and values. Compatibility is key—your doula should feel like a natural extension of your support system. Seek recommendations from others who have had positive experiences with doulas. This can offer invaluable insights into potential matches. Finally, trust your instincts; the right doula should make you feel comfortable, heard, and respected.

Choosing a doula is a deeply personal decision, influenced by your unique needs and childbirth aspirations. By carefully considering these aspects, you can select a doula who will enhance your birthing experience, offering the support, knowledge, and care you deserve during this transformative time.

How are Doulas involved

Incorporating a fertility doula into the journey of fertility screening adds a deeply valuable layer of emotional guidance and support. They stand by individuals through the whirlwind of emotions that fertility testing can provoke, offering a comforting presence alongside medical treatments. This support extends to providing a safe, nonjudgmental space where individuals can freely express their concerns and uncertainties.

Fertility doulas excel in demystifying the processes involved in fertility screening. They educate on various fertility options and tackle mental blocks or anxieties that may surface. Their holistic approach aims not just to inform but to empower individuals, ensuring they approach each step with confidence and a well-understood perspective.

During ultrasounds, the role of a fertility doula becomes even more pronounced. Their emotional reassurance and ability to answer questions make a significant difference. They strive to create a serene, supportive environment, simplifying the ultrasound process and bolstering the individual’s spirits throughout the appointment. The calming influence of a doula can effectively mitigate any anxiety or apprehensions, significantly enhancing the overall ultrasound experience.

Fertility doulas provide more than just support; they bring clarity, confidence, and a sense of calm to the often complex and emotional journey of fertility screening. Their involvement ensures that individuals feel not only supported but also empowered and informed every step of the way.

Final Thoughts

You’ve discovered the crucial role of doulas in childbirth, providing emotional, physical, and informational support. Their support enhances the well-being of mothers, newborns, and families during pregnancy, labour, childbirth, and beyond, leading to empowering birth experiences.

Initiated by Ruti Karni Horowitz in Israel in 2011, World Doula Week starts on March 22, celebrating World Doula Day, and continues until March 28 every year. CAPPA’s enthusiastic backing helped turn Horowitz’s idea into a global celebration that welcomes all doulas and doula organisations.

This celebration highlights the positive impact of doulas: fewer C-sections, greater confidence in newborn care, shorter labours, fewer epidural requests, higher breastfeeding success, and increased satisfaction with the birth process. Doulas also play a role in reducing postpartum mood disorders. Chosen for its cultural significance of renewed fertility, March 22 aligns with the spring equinox, reflecting the doula’s role in welcoming and nurturing new beginnings worldwide.

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International Women’s Day 2024

International Women's Day celebration with diverse female healthcare practitioners and a pregnant woman, highlighting early ultrasound technology at London Pregnancy Clinic.

International Women’s Day 2024

Celebrating the Vanguard of Women’s Healthcare

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This International Women’s Day, we delve into the extraordinary advancements in women’s healthcare, with a special emphasis on prenatal and maternal well-being. It’s a tribute to the indomitable spirit of female healthcare pioneers who have not only contributed to but fundamentally transformed, the landscape of pregnancy and childbirth experiences. At the London Pregnancy Clinic (LPC), we are privileged to uphold this legacy, offering expectant mothers the pinnacle of care and support, inspired by these remarkable achievements.

International Women’s Day serves as a beacon, highlighting the incredible strides towards gender parity and the monumental role women have played across sectors, particularly in healthcare. The sphere of prenatal and maternal health owes much to the tireless efforts and innovations of countless women. Their legacy is a testament to the improved care and support that expectant mothers receive at LPC, as we celebrate these achievements and reflect on how they continue to shape our services.

Milestones in Women’s Healthcare

The evolution of women’s healthcare is marked by key milestones and breakthroughs, many of which were pioneered by women. From the early establishment of women-only hospitals to pivotal research in gynaecology and obstetrics, women have always been at the forefront. Icons such as Dr. Virginia Apgar, creator of the Apgar Score, and Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler, the first African American woman to earn a medical degree in the U.S., have significantly advanced maternal and child health.

Contemporary Advances in Prenatal Care

The legacy of these pioneering women is evident in today’s advanced prenatal care technologies. Innovations such as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and enhanced ultrasound imaging have revolutionised prenatal care, facilitating early detection and intervention when necessary. At LPC, we integrate these advancements to ensure our care protocols reflect the latest in healthcare innovation, thus providing expectant mothers with unparalleled support.

LPC’s Dedication to Women’s Health

At LPC, our mission is to continue this tradition of innovation and compassionate care in women’s health. We offer comprehensive prenatal services designed to support women throughout their pregnancy journey, incorporating early pregnancy assessments, detailed anomaly scans, and beyond. Our team is devoted to creating a nurturing environment that informs, supports, and cares for every expectant mother.

A crucial aspect of today’s prenatal care is the early pregnancy scan, offered from as early as 6 weeks. These scans, pivotal for early reassurance, help detect potential issues and ensure the well-being of both mother and baby from the outset. At LPC, we emphasise the importance of early scans, as they are a cornerstone of comprehensive prenatal care, embodying the advancements in women’s healthcare.

Heartfelt Thank You to Our Female Team

On this significant day, we extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible women on our team at LPC. Their dedication, expertise, and empathy are the bedrock of our clinic. Each day, they embody the spirit of the pioneering women we honour, continuing to make strides in healthcare and ensuring our expectant mothers receive the best possible care. To our female doctors, nurses, midwives, and support staff: thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence and compassion in healthcare.

Future Inspired by Our Foremothers

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us remember the extraordinary women who have paved the way for today’s advancements in women’s healthcare. Their indelible mark on history inspires us to forge ahead, striving for a future where healthcare equality is a reality for all women. At LPC, we are proud to contribute to this legacy, ensuring that every expectant mother benefits from the highest standard of care and support.

The pursuit of gender equality in healthcare is more than a moral imperative; it’s a necessity for societal advancement. Closing the women’s health gap would not only enable more women to lead healthier, higher-quality lives but also provide an unprecedented boost to the global economy. It’s a goal that LPC actively supports, through our dedicated services and by championing women’s health and empowerment.

Final Thoughts

This International Women’s Day, let us celebrate the achievements in women’s healthcare and the pioneering women behind these advancements. Their contributions have not only shaped the field of prenatal and maternal health but also continue to inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals. At LPC, we are honoured to uphold this legacy, committed to empowering expectant mothers with the best care possible.

Join us in honouring these healthcare heroes and learn more about the bespoke services LPC offers to expectant mothers. Whether you’re exploring prenatal care options or seeking educational resources, we invite you to get in touch. Together, we can celebrate the achievements of the past while empowering the women of today and tomorrow.

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Hertility x LPC partnership

Minimalist flat design illustration of fertility and pregnancy ultrasound partnership between specialists London Pregnancy Clinic and Hertility.

Hertility x LPC partnership:

Bringing Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound support for women

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Discover the transformative partnership between Hertility and London Pregnancy Clinic, revolutionising the way you access fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services. From early pregnancy to specialised scans, our collaboration ensures you receive world-class care without the wait, at a price you can afford.

In an exciting development for expectant mothers and those on their fertility journey, Hertility has partnered with us, London Pregnancy Clinic (LPC), transforming access to reproductive healthcare. Understanding the emotional toll of waiting for your first pregnancy scan, we’ve come together to offer you world-class scanning facilities, ensuring early reassurance through ultrasound without the long wait. It promises to bridge the gap between fertility understanding and pregnancy care, offering an integrated approach to women’s health that is both convenient and comprehensive. Both fertility and pregnancy ultrasound are very important and we are going to unpack what we can offer.

Who is Hertility?

In 2020, Hertility was conceived with a distinct vision by Dr. Helen O’Neill, Dr. Natalie Getreu, and Deirdre O’Neill. It sprang from a realisation that women’s health complexities were often overlooked, with conditions remaining enigmatic within the healthcare system. Hertility emerged as a beacon, championing the cause of bringing reproductive science into the hands of women globally.

Tired of the gaps in women’s healthcare, Hertility was born out of necessity. It became clear that the data underpinning women’s health was not only insufficient but also largely based on male physiology, leading to a paradigm shift in approach. Dr. O’Neill, through her fifteen years in academia, recognised the urgency for tailored datasets that reflect the true nature of female health concerns. Hertility is not just a company; it’s a movement towards empowering women with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and life choices.

Why was Hertility Created?

The inception of Hertility was motivated by the profound desire to address the elephant in the womb – the inherent complexities of female reproductive health. With a staggering 60% of women grappling with hormone and gynae issues and the diagnosis of fertility disorders stretching up to eight years, Hertility’s founders saw the dire need for change. By empowering women with accessible, research-led health assessments, Hertility is breaking barriers and shining a light on the path to understanding and managing women’s health effectively.

Hertility’s resolve to be research-led has set a new standard in women’s healthcare. It stands firmly on the foundation of clinical trials and extensive data collection, ensuring every insight provided is robust and actionable. Hertility’s comprehensive at-home hormone and fertility tests are more than just diagnostics; they are a clarion call to acknowledge and act on women’s reproductive health needs. The company’s commitment to sharing their findings reflects their ethos of transparency and education, making Hertility a true vanguard in the realm of women’s health.

Why Hertility and LPC?

Hertility is at the forefront of women’s health, offering at-home hormone and fertility test kits designed to empower women with knowledge about their reproductive health. Their comprehensive approach evaluates various factors, including hormonal balance, ovarian reserve, and potential reproductive health conditions, to provide actionable insights.

Understanding the importance of seamless care, Hertility’s partnership with LPC is a natural progression. LPC’s reputation for excellence in fertility and pregnancy ultrasound complements Hertility’s mission, providing a continuum of care that supports women from fertility assessment through to pregnancy. From fertility screening to anomaly scan we provide a large variety of services for women from our London clinic.

  • Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services at  London Pregnancy Clinic - Viability scan

    Viability scan 3D image

  • Image showing what would an ultrasound show at 6 weeks of pregnancy. You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac. It shows an Ultrasound image by London Pregnancy Clinic that shows the gestational sac and how small it is - for educational purpose.

    You can see the fetal pole, gestational sac and yolk sac at week 6.

Fertility and pregnancy ultrasound

  • Early Pregnancy Scans: Available from 6 weeks, these scans offer early reassurance, confirming the presence of a gestational sac and fetal heartbeat. The first scan we offer is called the viability scan (or the 6-week scan).
  • HyCoSy Scans: For those investigating fertility concerns, HyCoSy scans assess tubal patency, crucial for understanding potential fertility issues.
  • General, Anomaly, and Early Fetal Scans: A comprehensive range of scans ensures that every aspect of your pregnancy is monitored, from general health checks to detailed anomaly scans. We specialise in NIPT and 10 Week Scan, which is our signature early pregnancy scan.

All scans at LPC are conducted by consultant-level doctors or specialist sonographers in fetal medicine, gynaecology, and fertility. Overseen by Dr Fred Ushakov, a renowned specialist in fetal medicine and obstetrical ultrasound, our team guarantees the highest standard of care.

Why Wait? Early Scans Available from 6 Weeks

The first few weeks of pregnancy are a profound journey filled with anticipation and, sometimes, anxiety. Traditionally, expecting mothers wait until the 11 to 14-week mark for their first scan, a period filled with unanswered questions and needless worries. Recognising the importance of early reassurance, LPC opens its doors to Hertility customers for pregnancy scans starting as early as 6 weeks. Our goal? To provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pregnancy is progressing as expected, as soon as possible.

If you’re navigating the journey of fertility and pregnancy, let Hertility and LPC guide you to a path of informed, supported, and comprehensive care. You can check out our fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services!

Final thoughts

Hertility’s partnership with the London Pregnancy Clinic marks a defining moment in women’s health. With Hertility’s research-driven methodology and our fertility and pregnancy ultrasound services, we hope to provide a holistic approach for all women. Our combined effort provides an answer to the calls for early and accessible pregnancy scans, ensuring that expectant mothers receive the support and assurance they need, precisely when they need it. This collaboration goes beyond convenience; it is a powerful statement that women’s health deserves prioritisation and respect.

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Baby Loss Certificate – DHSC

Modern and minimalist artwork by London Pregnancy Clinic, symbolising remembrance and hope with a stylised candle and heart for baby loss certificate pre-24 week.

Introduction of Baby Loss Certificates

Honouring the Journey of Loss

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In a compassionate move by the Department of Health and Social Care, parents who have endured the heartbreak of pregnancy loss before 24 weeks now have the option to apply for a Baby Loss Certificate from today, 22 February 2024. This initiative, acknowledging the profound grief of losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy, represents a significant step towards offering formal recognition and support to bereaved families across England.

The pain of losing a baby is an indescribably devastating experience for parents, often leaving emotional scars that can last a lifetime. Recognising this profound loss, the government has introduced a voluntary scheme for Baby Loss Certificates, aimed at providing formal recognition of the grief parents endure. This initiative is part of the broader Women’s Health Strategy for England, ensuring that the journey of loss is acknowledged and supported.

A Compassionate Initiative

The UK government has implemented initiatives to enhance the care and support available to parents who experience pregnancy losses before 24 weeks. Among these initiatives is the introduction of Baby Loss Certificates, designed to formally acknowledge the grief and loss experienced by parents during early pregnancy. Additionally, the development of specialist recurrent loss clinics aims to offer targeted and holistic support to individuals affected by repeated losses.

Statistics by Tommy’s highlight the prevalence and impact of early pregnancy loss, with an estimated 1 in 5 pregnancies ending in miscarriage (or 1 in 6 considering only those miscarriages that are realised or reported by women). This translates to approximately 250,000 miscarriages annually across the UK. Furthermore, there are around 11,000 emergency admissions each year for ectopic pregnancies, underscoring the significant number of individuals and families affected by early pregnancy complications.

Available from 9 am today, the scheme allows parents to apply for a certificate to acknowledge their loss formally. Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins highlighted the importance of supporting women and parents affected by such a traumatic event, thanking the tireless efforts of charities and campaigners who have worked to bring this initiative to life.

What is Miscarriage

Miscarriage, defined as the loss of a pregnancy before the 23rd week, often presents through symptoms like vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping. It’s vital to seek immediate medical advice from a GP or midwife upon experiencing these signs. Although light bleeding can occur in early pregnancy without leading to miscarriage, professional assessment is crucial for health and peace of mind.

The causes of miscarriage are varied, with many instances linked to chromosomal abnormalities in the baby that prevent normal development. It’s important to note that these occurrences are usually beyond anyone’s control and do not result from the actions of the parents. While the prevention of many miscarriages is out of one’s hands, adopting a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy can minimise risk factors.

The aftermath of a miscarriage can be emotionally taxing, evoking a range of feelings from guilt and shock to anger. Support is available through various channels including hospital counselling services, the Miscarriage Association, and other charities that offer guidance, support, and resources for grieving parents. Creating a memorial for the lost baby can also provide a sense of closure and a way to honour their memory.

Navigating the Path of Grief

Navigating the aftermath of a miscarriage requires compassionate support and understanding. Organisations like the Miscarriage Association, hospital counselling services, and Cruse Bereavement Care offer invaluable resources for those grieving. Sharing your experience with someone who understands, considering a memorial, and joining support groups can provide comfort and a sense of community. While the emotional journey is deeply personal, with feelings ranging from guilt to anger, it’s important to allow yourself time to grieve and heal. 

Delivering on Promises: Baby Loss Certificate

The introduction of a Baby Loss Certificate fulfils a key recommendation from the independent Pregnancy Loss Review, aimed at enhancing the care and support provided to grieving parents. Minister for the Women’s Health Strategy, Maria Caulfield, emphasised the government’s commitment to listening to parents’ experiences and introducing measures that recognise their loss as part of a comprehensive plan for women’s health.

In alignment with improving maternity care and support for birth trauma, the government is also investing £25 million in women’s health hubs. These hubs are designed to provide integrated services, facilitating easier access to crucial health services for women, further embodying the government’s commitment to supporting women’s health and wellbeing comprehensively.

“Being able to register that child’s name and their date of birth means a lot to parents.”

– Maria Caulfield on Sky News

Stakeholder Perspectives

The scheme has been met with positive reactions from key stakeholders and bereavement care experts. Zoe Clark-Coates MBE of the Mariposa Trust, a co-chair of the Pregnancy Loss Review, expressed her thrill at the formal acknowledgement of lost babies, hoping it aids the grieving process. Similarly, Samantha Collinge, Bereavement Lead Midwife, and Ruth Bender Atik of the Miscarriage Association have highlighted the importance of recognising every loss, emphasising that the emotional impact of early pregnancy loss is significant and deserves acknowledgement.


The launch of the Baby Loss Certificate scheme marks a monumental step in acknowledging and supporting the grief of parents who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy. It’s a reminder that their loss is significant, their grief is valid, and they are not alone. For those who have gone through this heartbreak, applying for a certificate can be a step towards healing, offering a tangible acknowledgement of their baby’s existence.

We encourage our readers to spread awareness of this supportive initiative and to reach out for support if they are navigating the journey of loss. Remember, the London Pregnancy Clinic team is here to support you through every step of your pregnancy journey, including the moments of loss and grief.

For parents in England wishing to obtain a certificate recognising their loss, please follow this link. If you are in Scotland and seeking a certificate, click here.

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Early Fetal Scan Explained

Graphic of Early Fetal Anomaly Scan. An illustration of a mother thinking about the normal development of her baby's brain.

Early Fetal Scan Explained

Shaz Khojasteh is an advanced Specialist Sonographer in Fetal Medicine, Gynaecology and Fertility in Central London. Gynae Scans and Follicle Tracking Scans in London.

Miss Shaz Khojasteh on why scanning at 12-16 weeks is important for Mothers.



The early stages of pregnancy are a time of wonder and crucial development. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we offer a thorough Early Fetal Scan to nurture early prenatal care and provide expectant parents with detailed insights into their baby’s early development.

When I joined the London Pregnancy Clinic, the importance of the Early Fetal Scan became vividly clear through experiences with expectant parents. This critical scan, offering a glimpse of their baby’s developing heartbeat and form, goes beyond just a medical check-up; it’s an early, reassuring window into the baby’s well-being and a vital tool for detecting potential anomalies. At the clinic, we do more than just scans; we provide a journey of reassurance, care, and emotional support, making each early pregnancy scan a crucial, heartwarming step in the beautiful journey of parenthood.

The Basics of Early Fetal Scan

Performed between the crucial 12-16 week mark, the Early Fetal Scan is an essential part of your prenatal care regimen. It provides a detailed look at your baby’s development, including their physical structure, heart rate, and movement. This scan also assesses the health of the placenta, which is vital for your baby’s nourishment and growth. 

Importance of Early Fetal Scan

Early Detection of Anomalies: This scan plays a critical role in the early detection of over 100 different structural abnormalities. These include severe heart defects, early brain anomalies, spina bifida, lethal skeletal dysplasias, and other serious structural conditions. The scan even has the precision to detect minute details such as missing fingers, providing a comprehensive view of the baby’s development.

Beyond Structural Analysis: While this scan is adept at identifying structural abnormalities, it’s important to note that ultrasound alone cannot detect chromosomal conditions. A baby may appear structurally normal but still have chromosomal defects like Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21). If you haven’t already done this with an earlier pregnancy scan like our 10 Week Scan, we strongly recommend doing a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). Complementing our 12-16 week pregnancy scan with NIPT will help identify such chromosomal syndromes and is currently the best screening option available and it is part of our signature Ultrasound plus NIPT Dual Approach.

12-16 week Ultrasound Images of the baby

Here are some of the pictures you can get of your baby at 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy using our state-of-the-art Voluson ultrasound machine.

  • Ultrasound scan image of a baby at 13 weeks. You can see the amazing definition of the scan, showing the individual fingers of the baby. At this stage the baby is about the size of a plum (7cm).

    13 weeks of pregnancy

    Captured via ultrasound at 13 weeks, this image showcases the incredible clarity of our scanning technology, revealing even the tiny fingers of the baby in amazing detail.

  • 3D ultrasound image of a 14-week-old fetus, showcasing detailed features and development

    14 weeks of pregnancy

    3D ultrasound image of a 14-week-old fetus, showcasing clear features and a serene pose often described by patients as the ‘sucking of the thumb in the womb’.

Your Experience with Early Fetal Scans

We achieve the best results by combining external (transabdominal) and optional internal (transvaginal) scans, adapting to factors like womb position, fetal position, and maternal abdominal wall thickness. While our high-resolution transducers often suffice with transabdominal scans, around 10% of women with a retroflexed uterus may benefit more from a transvaginal scan. We ensure you’re fully informed and comfortable with your scanning choices. You can read more about what to expect during a pregnancy scan here.

Your  frequently asked questions about Early Fetal Scan:

When should I do this early pregnancy scan? 

Schedule Scan at 14-16 Weeks: Post 10 Week Scan and NIPT for a detailed anomaly check, as the baby’s advanced development at this stage allows for more comprehensive screening.

Early Scan at 12-13 Weeks for First-Time Checks: If no early anomaly scan was performed by 10 weeks, opt for this ultrasound scan combined with NIPT for effective Down’s syndrome screening.

Address Unclear NHS 12 week scan Findings with Echocardiography: For inconclusive first trimester results, like increased NT, our Early Baby Heart Scan provides an in-depth heart evaluation and a thorough early baby scan.

Can an early fetal scan detect all fetal anomalies? While no single test can diagnose all fetal anomalies, our early baby scan at London Pregnancy Clinic identifies many, particularly severe abnormalities that might lead to disability or require early intervention. However, certain anomalies, especially those affecting late brain or heart development, may not be detectable at 12-13 weeks. We recommend follow-up scans at 20-22 weeks and 28-29 weeks for comprehensive monitoring, alongside maintaining your NHS scan schedule, to ensure the best care for your pregnancy

  • Promotional graphic from London Pregnancy Clinic on pioneering the Early Fetal Scan and the story behind this groundbreaking scan

    London Pregnancy Clinic Scan Overview

    London Pregnancy Clinic Scan Overview

  • Infographic highlighting the dilemma of scan timing in the first and second trimester for early prenatal care

    Why we need 12 to 16 week private pregnancy scan?

    Why we need 12 to 16 week private pregnancy scan?

  • Educational graphic explaining the 12-16 week ultrasound scan process, screening for over 100 anomalies at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    What is Early Fetal Scan?

    What is Early Fetal Scan?

  • Informative diagram showcasing the reasons for early fetal scanning at 12 weeks and its importance in detecting fetal anomalies.

    Why do Early Fetal Scan?

    Why do Early Fetal Scan?

  • Timeline showing the optimal period for the EF Scan in the first trimester, aligning with developmental milestones

    Best time for EF Scan?

    Best time for EF Scan?

  • Closing graphic from London Pregnancy Clinic thanking readers and inviting dialogue about the importance of early fetal scans.

    Get in touch

    Get in touch


The Early Fetal Scan is a pivotal part of your pregnancy journey, offering invaluable insights for peace of mind and informed decision-making. At London Pregnancy Clinic, we’re committed to providing detailed, compassionate care during this vital phase of your pregnancy.

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Innovations in Pregnancy Care

An illustration for a blog post about a London Pregnancy Clinic event, depicting a serene winter scene with a doctor holding a snowflake wand beside a giant, glowing snow globe. Inside the globe, a peaceful foetus is curled up, akin to a budding flower on a tree branch, symbolising the clinic's nurturing approach to prenatal care.

Innovations in Pregnancy Care

An evening dedicated to LPC’s commitment towards “Innovative Pregnancy Care”



London Pregnancy Clinic’s recent “Innovative Pregnancy Care” event was a confluence of expertise and insight, shaping the future of prenatal care. Leading professionals gathered to discuss breakthroughs in early diagnostics and patient education, emphasising LPC’s forward-thinking approach.

A December evening at Spitalfields Market was transformed into a hub of medical expertise during the London Pregnancy Clinic’s event. The focus was on pioneering approaches in prenatal care, particularly the 10 Week Scan,  Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), and pre-eclampsia diagnosis.

Advancing the 10 Week Scan

The evening began with Ms. Shaz Khojasteh, LPC’s clinical lead, greeting each attendee with a warmth that matched her expertise. Her introduction was not just an opening speech but a heartfelt welcome to LPC’s family. She shared with the audience our signature 10 Week Scan, which isn’t just a routine check. It’s a comprehensive examination of the baby’s anatomy, providing vital developmental insights at a crucial early stage, thereby enriching the information gathered before conducting NIPT.

Demystifying NIPT – Dr Fred Ushakov’s Perspective

The spotlight then shifted to Dr. Fred Ushakov, whose speech was not only insightful but also visionary. He spoke passionately about his mission, in collaboration with the London School of Ultrasound and UCLH, to train the next generation of doctors and sonographers. His goal is to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage early pregnancy scans to their full potential, enhancing patient care and pregnancy outcomes. This mission, he explained, is vital in ensuring that every pregnancy is approached with the utmost care and precision.

Dr Ushakov then addressed a common misunderstanding about NIPT. He emphasised that while NIPT is effective, it’s not all-encompassing. Patients may misinterpret it as a guarantee against all prenatal issues, not realising that conditions more severe than Down’s syndrome can occur and cannot be detected by NIPT. He further highlighted the importance of the dual approach (watch the explainer video here) that he instilled at LPC. Dr. Ushakov’s call for broader education and comprehensive scanning techniques underscored the need for a more informed approach to prenatal care.

Advocacy for Pre-eclampsia Awareness

Next, we were captivated by Dr. Daniel Stott, whose talk about pre-eclampsia was as enlightening as it was heartfelt. It was clear from his words and the energy in his voice just how dedicated he is to this topic. Dr. Stott walked us through the workings of a groundbreaking blood test for pre-eclampsia. With an approachable manner, he explained how this test isn’t just for identifying pre-eclampsia; it’s a crucial tool in carefully guiding expectant mothers through the rest of their pregnancy. 


As the expert talks wrapped up, the event naturally transitioned into festive networking. It was a perfect opportunity for attendees to connect, exchange experiences, and build professional ties in a holiday atmosphere. The evening emerged as a crucible of innovative ideas and shared goals for advancing prenatal care. Leaving the market, we carried with us the night’s insights and a renewed hope for the future of prenatal health. The event proved to be not just a confluence of minds but a beacon of hope for prenatal care’s future.

A special thank you to our sponsors Eurofins.

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Follicle Tracking Scan Explained

Graphic of Follicle Tracking Scan. An illustration of an egg in the uterus with sperm coming towards it.

Follicle tracking scan explained

Shaz Khojasteh is an advanced Specialist Sonographer in Fetal Medicine, Gynaecology and Fertility in Central London. Gynae Scans and Follicle Tracking Scans in London.

Miss Shaz Khojasteh Explains Essential Insights for Expectant Mothers.



Embark on a journey of understanding with our focused insight into Follicle Tracking Scans. This blog post explores three frequently asked questions, shedding light on the significance, process, and benefits of Follicle Tracking Scans. Ideal for expectant mothers seeking early reassurance in their pregnancy, these insights aim to demystify the process and enhance your prenatal experience. Join us as we delve into the world of Follicle Tracking Scans, explained by Shaz.

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it also brings a plethora of questions and concerns, especially for first-time mothers. A key component of early pregnancy monitoring is the follicle tracking scan. In this blog, we explain follicle tracking scans, addressing three common questions to help expectant mothers gain clarity and confidence in their early prenatal journey.

The Basics of Follicle Tracking

Follicle tracking scans are a type of ultrasound scan used primarily in the early stages of pregnancy and fertility treatments. These scans monitor the development of ovarian follicles, which are small sacs containing eggs. Understanding follicle development is crucial for determining the best time for conception and ensuring the health of the pregnancy in its initial stages.

Importance of Follicle Tracking in Early Pregnancy

Follicle tracking is essential for those undergoing fertility treatments or trying to conceive naturally. It helps in pinpointing the ovulation period, ensuring that the timing for conception is optimal. For early pregnancy, it reassures the health and development of the embryo, offering peace of mind to expectant mothers.

Your Experience with Follicle Tracking Scans

During a follicle tracking scan, you can expect a non-invasive and painless experience. The procedure involves an ultrasound, where a small probe is used to visualise the ovaries and the developing follicles. The scan provides real-time images, allowing the healthcare professional to assess and monitor follicle growth and health. You will be asked to use our facilities and have an empty bladder for your transvaginal ultrasound scan. During your appointment, you will be provided with a skirt cover to change into. There will be a private and separate area for you to get changed. If you have specific requirements, please ask, and our team will do their best to accommodate.

Your  frequently asked questions about Follicle Tracking Scan:

What is a Follicle? A follicle is a small, fluid-filled sac located in the ovaries of the female. It plays a critical role in female fertility and the reproductive process. Each follicle contains an immature egg, or oocyte, which matures within the follicle.

Is the Follicle Tracking Scan painful? The procedure involves a qualified sonographer gently inserting a slender transvaginal ultrasound probe to obtain clear images of your ovaries. While some women might feel a slight sensation of pressure or mild discomfort, it is generally not painful.

Occasionally, mild cramping or a sense of discomfort may occur during the scan, often related to having a full bladder. This is because the bladder, when full, may exert pressure on the uterus. Rest assured, any discomfort is usually brief and tends to ease off promptly after the completion of the scan.

What affects the number of follicles? The number of ovarian follicles in women is influenced by genetics, age, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors. Genetics play a key role, as women are born with a finite number of follicles that diminish over time. Age further reduces this number, especially after the mid-30s. Medical conditions like PCOS can alter follicle count, often increasing it, which impacts ovulation and fertility. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as smoking and obesity, along with environmental toxin exposure, can negatively affect follicle numbers, potentially leading to decreased ovarian reserves and earlier menopause.

  • Graphic by London Pregnancy Clinic featuring the text 'Expert Fertility Assessment' and 'Follicle Tracking - All you need to know...' against a soft, abstract background representing fertility.

    London Pregnancy Clinic Follicle Tracking Overview

    London Pregnancy Clinic Follicle Tracking Overview

  • Informative illustration by London Pregnancy Clinic explaining follicle tracking scans with labeled diagram of the ovary showcasing different stages from the follicle phase to the luteal phase.

    What is Follicle Tracking?

    What is Follicle Tracking?

  • Detailed explanation by London Pregnancy Clinic of what sonographers look for during a follicle tracking ultrasound scan, including the number, size, and maturity of follicles.

    Follicle Tracking Details

    Follicle Tracking Details

  • Educational content by London Pregnancy Clinic indicating the optimal timing for follicle tracking scans during the menstrual cycle and for IVF treatments, with a circular diagram of the menstrual cycle phases.

    Best Time for Follicle Tracking

    Best Time for Follicle Tracking

  • Graphic by London Pregnancy Clinic outlining the reasons for follicle tracking, noting its non-invasive nature and its role in identifying the best times for fertility treatments and natural conception.

    Purpose of Follicle Tracking

    Purpose of Follicle Tracking

  • Next steps guide by London Pregnancy Clinic after a follicle tracking scan, advising patients on discussing results with their clinicians and offering additional consultation services for a fee.

    Next Steps After Follicle Tracking

    Next Steps After Follicle Tracking

  • Ms. Shahrzad Khojasteh, Clinical Lead and Specialist Sonographer at London Pregnancy Clinic, smiling in professional attire with text highlighting services in fertility screening, including follicle tracking, endometrial lining, and pregnancy scans.

    Specialist Sonographer

    Specialist Sonographer


Understanding the role and process of Follicle Tracking Scans is a vital part of your pregnancy journey. These scans offer invaluable insights into the early stages of pregnancy, aiding in conception and providing reassurance. If you have more questions or need personalised advice, we invite you to contact the London Pregnancy Clinic for more information.

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